January 25, 2016

The meeting convened at 4:08p.m. at East Valley Fire Station 40. Those present were Commissioner Chairman Riel, Commissioner Vice-Chairman Dan McNulty, Fire Chief Michael Riel, and Temp. Secretary Angel Stevens. Chairman Riel called the meeting to order and conducted the Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Vice-Chairman McNulty noted a change to the amount of the claims request from $18,869.82(FIRE) & $16,099.76(EMS) Totaling $34,969.58.Temp. District Secretary Angel Stevens had a change on the claims request do to the fact we are still finding last minute Invoices that need to be paid so they are not late. This Change on the claims request is $21,959.10(FIRE) and $17,655.42(EMS) Totaling $39,614.52.Temp District Secretary Angel updated and handed a new copy to the board. Agenda was approved and the meeting continued.

LIMITED OPEN PUBLIC INPUT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA – Public comment for items that are on the agenda are allowed as the item comes up for discussion during the meeting. Please stand and be recognized by the Chair and limit your comments to three minutes.

Commissioner Riel noted that no one had signed up to speak.


A.  January 11, 2016 Regular Meeting – approve or deny

Chairman Commissioner Riel stated that there was a change on the January 11, 2016 minutes. On Page 3 under the commissioners report Chairman Riel states to take out everything and re write accordingly: “Commissioner Chairman Riel met with Commissioner Ken Eakin and Commissioner Phil Nelson. Commissioner Ken and Commissioner Phil agreed to be on the panel for the interviewing process for a new commissioner. Chairman Riel also had a separate meeting with the both of them at different times to appoint a Secretary Treasurer for both YFCA and The Education Committee.” Chairman Riel also notated that the Executive Session Line two after RCW 42.30.110(G) it needs to state the following: “for ten minutes to review the performance of a public employee review. The Board will re-convene the meeting at 4:37pm. Commissioner Riel announced the time 4:42pm”.

Chairman Riel’s final change to the January 11, 2016 minutes are, in the section Signing of District Documents in line one second sentence second word should be “Board” NOT “Broad”. Temp District Secretary notated the changes and will fix these errors. Commissioner Vice-Chairman McNulty made a motion to approve the January 11, 2016 Regular minutes based upon the changes Chairman Riel stated to have changed. Commissioner Chairman Riel seconds the motion. The Board was in favor of the motion and the minutes of the aforementioned meeting were approved.


A.  Claims Request: Fire Fund - $21,959.10 – approve or deny

B.  Claims Request: EMS Fund - $17,655.42 – approve or deny

Commissioner McNulty made a motion to approve the Claims Request for Fire and EMS Totaling in the amount of: $39,614.52.Commissioner Riel seconded the motion. The Board was all in favor of the motion, thus approving the aforementioned claims request.


Temp District Secretary Angel Stevens stated that she made the changes requested by Chairman Riel for the December 23, 2015 Regular minutes as noted in the January 11, 2016 Regular meeting. There being no other reports from the Temp District Secretary the meeting continued.


The East Valley Fire District Received a Thank You Card from Barb Gendron. Temp District Secretary Angel Stevens read what Mrs. Gendron wrote:

East Valley Fire,

Thank-you for your help, and support over the past few months. Joe’s services were exactly what he wanted. Commissioner Gendron was so proud of each and every one of you!

Barb Gendron

The Board acknowledges the Thank-you, and with no other correspondence the meeting continued.


A.  Fire Commissioner Vacancy process update –

Commissioner Chairman Riel States that we have two candidates that have picked up an application but neither of them have turned it in. Chairman Riel explained that all the applications are due by February 1, 2016. If the board has not received at least three candidates we will have to re run the Ad and keep it up on the reader board. At the regular meeting on February 8, 2016 they will review the applications, and if there are not at least three candidates than the board will discuss further proceedings. Otherwise Chairman Riel said that we will proceed with the original plan. Chairman Riel Requested that we keep him posted on who has come in to apply.

B.  E41 Thermal Protection System and warning alarm retrofit cost quote. $ 1,366.27 Chief will move forward with modification as preventive maintenance covered in: LINE ITEM 414801G – Vehicle Maintenance.

Chief Riel was just updating them on the process of this business; there is no action to be taken. Chairman Riel asked if there is any other unfinished business, with no further business the meeting continued.


A.  Resolution 2016-02 In the Matter of Amending and Adding Additional Funds to 2016 EMS Budget Review – approved or deny

Commissioner Chairman Riel made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-02.

Commissioner Vice-Chairman McNulty seconds the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

B.  Decision / Action Request: 2016-01 Exercise Rowing Machine – approved or deny

Commissioner Chairman Riel made a motion to approve Decision / Action Request 2016-02.

Commissioner Vice-Chairman McNulty seconds the motion. Motion carried.


Commissioner Chairman Riel stated that he will be leaving Wednesday January 27th 2016 for a WFCA board meeting.


There being no Executive Session scheduled, Chairman Riel continued the meeting.


There being no announcements, Chairman Riel continued the meeting.


The department activity report was accepted as submitted with no additional discussion.

GENERAL DISCUSSION – Limited between Board and Staff – NO PUBLIC INPUT


The documents were presented to the Board for their signatures. The board at this time signed all Documents along with Chief Riel and Temp Secretary Angel Stevens

NEXT REGULAR MEETING – Monday, February, 8th at 4:00pm


There being no other business, Commissioner Riel made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner McNulty seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned at 4:25p.m.


Chairman / Commissioner Les Riel Temporary District Secretary

Angel Stevens


Vice-Chairman / Commissioner Dan McNulty


Fire Chief Michael J Riel

01 25 16 BOC Minutes Draft

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