Year 11 History Revision Advice
Paper 1: 1 hour 30 minutes / Paper 2: 1 hour 30 minutesTopics:
5: Development of dictatorship: Germany, 1918-45
9: A divided union: Civil rights in the USA, 1945-74 / Topics:
A2: The origins and course of the First World War, 1905-18
B2: Changes in Medicine c1845-c1945
There are a number of question types on each exam paper. Regardless of the topic OR the questions, the key information / knowledge the examiners are looking for is the same. Knowing and learning this will help you answer more effectively.
Paper 1You will answer these types of questions twice – once for Germany once for Civil Rights, giving you 50 marks in total: / Paper 2
There are two parts to this paper, Part A (WW1) and Part B (Medicine). This time the two sets of questions are different, but give 50 marks in total:
This section is worth 50 marks with each question marked out of 25.
Sub-questions will be as follows.
- Chronological sequencing
- Explanation of consequence
- Explanation of causation
- Using source and own knowledge to give an explanation
Each question is worth 25 marks and will focus on the understanding and treatment of source and stimulus material. Sub-questions will be as follows:
- Source inference
- Source cross-referencing
- Using sources and own knowledge to evaluate a representation
Each question is worth 25 marks and will focus on change over time. Sub-questions will be as follows:
- Source comprehension
- Explanation of key features
- Change over time
On the next page you will find the PLC mark schemes for all these question types. Revise these and become familiar with them. This will help you interpret questions more effectively and quickly in the exams.
Paper 1: Both Germany and Civil Rights
Question (a)3 marks / 1 mark / 2 marks / 3 marks
I have put 2 events in the correct order. / I have put 3 events in the correct order / I have put 4/5 events in the correct order
Question (b)
4 marks / 1-2 marks / 3-4 marks
I have made an attempt at showing the effect of an event. My paragraph does not show clear evidence using the 5W’s and/or my explanation on the outcome is not in enough detail. / I have made a clear PEE paragraph about the effect of an event. The evidence will show the 5W’s clearly and the explanation will show the outcome of the event.
Question (c)
8 marks / 1-2 marks / 3-5 marks / 6-7 marks / 8 marks
I have made simple POINTS in my answer about the causes of an event. / I have made a clear PEE paragraph about the causes. The evidence will show the 5W’s clearly and the explanation of the outcomes. / I have made 2 clear PEE paragraph about the causes. The evidence will show the 5W’s clearly and the explanation of the outcomes. / I have linked both my PEE paragraphs together in my conclusion.
Question (d)
10 marks / 1-2 marks / 3-5 marks / 6-7 marks / 8-10 marks
I have made simple POINTS in my answer about the causes of an event using the source or my own knowledge. / I have made a clear PEE paragraph about the causes. The evidence will show the 5W’s clearly and used the source. / I have made 2 clear PEE paragraph about the causes. The evidence will show the 5W’s clearly and used the source. / In my conclusion I have stated how more than one factor combined caused something to happen.
Paper 2: WW1
Question (a)3 marks / 1 mark / 2 marks / 3 marks
Copy the source / I can make 1 unsupported inference (P) / I can make 1 supported inference (PE)
Question (b)
7 marks / 1-2 marks / 3-4 marks / 5-6 marks / 7 marks
I can make POINTS showing how the sources support or challenge each other / I can make a PE paragraph showing how the sources support OR challenge each other / I can make two PE paragraphs showing how the sources support AND challenge each other / In my conclusion I make a judgement of Extent of Support/Challenge
Question (c)
15 marks / 1-4 marks / 5-8 marks / 9-12 marks / 13-15 marks
I can make POINTS for or against the question using the source and/or own knowledge. / I can make PEE paragraphs showing FOR or AGAINST the question using the Sources and/or own knowledge. / I can make PEE paragraphs showing FOR and AGAINST the question using 3 of the Sources and own knowledge. / I can make PEE paragraphs showing FOR and AGAINST the question using 3 of the Sources and own knowledge and I make a reasoned judgement in my conclusion.
Paper 2: Medicine
Question (a)3 marks / 1 mark / 2 marks / 3 marks
I give 1 example / I give 2 examples / I give 3 examples
Question (b)
7 marks / 1-2 marks / 3-4 marks / 5-6 marks / 7 marks
I have made simple POINTS in my answer about the key features. / I have made a clear PEE paragraph about the key features. The evidence will show the 5W’s clearly and the explanation of the key features. / I have made 2 clear PEE paragraph about the key features. The evidence will show the 5W’s clearly and the explanation of the key features. / I have linked both my PEE paragraphs together in my conclusion.
Question (c)
15 marks / 1-4 marks / 5-8 marks / 9-12 marks / 13-15 marks
I have made a clear PEE paragraph about change. The evidence will show the 5W’s clearly and the explanation of why things have changed. / I have made 2 clear PEE paragraph about change. The evidence will show the 5W’s clearly and the explanation of why things have changed. / I have made 2 or more PEEL paragraph about change. The evidence will show the 5W’s clearly and the explanation of why things have changed and linking these paragraphs together. / My conclusion has a reasoned judgement about the change in the investigation
Grade boundaries
Paper 1
Below is a table to show you how many marks you need to get for each question type in order to achieve your target or extended target grade:
TargetGrade / % / Total
Marks / Question A
(3 marks) / Question B
(4 marks) / Question C
(8 marks) / Question D
(10 marks)
A* / 90+ / 23 / 3 marks / 4 marks / 8 marks / 9 marks
A / 80-89 / 20 / 3 marks / 4 marks / 7 marks / 8 marks
B / 70-79 / 18 / 3 marks / 3 marks / 6 marks / 7 marks
C / 60-69 / 15 / 2 marks / 3 marks / 5 marks / 6 marks
D / 50-59 / 13 / 2 marks / 2 marks / 4 marks / 5 marks
E / 40-49 / 10 / 2 marks / 2 marks / 4 marks / 4 marks
F / 30-39 / 8 / 1 mark / 2 marks / 3 marks / 3 marks
G / 20-29 / 5 / 1 mark / 1 mark / 2 marks / 2 marks
U / 19 or less / 4 or less / 0 marks / 0 marks / 1 mark / 1 mark
Therefore, if you are aiming for a Grade C, you should aim to achieve:
a)2/3 marks, b) 3/4 marks, c) 5/8 marks d) 6/10 marks OR total of 15 marks across all 4
Paper 2
Below is a table to show you how many marks you need to get for each question type in order to achieve your target or extended target grade:
TargetGrade / % / Total
Marks / Question A
(3 marks) / Question B
(7 marks) / Question C
(15 marks)
A* / 90+ / 23 / 3 marks / 7 / 14
A / 80-89 / 20 / 3 marks / 6 / 12
B / 70-79 / 18 / 3 marks / 5 / 11
C / 60-69 / 15 / 2 marks / 5 / 9
D / 50-59 / 13 / 2 marks / 4 / 8
E / 40-49 / 10 / 2 marks / 3 / 6
F / 30-39 / 8 / 1 mark / 3 / 5
G / 20-29 / 5 / 1 mark / 2 / 3
U / 19 or less / 4 or less / 0 marks / 1 / 2
Therefore, if you are aiming for a Grade C, you should aim to achieve:
a) 2 marks, b) 5 marks, c) 9 marks OR total of 16 marks across all 3