Year 2 Science and Children’s Stories Plants

Year Group:Year 2 / Class Name / Number: Year 2 / Class size:28 / Pupil Age:
5 / Date:
Subject / Theme of Lesson:
Science /
Science: Children’s Stories / NC References:
KS1 SC2 3a, 3b, 3c
KS1 SC1 2d
Links with previous session:
Start of topic on Green Plants. / Link to next session:
LO: Children will be able to draw a diagram to demonstrate changes in the plant.
LO: Children will be able to describe the differences in plants that have been grown in the light or not and watered or not.
Children will carry out observations on the cress seeds,
HA: Diagram of plant and paragraph explaining change
MA: Diagram of plant and sentence ‘What has changed’
LA: Diagram of plant with labels to show what has changed.
Prior achievement:have an awareness of plant growth and associated vocabulary.
Links to PSHE, Citizenship or Global Citizenship:
PSHE/Cit KS1 5a
Working as a group to share responsibility of the investigation. / Links to ECM:
Enjoy and Achieve: The responsibility of setting up an experiment and being responsible for monitoring the changes over time.
Harvey the Gardener by Lars Klinting
4 Shoe boxes
40 cress seeds
Instruction card (1 per group, with instructions of setting up experiment)
Prediction worksheet x28
Sticky labelx4 / Vocabulary:
ICT Opportunities:
Take photos of the seeds development to show change over a period of time. / Possible homework:
Collect a different type of seed for next science lesson.
Target QTS Standards: / Focus for personal reflection:
Learning Objective(s):
To make predictions about what plants need to grow.
To recognize when an experiment is fair.
To follow instructions in an experiment.
To know seeds grow into plants. / Success criteria:
I can follow instructions.
I can make predictions.
I can recognize when an experiment is fair.
I know that seeds grow into plants.
How the learning will be assessed:
Oral Assessment between Teacher/TA and pupils
Timing / Overview of whole class work ( eg Mental/oral, lesson Introduction)
Key Questions you will use to promote learning.
Do you think plants need water? Light? Describe to me what you think the cress would look like with no water/light? Is there anything else you think that could affect the growth of the cress? How do you think this would effect it?
Learning Objectives for group/individual work (if different): / Success criteria:
How the learning will be assessed:
Oral questioning during activity from Teacher and TA.
20-25min / Group activities (including differentiation):
Read ‘Harvey the Gardener’ (Lars Klinting)
Explain investigation to class: To investigate whether Green Plants need Water and Sunlight to grow.
Discuss in talk partners what they predict, feed back to class. Teacher records.
Class will split into 4 mixed ability groups.
Each group will be given an instruction card, telling them how to set up their section of the experiment.
1)Water but no light
2)Water and ½ light (hole in lid of box)
3)Light but no water
4)Light and Water
Timing / Plenary activities:Complete worksheet where pupils are required to draw what they predict after 1day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, a week later.
How and what did we learn? Review main learning objectives