Year 2 - Long term plan 2016-2017

Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Story / Laika: Astronaut Dog
Russia / Dasher: The Reindeer Who Got Lost
All over the world / Edith Cavell
England / The Bird in the Forest
Asia / Emily’s Bees
England / The Great Fire
English / Writing stories / Non-fiction writing / Instructions
Poems / Stories with familiar settings/ traditional stories. / Writing reports
Explanation texts. / Silly stuff
Maths / Following National curriculum / Following National curriculum / Following National curriculum / Following National curriculum / Following National curriculum / Following National curriculum
Science / Uses of everyday materials
Earth and Space / Animals, including humans / Plants / Living things and their habitats
each other
Geography / name and locate the world’s 7 continents and 5 oceans / understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country
British forests vs rainforests / Coastal town – Cromer/
Happisburgh/Southwold / use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features; devise a simple map; and use and construct basic symbols in a key
Norwich city focusing on castle
History / events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally [
The First man on the Moon
What was it like to live in 1969? Fashion, music, media, TV. / the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.
compare aspects of life in different periods
eg. Mary Seacole and/or Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell] / significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.
DT / Moon pictures, collage Shadows. / Traditional Christmas decorations from around the world / Create a first aid box
Clay models of statues
Victorian Toys, Sillhouettes, / Trees, leaf rubbing, birds
observational drawing, forest scenes / Making a 3D beehive and decorating it with hexagon collage. / 3d castles, dragons, shields, knight helmet and sword
dragon puppets
Computing / We are astronauts / We are zoologists / We are researchers / We are detectives / We are games testers / We are photographers
PE / Dance / Dance / Swim / Swim / Gym / Gym
PSHCE / New beginnings / Good to be me / Getting on and falling out / Relationships / Going for goals / Changes
RE / How do Christians, Jews and Muslins say thank you to God for the natural world? / Why is light important in religions? / Comparing Christianity and Islam. / When do we cooperate? / Do our actions speak louder than our words? / What have I learnt about different religions?
Music / African drumming / African drumming / African drumming / African drumming / African drumming / African drumming
Life Skills / Science workshop. / Strangers Hall
christingle oranges / Cathedral trip and Edith Cavell workshop. / Plantation gardens to study plants. / Wroxham barns and bee keeping farm. / Trip to Castle
Wherry boat trip.