St Mary’s School
Room 4
Year 2-3 Booklist
Therese Couper
Dear Parents,
Below are your child’s stationery requirements for 2017. We are using Aramoho Bookshop for stationery provision in 2017. For your convenience Stationery packs will be available to pick up anytime, or they can be delivered to school the day school starts (Thursday 2 February). Aramoho Bookshop will set up payment terms with you if you want to pay your stationery packs off during the holiday period.
2 x 1A5 Book =$2.00
2 x activity books Kiwi = $5.60
2 Pencils = $1.60
2 x blue pens = $1.20
3 large glue sticks = $7.20 1 packet of jovis = $4.20
5 x 1B5 lined books = $3.75
1 x kiwi how to write books =$2.80
Homework reading log =$5.75
1 x Maths book (Large squares with margins) = $1.20
1 x box of tissues =$1.30
Total = $36.60
1 x large book bag (purchase from Aramoho Mags and Lotto) $4.20
Please don’t name pens, pencils etc, as these go into a shared pool for all children.