Year 1 / 2 Term 5/6 Topic Overview “Whatever the Weather” Summer 2017 Miss Pike

/ English
We are going to be focussing on personal experiences. The children will be writing in past and present tense and ensuring that they know the difference. We will be having a heavy focus on conjunction and other words we use to join sentences. We will also be keeping a diary of things that grow and their life cycle. / Mathematics
We will be revisiting addition and subtraction and also how to work out those tricky missing number sums. We will also be looking at patterns and positional language and looking at measurement.
Year 2’s will be taking their SATS so most of their maths lessons will be preparing them for their tests. /
/ Science
We will be learning all about life cycles of living things. We now have tadpoles in the classroom. We will be examining them and watching them grow. We will also be getting our green fingers out and planting some beans and sunflowers and studying how they grow and at what rate. We will also be studyng the weather. How clouds are formed and a little insight into the water cycle. / Geography
We will be exploring growth and decay around the world. We will also be looking at different landmarks around the world. For the example, the highest mountain in the world (Mount. Everest) and the longest river in the world. (River Nile). /
/ R.E.
We will be discussing these questions. Why are some people leaders?
What special things help people to worship?What can I do for others? / PSHE
We will be considering healthy living, with a day fully dedicated to healthy living and exploring different way of staying healthy. We will also be looking at positive attitudes to life and work. /
/ P.E.
Our PE slots are back to Wednesday and Thursday for this half term only! This term we are exploring the art of ‘DANCE’. We will be thinking about rhythm and composition and will be coming up with our own routines. / Art and Design
We will be making a wide variety of things; frogs out of yoghurt pots and rain instuments out of cardboard tubes and rainbow collages out of scraps of paper. /
/ Music
We will be continuing to look at different areas of music including composition and effect, harmonies and following simple musical patterns. We will be exploring descriptive sounds by learning hand percussion, sequences of music and adding music to narration and mime.We will be looking at songs from the time of 1666 and composing one for our assembly. / Computing
This term we will continue to look at the importance of e-safety in school and at home. This will include e-safety not just on computers but other devices. We will also be learning how to use design programmes such as purple mash and using decoding software. /
/ French
We will be continuing to learn French with Mrs Smith. This will include vocabulary, customs and conversational French. We will learn French games and songs. / Additional Information :
  • PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday
  • Forest school will continue to commence on Friday afternoon.
Please could you ensure that your child is equipped with all of their kits for PE and Forest School. /