Xplozion Fastpitch, Inc.
A Non Profit Organization
February 9, 2014
5:30 pm
Columbus Senior Center
125 N. Dickason Blvd.
Columbus, Wisconsin
1.Convene Meetingat 5:32 PM
2.Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Call to Order/Introductions
Public CommentsNone
Additional Items to be added to the Agenda - None
Secretaries Report
- Approval of Minutes– Minutes from last meeting have been approved
Treasurers Report
- Approval of Treasurers Report–
- Team Account Current $26, 141.67
- Tournament – Current $101.10
- Due to computer being out, the checkbook balance was done by hand and is off by $1000.75
- Player Fee Amount Per Team:
- 8U = $300/player
- 12 U = $500/player
- 14U = $550/player
- 16U (98) = $430/player
- 18U = $675 (4 collage at $500)
- Ritch approved and Amy second the motion
- Totals have the program donation. First half was supposed to be available Dec. 1 if the player fees were up to date. The last half would be available if the all player fees are up- to- date
- All teams have $1500 for tournaments except 8U, which has $1125
- It was requested once the computer is back, an updated spreadsheet is sent out
Presidents Report/Updates
- Spoke with John Roth about local agreementother teams coming in
- American Center = $10/room
- North Central Group = $10/room
- Requested to send an email to teams asking to support the hotels
- There will also be a link on the website
- Tax return, Kevin Vick had filed an extension because of some questions and the return has since been filed. Copy of the extension is available if someone wants to view it.
- New PO box in Deerfield (PO BOX 183, Deerfield, WI 53531)
- This will be used for all business
Committee Reports
- Director of Grounds and Facilities – Scott Mack
- President to send an email requesting a new Director
- Director of Concessions – Amy McKee
- Requested that all the coaches email Amy all players (parents) email addresses for signup genie for tournament work.
- Director of Publicity, Fundraiser and Sponsors- Jennifer Nelson
- Website is being set up. The website states “it’s under construction”, but will have more content as of Feb. 11
- Issues with domain and hosting
- Jim has received a login/password and is working on tournament information
- All coaches will get a login/password to do behind the scenes website work (e.g. tournaments/schedules)
- Email will go out to all families of Xplozion and register onto the site
- Bat bags ½ are delivered today and those that were backordered and should be here in March
- Another Spiritware order will be sent out (Spring line) for May delivery
- Window cling is going to be done and is a club fundraiser, flyer will be sent out. All proceeds will be for the organization (not team)
- Banners – Waiting of the uniforms and will be printed at a different place then last year
- Director of Uniforms and Properties – RitchPiltz
- Ritch will email vendor for uniform prices.
- Working on logo’s on helmets and is getting close to being done
- Returning girls will get their numbers and the rest hopefully get instock numbers
- Orders will be placed when pricingis confirmed and Heidiconfirms sizes
- Director of Parent and Family Relations – Tammi Alt
- Waiting for the raffle form to be able to get the raffle license
- Check has been cashed for the raffle license
- Need a Dissolution Policy - If the board dissolves what happens with the financial aspects
- CSA has one and will contact BJ for an example to use
- Follow up from the meeting – Jim received a Dissolution Policy and the board will need to determine where the assets will go:
- The term of this Corporation is perpetual; subject to the right of the Board of Directors to dissolve the Corporation with ¾ vote of the Board of Directors
- In the event of the dissolution, all remain assets of CSA shall be return back to the city of Columbus
Coaches Report: (Team activities, practice, tournaments schedules, fundraisers)
- 8U- Coach Rich Fronheiser
- Have 2 new players to make 13 and the team is complete
- We have signed up for 5 tournaments
- Holding team practices
- Sponsorship extension - Feb. 1 and new sponsors
- We have a new player that joined the team two weeks ago and did not make the Feb. 1 deadline. Extension was requested.
- To accommodate late Sponsorships, we can go later on the banner deadline
- Need a cutoff, for sponsors so they can be on the banner
- Typically, wanted the banners for Memorial Madness tournament
- Board should review removing the reimbursement date or make it a much later date.
- Banner sponsorship – March 31
- Player reimbursement – July 31
- Motion has been made by Michele and second by Tammy to change the date for player/banner dates
- Motioned carried to make the changes
- Need to have the money in hand by the sponsor before reimbursement can be issued
- Follow up: Jim rewrote the Financial policy to reflect the board vote:
In order to offset player fees, players may obtain sponsorships for any amount over the initial $100 of the player fees. Sponsorships are tax deductible. However, the parents of the player may not provide a tax deductible sponsorship for their daughter.The Xplozion Fastpitch Program does not offer legal advice or opinions so any questions about what is tax deductible should be directed to an accountant or the IRS. Any sponsorship money to be used towards player fees must be received by July 31st, or no refunds can be considered. Xplozion Fastpitch may only refund money paid directly by the child’s parent. The player’s initial deposit cannot be refunded.In order for a sponsor to get their name on the team banners for the current year, the sponsorship has to be received by no later than March 31st. Any sponsorship received after March 31st, will be listed on the team banners the following season.
