Discover the Treasure that is Shetland Library!
Online Treasure Hunt
All answers can be found following links on the Shetland Library home page
1 / Most borrowed books of 2014
Every year the Library publishes a list of the most borrowed books of the year in different categories, from emagazines to Shetland lending. Which two TV cooks were in joint 10th place in the Adult Non-Fiction category?
2 / Mobile Libraries
Shetland Library has two vans which travel around the isles reaching customers who might otherwise miss out on the library services.
Where will Elizabeth be going with her van on Wednesday 11 February 2015?
3 / Contacting Shetland Library
Which lovely librarian is pictured in the middle of the two bearded gentlemen in the rogues' gallery of management photos?
4 / Our Books
You can search the entire catalogue online and check the availability and location of any book. Where would you find ‘Chineasy: the new way to read Chinese’ by ShaoLan Hsueh – and when is it due to be returned?
5 / Your Library Account
You can log into your Library account to see what books you have out on loan, renew them if not requested by other customers, and place requests yourself for books you have found in our catalogue. What two pieces of information do you need to log in?
6 / Bookbug
The Library has monthly Bookbug sessions for the under-fives with songs, rhymes and stories. To celebrate 10 years of Bookstart and Bookbug in the library, we created a special ’10 things to do before you’re 3’ placemat. What’s number five on the list?
7 / EBooks
The user guides on our website give detailed instructions of how to access our ebooks on different devices. Searching the ebooks site by genre, what book comes under the category Mathematics & Science: Astronomy, Space & Time?
8 / Online resources
Being a member of the Library provides you with free access to several reference sites including the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and Encyclopaedia Britannica. What is the name of the site which can help you prepare for the British citizenship test?
9 / Shetland Materials
You can find information about all things Shetland on our website. You can read about a number of Shetland writers and even listen to some of their work. Who reads Laevin Lerwick Harbour by Grace Barnes?
10 / Young Shetland Writer Competition
The Library, sponsored by the Shetland Museum and Archives, runs an annual writing competition for young people in Shetland. What is the name of the story by joint junior winner Emma Leask?
11 / What to read next / Reading Ideas
For a bit of inspiration, have a look at our reading lists. Why not delve into Eurocrime? Who is the one Finnish author on the list?
12 / EAudio Books
It is now possible to borrow talking books online too! You can browse the collection, search for specific authors or even choose a certain narrator. Which eaudio book in our online collection is narrated by Martin Jarvis?
13 / Computer Services
The Learning Centre is part of the Library and provides members and visitors access to computers and the internet for free. There is a range of devices to aid accessibility from large font screens to high visibility keyboards. What colour is the keyboard pictured in the Accessibility Aids page?
14 / Community Libraries
As well at the main public Library in Lerwick, folk can take out books nearer to home from one of our Community Libraries. What are the opening times of the Yell Community Library?
15 / Emagazines
You can download and read magazines for free from the Library. Browse the magazine site and see the current copies we have of 25 varied magazines. Click on any cover and see what back issues there are. Who features on the front cover of the 06 November 2014 edition of Rolling Stone magazine?
Please send your completed answer sheet to:
All entries to be received by 5pm, Friday 13th February to enter our Prize Draw.