(International Inlinespeedskating Cup Stage)

General Terms and Conditions

Place: Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Date and time:June 27,2010. At 9.50.

Organized by:


EuroSport Ltd,

Russian Inlinespeedskating League Roller Sport Federation

Weather conditions: Competitions will take place in any weather.

Surface: asphalt, width from 3 m to 6 m

Start Zone: Palace Square (Dvortsovaja Ploshad)

Finish Zone: Palace Square (Dvortsovaja Ploshad)

Distance: marathon

Route: Dvortsovaya Embankment – Admiraltejsky Prospect – Dekabristov Square – Anglijskaya Embankment - Lieutenant Schmidt Bridge - University Embankment – Birzhevaya Square – Makarova Embankment - Tuchkov Bridge – Dobrolubova Prospect – Kronverkskaya Embankment – Troitskaya Square – Petrovskaya Embankment – Petrogradskaya Embankment - Aptekarskaya Embankment - Professor Popov Street – Pesochnaya Embankment - Krestovskiy Bridge – Petrogradskaya Street - Krestovsky Prospect – Morskoy Prospect - (turn around 150 meters before the turn to the “Fifth Element” restaurant) – Bolshoy Petrovsky Bridge – Savina Street - Petrovsky Prospekt - Petrovsky Park - Zhdanovskaya Embankment – Dobrolubova Prospect – Birzhevoy Bridge – Birzhevaya Square – Dvortsovy Bridge – Admiralteyskaya Embankment – Anglijskaya Embankment - Novoadmiralteysky Channel - Khrapovitsky Bridge – Mojka River Embankment – Pryazhka River Embankment- Lotsmanskaya Street - Fontanka River Embankment - Nevsky Prospekt – Vosstania Square – Stary Nevsky - Alexander Nevsky Square - Sinopskaya Embankment - Smolnaya Embankment – Robespierre Embankment – Kutuzova Embankment – Dvortsovaya Embankment – Dvortsovaya Square.

Check points per mileage:
5 km - 7 meters to the end of Tuchkov bridge fence
10 km - 10-th column to the right of the fence after Grenadersky bridge
15 km – By the entrance gates to Primorsky Pobedy Park (Krestovsky Ostrov metro station)
20 km - 60 meters after Talalikhina side street along Dobrolyubova Prospect
25 km - 30 meters before Lotsmanskaya Street along Pryazhka River Embankment
30 km - the end of Anichkov Bridge
35 km - 20 meters after BolsheokhtinskyBridge
40 km - 100 meters before PrachechnyBridge along Kutuzova Embankment


-Inlinespeedskating promotion and development;

-Healthy lifestyle promotion;

-Increasethesportsskills level;

-Leisure time organization.


Participants should be not younger than 16 years old (as at 01.01.2010).

Preliminary online registration form:

Till July 24, 10 o'clock .

The online registration must be confirmed in the Event office byparticipation fee payment.

Registration for the event

Event Office is situatedat Winter (Zimny) stadium, Manejnaya square, building 2, the "Gostinny Dvor" subway station. Will be opened ONLY On June 26, 2010 from 10 till 20 o'clock.

In the registration card on both parts should be written «inline skater»

Start numbers could be taken in the event office individually or on behalf of the team.

Competition Fee: 35 Euros (must be payed in roubles)


Sportsmen themselves take care of All expenses for participation in the marathon

If accommodation is needed this should be informed not later than before May 15!

Start Process:

- Entrance to the start zone is closed 20 minutes before the start (at 9.30).

- Before entering this zone participants must give the starter card (it is included in the registration set)

- Starting order




-All participants MUST BE equipped with helmet!

-It is strongly recommended to use special protection to the wrist, elbows and knees.

-Its forbidden to be on the distance without race numbers

This year there would not be any limit for crossing the finish line

Award ceremony will take place 27 June at 19.00 at the Winter Stadium (Manege Square, 2).

Awards are given for 1-3 place in race category and 1-3 fitness category

The Organizing Committee is not responsible for physical injuries, for loss, damage and etc. during the competition.

Each participant is responsibility for their property.

Competitions are held by the Rules of Russian Inlinespeedskating League Roller Sport Federation

All participants must strictly follow this terms and conditions.

Smoking, alcohol drinking are strictly forbidden

This Document is the official Invitation for the competitions