Monday 27th February 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 1 Trip to Skegness Aquarium

We are very excited to announce our Year 1 trip to Skegness Aquariumon Wednesday 22nd March.

Please send your child with a packed lunch and a drink (no fizzy drinks) – If you have already ordered a hot meal from Willoughby Foods for this day then this meal will be automatically subsidised for a packed lunch.

Our bus will be leaving school at 9am so please ensure your child is at school promptly that morning. We will be back at around 2.30pm before the end of the normal school day. You can collect your child from the classroom as normal.

If your child requires travel sickness medication for the return journey please hand the tablets to a member of staff, clearly labelled with your child’s name along with the full packaging and information leaflet. You should also include your written authority and instructions for their use.

The cost of the trip will be £10.40.

As an optional extra your child may bring £2 spending money to be spent at the end of the day in the gift shop. Please ensure that this is kept in a sealed envelope or purse/wallet and sent in with your child on the day of the trip.

Under the requirements of the Education Reform Act 1988 we can only raise the cost of the trip by voluntary contribution. There is no obligation to contribute and children will not be treated differently according to whether or not any contribution is made. However, the trip can only go ahead if the level of support is sufficient. In the past the school has had to partially fund the cost of trips when parental contributions have not been sufficient to cover the total cost of the trip. Given the financial constraints we face, I must advise you that if parental contributions do not cover the cost of the trip it will not go ahead. We will allow two weeks from the date of this letter for contributions to be made and the situation will be reviewed at that point. I would therefore ask that your contribution is given to the school office by no later than 15thMarch 2017.

Please complete and return the slip overleaf and return to the school office along with your contribution in a sealed envelope. Cheques should be made payable to St Thomas CE Primary School.

The school reserves the right to prevent a child taking part in an educational visit due to inappropriate behaviour as outlined in our Behaviour Policy. Please note that parents will not necessarily receive a refund if the costs can’t be recovered by the school.

If you have any problems, please see your child’s teacher in confidence.

Yours faithfully,

Miss J Sharples

Head of School

Year 1 Trip to Skegness Aquarium

I give permission for my child…………………………………………………………….in class…………to go on the school trip to Skegness Aquarium on Wednesday 22nd March.

I enclose a voluntary contribution of £10.40.

Signed …………………………………………………………….Parent/Carer