Year 2 Information - Autumn Term 2015

Organisation and routines

8.35 doors are opened and children are welcomed into class by either their class teacher or a teaching assistant. The adult on the door will be happy to discuss any issues regarding your child or to pass on any messages to their class teacher.

8.45 A bell will ring and the doors will be closed. Learning or assembly will start immediately. Should you arrive after this you will need to enter the school via the main entrance.

3.05 End of school day. Children will be shown out of their classroom door by either the teacher or teaching assistant. Children will be allowed to walk to the person collecting them once we have seen that you are ready to greet them. Children are only allowed to be picked up by the agreed person/s on their list. If there are any one-off events where your child has to be collected by a person not on the list, please send a note to your child’s class teacher or phone the school office.

Snack Time / Lunch / Milk

The provision of free hot school meals and snacks continues as in Year 1. If you would like your child to have milk as a drink during snack time, please see the office for information.


It is vitally important that all uniform is named, including P.E kit. Please could you also ensure that long hair is tied back at all times. This is important for health and safety during P.E lessons and to discourage the spread of tiny visitors.

Promoting Positive Behaviour and Good learning

Praise and rewards are an important part of the children’s learning. Children will be rewarded for good behaviour and learning in a variety of ways.

Good learning is rewarded with our ‘learning tree’system. Children will climb the learning tree collectingstickers and earning certificates.

Each week two children from each class will be chosen as the ‘Class Star’ or the ‘Class Learner’ of the week. They will receive a certificate in Celebrations Assembly and the Class Star has the added honour of taking home the Class Mascot for the weekend.

Each class also has a whole class reward system, collecting marbles whenever the whole class has worked exceptionally hard, performed well or shown excellent learning behaviour in class. When they have earned all of the class marbles, they will choose a whole class reward.

We are continuing with our House Point system across the school. This is where the children can earn house points for following our Golden Rules. The points are collated at the end of the week and a running total is announced in Celebration Assembly each week.

In addition to this we also have Golden Time to encourage positive behaviour. The children sign up for a Golden Time activity on a Monday morning. Art, bring in your own toy, scooting, construction, sewing, film club, and outdoor sport are just some of the range of exciting activities that the children can choose from. Golden Time takes place on a Friday afternoon and is certainly a highlight of the week!

Sanctions will take the form of informal, then formal reminders, missed golden time and potentially the involvement of the Head Teacher, Deputy Head or Key Stage leader. We will of course keep you informed of your child’s behaviour at school and we strive to discuss positive behaviours with you as well as any behaviour concerns.

Reading Books

In Year 2 children are expected to independently change their books. Your child will read with their teacher each week. It is also important that you spend some time with your child sharing their reading book at home. Helpful tips on this can be found at the front of their current reading diary. This diary also doubles up as a home communication link book. If you have written a message that you would like your child’s teacher to see, please make sure your child hands it to the teacher at the beginning of the day.

Home Learning

In Year 2, children will be given either an English or Maths activity to complete at home. This will be a reinforcement of learning that has taken place in school that week. It will be set on a Friday for return by the following Wednesday.

Phonics home learning will also be sent home on a Friday and will also reinforce the learning that has taken place in school that week.

We will also be beginning times tables tests in the Spring Term. Your child will be told which times table they are to learn and will be tested in the following week.


Autumn Term – Once Upon a Time

Spring Term –Explorers

Summer Term –Home Sweet Home



Space Dome

Habitats visit

Important dates

Official School Opening Ceremony 23rd September

Parents Evening Monday9th November 3.30-6 pm and Wednesday 11th 5-8pm

Christmas performance/celebrationTBC

Year 2 team

Mrs Bolar and Mr Sampson