Xenophanes, the Monist of Colophon

Ann: aet: suae XCII.– A: C: CCCCLXXX

‘Are You groping Your way?

Do You do it unknowing? –

Or mark Your wind blowing?

Night tell You from day,

O Mover? Come, say!’

Cried Xenophanes.

‘I mean, querying so,

Do You do it aware,

Or by rote, like a player,

Or in ignorance, nor care

Whether doing or no?’

Pressed Xenophanes.

‘Thus strive I to plumb

Your depths, O Great Dumb! –

Not a god, but the All

(As I read); yet a thrall

To a blind ritual,’

Sighed Xenophanes.

‘If I only could bring

You to own it, close Thing,

I would write it again

With a still stronger pen

To my once neighbour-men!’

Said Xenophanes.

– Quoth the listening Years:

‘You ask It in vain;

You waste sighs and tears

On these callings inane,

Which It grasps not nor hears,

O Xenophanes!

‘When you penned what you thought

You were cast out, and sought

A retreat over sea

From aroused enmity:

So it always will be,

Yea, Xenophanes!

‘In the lone of the nights

At Elea unseen,

Where the swinging wave smites

Of the restless Tyrrhene,

You may muse thus, serene,

Safe, Xenophanes.

‘But write it not back

To your dear Colophon;

Brows still will be black

At your words, “All is One,”

From disputers thereon,

Know, Xenophanes.

‘Three thousand years hence,

Men who hazard a clue

To this riddle immense,

And still treat it as new,

Will be scowled at, like you,

O Xenophanes!

‘ “Some day I may tell,

When I’ve broken My spell,”

It snores in Its sleep

If you listen long, deep

At Its closely-sealed cell,

Wronged Xenophanes!

‘Yea, on, near the end,

Its doings may mend;

Aye, when you’re forgotten,

And old cults are rotten,

And bulky codes shotten,