- 10U – Coach Scott Mack
- Holding team practices
- Team signed up and paid for 9 tournaments
- 10th tournament could be nationals, butwaiting to see how we do during the other tournaments
- 12U – Coach Don Nelson
- Holding team Practice
- Waiting to see for state and national
- 14U – Coach RitchPiltz
- Waiting to see about nationals
- If a team won state, automatically into National. Could be the same as Xplozion, are they expected to go to Nationals
- 14U – Coach Heidi Kirchberg
- 16U – Coach Richard Drone
- Practicing and doing every other weekend at GRB and Holy Named Church
- Signed up for 5 tournaments
- Applied for 3 and should have a total of 8
- Were able to connect with UW badgers and Shannel Blackshear. Will be assistant couch for the team
- 16U – Coach Jim Wiersma
- Signed up for 7 tournaments and possibly 8th
- First weekend in June if High School girls will be available
- 18U – Coach Jeff Gartland
- Had one more practice
- Continuing to sign up for tournaments
- Open – Pam Weber
All coaches must take the ASA coach’s exam and background
Old Business
- Procedures for financial business
- Tabled
- Director of Grounds-Appointment
- Tabled
- Renaming Director Positions- Michele
- Scratched – need to change bi-laws
- Hotel Room Reimbursement on Tournaments- John Roth
- EOS Xplozion Tournament Committee
- Tabled
New Business
- The housing of umpires
- Originally done because the need for good umpires outweighs the local “talent”. Needed some place to house visiting umpires
- If we put pressure on need for good umpires and house them or have local/”crappy” umpires
- Xplozion has rented dorms for WI Academy so they don’t have to travel for $30/night
- GYM rental at WI Academy was $500/for two team. This year is $1000 for two team. They do not want to rent the gym anymore. Will give elementary gym for same price, which is a much smaller venue
- Someone will need to call Wisconsin Academy to see what the room rate is and if it’s available – Scott will call
- This is tabled for the next meeting to discuss when have more information
- Sponsorship cutoff date– discussed above
- Xplozion “Thank You” cards
- It was suggested that we have organization thank you notes for teams to use for sponsor thank you cards.
- Jen will take care of the thank you cards through Vista Print
- Letter to the local paper to thank the local business
- Pricing will come out of program fee
- Winter practice facilities
- Columbus schools are getting harder to get and they could not want to use their facilities.
- Looked at a place in the outskirts of Columbus that could fix up the place in the past
- Should we look at a place for the Xplozion groups to practice
- Maybe work something out with GRB
- GRB is purchasing land down by them to put in turf fieldand moving out of the facility and open a bigger one
- $250 membership for each kid(1/2 off membership) and can use their facility year around
- Willing to put up Xplozion Banner
- 10 practices for $250 – Three areas for 1-4pm
- Three batting cages (either individual or open up the batting cages) and has full infield space
- If commitment from the club, all the teams can come and practice, would give us the discounted price
- Xplozion has approximately 100 kids in the program
- GRB would like to work along with Xplozion softball
- Two cages and pitching lane $85/hour
- $170 for two hours - $1700 for 10 days
- How much from 5month rental for this much space every Sunday from said hour to said hour (e.g. 10am – 6pm)
- Table for next meeting after Jeff talks to Greg
- Switching Memorial Madness 2015 to USSSA
- John will attend a future meeting to discuss this with the board
- Differences:
- Quality of umpires
- Different rules
- Qualifying for different things
- More tournaments going to USSSA
- John would be tournament director
- 23U at Memorial Madness
- Since 18U World Series is in Rockford, doesn’t think it’d be a viable women’s’ event.
- Three regulation Meister and 3 in Kiwanis
- Limit to number of teams could accept
- $375 entry fee 4-game guarantee
- Hoping to get 4 teams
Tournament Updates
- 2014 Memorial Madness
- Moving 8U up to 10U, unless 8U teams sign up
- 7 at 10U (8 with 8U)
- 9 = 12U
- 10 = 14U
- Last year 20 – 30 (can’t take more then 35)
- 2014 Xplozion End of Summer
- 4 teams to 10U (including 8U)
- 12U =9
- 14U=14 (possibly 15)
- 16U = 12
- 18U = 11 (played over in Fall River)
- 23U = possibly no teams because of Rockford
- Due to the website under construction – could be teams signed up what we do not know about
Adjournment– Adjourned at 7:03 pm
Next Meeting:
March 9, 2014
5:30 pm
Columbus Senior Center
125 N. Dickason Blvd.
Columbus, Wisconsin
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