Year 1 Curriculum map- Foundation subjects

History / Geography / Art / Design Technology / PE / Music / Computing / PSHE
Aut 1 / Why is the wii more fun that Grandma and Grandad’s toys?
Old and new toys / N/A / Local artist study L.S.Lowry / Design and make a movable toy
Design and make a giant toy from the past / Multi skills- throwing and catching
-catch beanbag
-target throwing
-throw underarm
-experimenting with catching different size equipment / E safety – sharing information / Welcoming others
How to be good friends
Aut 2 / N/A / Why can’t Percy the Penguin live in the Desert?
7 Continents of the world
Hot and cold places in the world / Hot and cold pictures in the style of Vincent van Gogh. / Design a habitat for a meerkat / Multi skills- throwing and catching
-catch beanbag
-target throwing
-throw underarm
-experimenting with catching different size equipment / E safety – sharing information / Anti-bullying
Spr 1 / N/A / Countries of the UK
Using atlases to locate cities in the UK / Land art and creating art using natural materials / Design and build a rain catcher / Multi skills- throwing and catching
-catch beanbag
-target throwing
-throw underarm
-experimenting with catching different size equipment / Creating sounds for different types of weather / E safety – sharing information / Respect for other peoples beliefs
Spri 2 / N/A / N/A / N/A / Design a silly School made of silly materials
Design a paper bridge to be strong / Multi skills- throwing and catching
-catch beanbag
-target throwing
-throw underarm
-experimenting with catching different size equipment / Using music to create a mime act / E safety – sharing information / Resisting temptation
Helping others - team work
Sum 1 / When and where did the wheels on the bus go?
Transport now and then
Places of interest in local area / When and where did the wheels on the bus go?
Locate places in the world using Google earth
Countries of the UK and main cities
Our local area / N/A / Design and make a movable vehicle / Multi skills- throwing and catching
-catch beanbag
-target throwing
-throw underarm
-experimenting with catching different size equipment / E safety – sharing information / Turning over a new leaf
Trust in others
Charity work
Sum 2 / Who was famous when mum and dad where young?
Research famous princess Diana / Sketch plants and trees looking at a still life artist
Portrait art – look at princess Diana portraits / Design and make bird tables and bird feeders / Multi skills- throwing and catching
-catch beanbag
-target throwing
-throw underarm
-experimenting with catching different size equipment / E safety – sharing information / Charity work
Caring for animals