Year 2 Science Living Things and their Habitats – Block 2LvH – Gardens and Allotments

Session 1:Making a Playground Allotment
Science curriculum area(2LvH): / Content
Living Things and their Habitats (2LvH)
i. identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other
ii. identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including microhabitats
iii. describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food
Working Scientifically (KS1 WS) / Working Scientifically (KS1 WS)
i) asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways
ii) observing closely, using simple equipment
iii) performing simple tests
iv) identifying and classifying
v) using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
vi) gathering and recording data to help in answering questions
Teaching Objectives /
  • To design, plan and create a playground allotment.
  • To understand that allotments are habitats that may attract some mini-beasts.
  • To understand the growing conditions needed for plants to grow.

Key Vocabulary:growth, germination, planting, edible, mini-beasts, habitat
Bird scarers resource, Plant labels describing the best habitats for allotment planting, tyres or large tubs, compost, gloves for chn, trowels, sketch books, clipboards, strips of plastic (milk bottle) and permanent marker pen for making labels, young allotment/salad vegetables, flowering plants, sticks, string, old forks and spoons, old CDs, old musical instruments, pieces of smooth metal. / Weblinks
-Tips for designing a children's allotment.
Before the session:Collect large tubs or tyres ready for making the allotment. Also have compost available, gloves and trowels. Agree a designated area of the playground to establish a school tub allotment.
Whole class:Ask the chn to prepare for going outside, with gloves and trowels ready for moving compost. Take them into the area agreed to be the allotment. Show them the equipment and together fill the tubs or tyres with compost. Talk to them as you all do this - explain that the compost has special nutrients to help plants grow and that the new tubs are going to also become little homes/habitats for different plants. Ask the chn if they can think of plants that they can eat - edible plants - and wonder what it would be like to plant, tend and then eat your own class vegetables. Talk about how to attract useful mini-beasts (bees) by planting flowers amongst the edible plants. Show them some of the plants you have brought and explain what they are and what they will grow into. Give them sketchbooks and clipboards and ask them to think about where to put the plants and to draw the tubs/tyres with the plants in them. Bring these designs together and share ideas. Read the plant labels, which have descriptions of the sorts of habitats the plants need to grow in. Collectively, decide where to plant what and use the trowels to bed in the young allotment plants. Label the plants with the permanent marker and strips of plastic and/or laminate and use the resource plant labels.
Activities:Take the chn back into the classroom and explain that the new plants need to be protected. Ask them if they can guess what might eat the plants (birds, rabbits). Then ask if they have any ideas for keeping the plants safe.What will scare the birds away? (Bright shiny objects/noisy objects.) List all their ideas and then show them the images of DIY bird scaring sculptures in the resource. Show them the collection of objects suitable for making noisy or shiny bird scarers. Explain that they will work in teams. Give each group a stick and string and explain that they will tie these objects onto their stick. Encourage them to test theirscarer by tapping the dangly metal objects to imitate wind.
Plenary / Share the bird scaring sculptures with each other and trial them by blowing or gently shaking them. Ask the chn:What shall we do to make sure the plants grow and stay healthy? (Check that they are thriving in their habitats, the scarers are working and that the tubs are regularly watered.) Set up a watering rota to ensure this.
Outcomes / Children will
  • Create a tub allotment in the playground and plant edible plants
  • Make bird-scaring sculptures with found and recycled materials
  • Understand that allotments are habitats and that they will attract mini-beasts
  • Understand that growing conditions need to be right for plants to grow

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We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.