Re: Run a Good Race

Yay, it’s over! Wasn’t the weather yesterday nice too?

So a friend replied to my previousupdate suggesting option 4: hopping on to someone’s back as they pass. I imagine hopping on from one to the next person, but then I think I’ll be disqualified!:D

Yesterday morning at the start line, haven’t been running for the past 10 days I didn’t know how far my legs have recovered or how they would feel when I run. Already set up my running app to remind me every 500m so I can switch between running and walking. Didn’t take any Nurofen as I want to know when it really hurts.

After the first 500m, I feel I could definitely run more, so I did, and it carried on to the end of the race – I ran all the way! Not without struggle obviously. At 3km, I started feeling the blister developing on my left foot. At 12km, it was definitely affecting my pace. At 16km, struggled to keep going. At 20km, an upslope really slowed me down, but once I get to the last few hundreds meters I just sprint the remaining strength away!

While I said I try to listen to my body and not overdo it, may be I did overstretch it again this time. Anyway, I’m limping my way to recovery now. But there you go, this is not a scam, the race is done!

Remember my colleague Paul C who wished me luck 2.5 years ago when I had to go from couch to 15K in 7 weeks? When he found out I signed up for half marathon 10 weeks ago, he responded: “.. I like u Melly, but you are very, very stupid. Good luck, ..again!21km is a long way.” And he’s right, on both counts. I can’t believe I have run the distance of, if you’re in:

Medan: from Asia Mega Mas to KNO airport

Jakarta: CGKairport to Monas

Singapore: North Point to VivoCity

Melbourne: CDB to Clayton

But yesterday’s run was good. I saw through the journey how some are focused from start to end, running as to get the prize. Some set themselves up against their own best records. Some took a break along the way, some limped on. Others carry the burden of others and wait for their family and friends. But we all finish the race in the end. How nice, like one big family. :D

Anyway, running gives me a good night sleep by making me tired. But real unwinding happens to me by writing (helps declutter thoughts), reading (which I have not done for a long time), and having good conversations. So glad this is done now and I can spend more time relaxing my way.

Lastly, THANK YOU very much for all the support, company, donation, encouragement, tips, reminders, warnings, etc. It’s been a meaningful journey. And thanks for bearing with me, I know I write too much haha.

The fundraising page is still open for a while, if you’d like to support the cause, please do so here:

Progress Report (previous weeks greyed out):



P.S. For those waiting for me to do a full Marathon, you wait long long. It’s notgonna happen. :P