YC Team Leader Reference Form

Have a Peer Fill This Out

Return via online:

______is applying to be a leader of ______YCEW during the summer of 2011. We appreciate your cooperation in answering the following questions about this applicant. Keep in mind that for the success of the entire team we need answers to be upfront and honest. Information provided will be kept confidential.

(Applicant does not write below this line)

How long have you known the applicant?

What is your relationship to the applicant?

Please give brief comments on the following items regarding the applicant:

a) Relationship with youth (Sunday school, youth group, camp counselor, etc.)

b) Relationship with peers

c) Relationship within a group (How does he/she fit into a group setting? Is there a tendency to unify the group or does he/she only acknowledge their own agenda, etc?)

d) Ability to work as a team member

e) Christian experience and witness

f) Health

g) Leadership skills which you have noticed

h) Response to leadership

i) Willingness to serve others

j) Ability to handle conflict, confrontation

k) Sense of personal responsibility and accountability

l) Emotional stability

m) Maturity


How do you rate the applicant’s potential for Christian maturity in this leadership role?

Please Check One: ____Exceptional ____Average ____Do not recommend

What are the applicant’s strongest attributes?

What are the applicant’s weakest characteristics?

Additional Comments:

Name ______Date______

Phone: Home______Work______

Thank you for your time!

Please return by December 1, 2010 via online

YC Team Leader Reference Form

Have a Teenage Friend Fill This Out

Return This via Online

______is applying to be a leader of ______YCEW during the summer of 2011. We appreciate your cooperation in answering the following questions about this applicant. Keep in mind that for the success of the entire team we need answers to be upfront and honest. Information provided will be kept confidential.

(Applicant does not write below this line)

How long have you known the applicant?

What is your relationship to the applicant?

Please give brief comments on the following items regarding the applicant:

a) Relationship with youth (Sunday school, youth group, camp counselor, etc.)

b) Relationship with peers

c) Relationship within a group (How does he/she fit into a group setting? Is there a tendency to unify the group or does he/she only acknowledge their own agenda, etc?)

d) Ability to work as a team member

e) Christian experience and witness

f) Health

g) Leadership skills which you have noticed

h) Response to leadership

i) Willingness to serve others

j) Ability to handle conflict, confrontation

k) Sense of personal responsibility and accountability

l) Emotional stability

m) Maturity


How do you rate the applicant’s potential for Christian maturity in this leadership role?

Please Check One: ____Exceptional ____Average ____Do not recommend

What are the applicant’s strongest attributes?

What are the applicant’s weakest characteristics?

Additional Comments:

Name ______Date______

Phone: Home______Work______

Thank you for your time!

Please mail by December 1, 2010 via online

YC Team Leader Reference Form

Have a Mentor or Pastor Fill This Out

Return This via Online

______is applying to be a leader of ______YCEW during the summer of 2011. We appreciate your cooperation in answering the following questions about this applicant. Keep in mind that for the success of the entire team we need answers to be upfront and honest. Information provided will be kept confidential.

(Applicant does not write below this line)

How long have you known the applicant?

What is your relationship to the applicant?

Please give brief comments on the following items regarding the applicant:

a) Relationship with youth (Sunday school, youth group, camp counselor, etc.)

b) Relationship with peers

c) Relationship within a group (How does he/she fit into a group setting? Is there a tendency to unify the group or does he/she only acknowledge their own agenda, etc?)

d) Ability to work as a team member

e) Christian experience and witness

f) Health

g) Leadership skills which you have noticed

h) Response to leadership

i) Willingness to serve others

j) Ability to handle conflict, confrontation

k) Sense of personal responsibility and accountability

l) Emotional stability

m) Maturity


How do you rate the applicant’s potential for Christian maturity in this leadership role?

Please Check One: ____Exceptional ____Average ____Do not recommend

What are the applicant’s strongest attributes?

What are the applicant’s weakest characteristics?

Additional Comments:

Name ______Date______

Phone: Home______Work______

Thank you for your time!

Please mail by December 1, 2010 via online