Year 3 Drugs Education Lesson Plans
Lesson 1
Drugs Education objectiveTo understand the factors that contribute to a healthy life style and a sense of health and well-being.
Protective Behaviours objective
To know how we feel when we are happy and safe.
Lesson plan
Introduction - We are going to think about a happy, healthy person. Discuss with the person next to you what you think helps people to feel happy and healthy. Invite responses and discuss ideas.
We all have the right to feel safe all the time.
Main activity - Ask the class to work in pairs or small groups to draw and label a healthy person with the factors that contribute to good health and a sense of wellbeing.
Plenary - Ask some groups to share their ideas with the class. Summarise ideas.
Reflection - Ask the children to think of themselves in a place or doing an activity where they feel happy, healthy and safe (Good about themselves). Allow a few minutes for this activity. The children should not be asked to share their thoughts with pupils or teachers unless they wish to.
A3 paper with or without body shape.
Lesson 2
Drugs Education objectiveSchool rules about health and safety, basic emergency aid procedures and where to go for help.
Protective Behaviours objective
Recognising our 'Early Warning Signs' and making use of our network or 'Helping hand' at school. Themes 1 and 2.
Lesson plan
Introduction - Start with a recap of the last lesson reminding the children of their right to feel safe all the time. Ask the children to think of a place where they feel safe and happy. Allow a few minutes for this.
Main activity - Have ready on paper a large gingerbread man shape. Ask the children to think about how they feel when they do not feel safe. What are their 'Early warning Signs'? Record the children's ideas on the gingerbread man.
Ask the children if there are times when they feel any of the 'Early Warning Signs'? Collect ideas.
Who or what helps us to feel safe again in school?
Introduce Theme 2 - There is nothing to small or so awful that we can't talk about it with someone.
Finally pupils fill in the names of those they can ask for help in school on their Helping Hand.
Plenary - Pupils work in pairs to create a role play situation, one pretends to be someone on their Helping Hand and the other asks for help. How would they ask for help? What reply might they receive?
One large gingerbread man on paper.
A Helping Hand sheet for each child.
Lesson 3
Drugs Education objectiveSchool rules about health and safety, basic emergency aid procedures and where to go for help.
Protective Behaviours objective
Recognising our 'Early Warning Signs' and making use of our network or 'Helping hand' at school. Themes 1 and 2.
Lesson plan
Introduction - Look at the picture of the Early Warning Signs produced in lesson 2. Recap on the people who are part of our Helping Hand network in school.
Main activity - Ask the children to write down all the school safety rules. Outline the areas they can think about, eg, moving about the school, medical room, and playground. Groups share their ideas. Emphasise that the rule should be positive, eg. 'Do walk in school'.
Why do we need these rules? What would happen if we did not have safety rules? What are our rights? ( Theme 1 - We all have the right to feel safe all the time) What are our responsibilities? (We are responsible for our behaviour)
Plenary - Out of all the rules we have looked at which is the most important for you? Allow time for their opinions to be shared.
Early Warning Signs poster from lesson 2
Lesson 4
Drugs Education objectiveDifferent types of legal drugs, including prescribed and over the counter medicines.
Protective Behaviours objective
Theme 1 - We all have the right to feel safe all the time.
Our rights and responsibilities.
Lesson plan
Introduction - We are going to think about the word 'drugs' today. I don't want you to share your ideas now. You are going to draw a brain-map of what you know about drugs.
Main activity - Have ready a bag of different empty packets of legal drugs, including tea, coffee and alcohol. Ask the class what they think is in the bag. Record in graph form (possible ICT link) allow the class to examine the empty packets. Use hoops to sort the packets into different groups determined by the children, eg, From the chemist/from the doctor, for children/for adults.
Do the medicines have instructions and/or warnings? Why?
Who decides what goes into my body? Brainstorm with the whole class and record their ideas on a gingerbread man or in list form.
Plenary- What have you learnt from looking at the packaging? What advice would you give to anybody thinking about taking prescribed drugs?
Selection of empty legal drugs containers, including tea, coffee, alcohol and vitamin pills. (Check the schools Health and Safety Guidelines regarding glass containers in the classroom. Ensure tins do not have sharp edges)
Large paper
A4 paper
Definition of drugs- Any substance that affects the way a person thinks, feels or behaves.
Lesson 5
Drugs Education objectiveDifferent types of legal drugs, including prescribed and over the counter medicines. How to make informed choices.
Protective Behaviours objective
Theme 1 - We all have the right to feel safe all the time.
Theme 2 - There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone. Using our Early Warning Signs and Helping Hand.
Lesson plan
Introduction - Recap on what the children learnt from the last lesson about legal drugs and remedies, including cigarettes, tea, coffee and alcohol.
Main activity - Show the class some unmarked sweets in a plastic bag or juice in an unmarked bottle. How would they feel if they were offered or found bag/bottle? Look at the picture of the Early Warning Signs from Lesson 2. What could they do to feel safe again? Discuss with a partner. Remind the class of Theme 2 - There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone. Who could they ask for help? Look again at their individual Helping Hands. Who could they add to their Helping Hand?
Plenary - With a partner think about a situation where you have been, or could be offered something to eat or drink that you are not sure about. How would you feel? What would you think? How would you behave? Share your ideas. Would their behaviour help them to feel safe again?
Sweets or juice or coloured water.
Individual Helping Hands from Lesson 2
Lesson 6
Drugs Education objectiveIllegal drugs including their form, their effects and their associated risks.
Protective Behaviours objective
Theme 1 - We all have the right to feel safe all the time.
Theme 2 - There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone. Using our Early Warning Signs and Helping Hand.
Lesson plan Before the lesson look back at the children's work from Lesson 4.
Introduction - Define legal and illegal.
Main activity - Ask the class to think of any illegal drugs they have heard of. List them on large paper in the middle of three concentric circles. In the next circle draw/write what the children think drugs look like. In the outer circle draw/write the effect of illegal drugs on people.
In pairs or small groups discuss the effects of the illegal drugs listed.
How would you feel if you were offered illegal drugs? Share ideas. Refer to the Early Warning Signs picture from Lesson 2. What would you do to feel safe again?
Plenary - Remind the class of Theme 2 - There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone.
Ask the class to look at their Helping Hand. Who could they talk with if they needed help?
EWS picture from Lesson 2
Individual Helping Hands from Lesson 2
Large paper with 3 concentric circles
Lesson 7
Drugs Education objectiveDifferent types of medicines legal and illegal drugs including their form, their effects and their associated risks.
Protective Behaviours objective
Theme 1 - We all have the right to feel safe all the time.
Theme 2 - There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone. Using our Early Warning Signs and Helping Hand. Introducing feelings, thoughts and behaviour; One-step -removed.
Lesson plan
Introduction - Display Theme 2 - There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone.
Main activity - Ask pupils to look at their Helping Hand. Pose a problem related to drugs for the children to ask someone on their network. How will they react? Discuss with a friend. Survey reactions.
What can we do if we are not sure how people will react? Allow discussion time. Collect ideas.
Model using a puppet to voice a concern or problem.
Give small groups of children puppets, small dolls or soft toys to use as characters in a drama. Ask the children to use the toys to act out asking different people for help or advice. What will the characters reactions be? If the children don't get a helpful reaction they could speak to someone else on their Helping hand (Persistence) or use toys to tell the story (One-step-removed).
Plenary - Chose some plays to show to the class.
Reflection - Finish with the safe place exercise.
Individual Helping Hands
Any small toys for characters
Year 3 Lesson 8
Drugs Education objectiveThe dangers from handling discarded syringes and needles.
Protective Behaviours objective
Theme 1 - We all have the right to feel safe all the time.
Theme 2 - There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone. Rights and responsibilities.
Lesson plan
Introduction - When you are out playing what dangerous objects might you find? List with the class. We are going to think about how dangerous syringes and needles are.
Main activity - Ask the pupils to work in small groups or pairs. On a piece of paper with a discarded syringe and needle in the centre pupils will use the brain mapping technique to record what they know about the dangers. Share ideas.
Remind the children of Theme 1 - We all have the right to feel safe all the time.
What can we do to help us to stay safe from discarded syringes and needles?
With a partner write a list of rules for avoiding the dangers of discarded syringes and needles.
Plenary - Share rules with other groups.
Reflection - Safe place exercise.
Lesson 9
Drugs Education objectiveTo evaluate the improvement of knowledge and understanding of legal and illegal drugs.
Protective Behaviours objective
Theme 1 - We all have the right to feel safe all the time.
Theme 2 - There is nothing so awful that we can't talk about it with someone. Using our Early Warning Signs and Helping Hand.
Lesson plan
Introduction - Display posters and class work produced in the last 8 lessons.
Main activity - Ask pupils to repeat the brain mapping activity from Lesson 4.
Plenary - What have they learnt about legal and illegal drugs?
How will they feel, think and behave when faced with difficult choices?
Recap on Helping Hand, and Themes 1 and 2
Class activity work from previous lessons.