Field of study:PEDAGOGY
Education profile:GENERAL ACADEMIC
Language of instruction:POLISH
Year of study:I
Coordinator / Conducted by / Module / Type of the course
dr Katarzyna Cynowska / dr Katarzyna Cynowska/ dr Katarzyna Cynowska / speciality/compulsory
Form of classes / Number of hours: S/N / Form of credit / Number
L / C / S / FL / LAB. / Credit with a grade / 4
16 / 14
Aims: / Introducing the basic theoretical issues of special needs education and practice of care, training and educating people with disabilities and socially maladjusted. Implementation of the program will lead to the better understanding of a psychological and social situation of the people with developmental disabilities, mental or physical disabilities and the orientation in the forms and methods of providing such people withappropriate assistance.
No. / A student who has completed the course: / References to teaching outcomesin the scope ofKNOWLEDGE: / for
the field of study / for
areas / for teach.
01 / Specifies the subject and object of special needs education, its sources, its objectives, relation to the practice in the area of social assistance;characterizes sub-disciplines of special needs education and its relationship with other sciences;knows and understands the basic concepts: defect, disability, handicap, social maladjustment.Discusses current trends in education and rehabilitation of the disabled and socially maladjusted from a holistic perspective. / K_W01
K_W13 / H1A_W 2
H1A_W 2
H1A_W 4
02 / Understands the specificity of educating the disabled and socially maladjusted, evaluates various forms of special needs education. Knows various local and national institutions dealing with providing assistance to people with disabilities and their families. / K_W15
K_W14 / S1A_W04
03 / Characterizes various forms and methods of therapeutic - educational procedures; understands the basic principles of education and therapy of the disabled. / K_W16 / H1A_04
in the scope ofSKILLS:
0 1 / Based on the results of diagnosis, referring to the knowledgein the field of special needs education and other disciplines, suggests the scope and forms of psychological - pedagogicaland social assistance for people with different types of disability, taking into account the specificities of their personal, family situation andresources of their social environment.Predicts the effects of the planned activities. / K_U02
K_U10 / S1A_U02
02 / Searches for information in various sources necessary for better understanding the medical, psychological, educational and social situation of the disabled.Interprets the provisions of law relating to: judicature, education, social assistance for people with disabilities and their families. / K_U04
K_U01 / H1A_U01
U01 S1A_
U08 S1A_
0 1 / Is characterised by sensitivity, empathy, openness, reflectionand pro-social attitudes and a sense of responsibility.Understands and supports the idea of better integration of people with disabilities into society. / K_K03 / S1A_K07
Prerequisites: / Has the basic knowledge of human development during the life cycle (biological and psychosocial aspect), has the knowledge of various educational environments (especially family and school); Can use the theoretical knowledge of pedagogy and related disciplines in order to analyze and interpret various educational and behavioural problems
Course content: / Basic concepts of special needs education (standard, disability, handicap, dysfunction, invalidity, revalidation, rehabilitation, re-education, social rehabilitation)
Forms of therapeutic-educational procedure: early diagnosis and intervention, stimulation and activation, improvement, correction, compensation, individualisation, prophylaxis and prevention, support and assistance.
Situation of families with disabled children - a model of family functioning, parents' emotions, organization of family life.
Problems of guidance in the process of rehabilitating people with disabilities: family counselling, individual counselling for people with disabilities, revalidation career counselling, revalidation counselling in supporting the child and family.
Determinants of social attitudes towards people with disabilities: characteristics of attitudes, impact on self-esteem and self-acceptance, perception of disability, the impact of cultural factors on weight, personality factors.
Social forms of care and education of people with disabilities: activities of non-governmental organizations and foundations for disabled people, legal bases ofthe rehabilitation process and social support, the rights of people with disabilities in the EU.
Education of people with intellectual disabilities: the subject, content and scope of education of people with a slight degree of mental disability, tasks and the scope of revalidation of people with moderate, severe and profound degree of disability
Spectrum ofautism - classification, characteristics of disorders, causes, specificity of behaviour, diagnosis and therapy, shaping behaviour socially acceptable, mastering the elementary skills, stimulation of communication abilities, organization and forms of education.
Selected methods and forms of work with people with disabilities - W. Sherborne, Ch. Knill's DevelopmentalMovement, behavioural therapy, job centers, F. Affolter, hypnotherapy and other.
Education of people with hearing impairments: the subject, content and scope of surdopedagogy, methods and principles of auditory education - sound speech with phonogestures, sign language,dactylography.
Education of the visually impaired: the subject, content and scope of typhlopedagogy, tasks and principles of education and rehabilitation of visually impaired people - compensation of senses, writing and reading in the Braille system.
Education of people with mobility disabilities: methods of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, revalidation of people with reduced mobility, forms of pedagogical therapy.
Therapeutic pedagogy of children with a chronic disease: determinants of development, forms of education,types and kinds of educational therapy.
Education of socially maladjusted people: typology of social maladjustment, the specifics of the organization and implementation of rehabilitation activities.
Teaching methods: / feeding methods (informative lecture);problematic methods (metaplan, discussion, SOFT analysis);displaying methods (film, blog analysis, works of art);practical methods (work with a leading text);analysis of psycho-pedagogical documentation
Recommended reading: / Dykcik W., (ed.) Pedagogika specjalna, Pub. Nauk UAM, Poznań 2001.
Obuchowska I., (ed.) Dziecko niepełnosprawne w rodzinie, Warsaw 1999.
Pilecka W. Rutkowski M., (ed.) Dziecko ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w drodze ku dorosłości. Psychopedagogiczne podstawy, edukacji, rewalidacji i terapii trudności w uczeniu się, Impuls, Cracow 2009.
Smith D. D. Pedagogika specjalna T 1 i 2, PWN, Warsaw 2008.
Sowa J., Wojciechowski W., Proces rehabilitacji w kontekście edukacyjnym, FOSZE, Rzeszów 2001.
Speck O., Niepełnosprawni w społeczeństwie. Podstawy ortopedagogiki, GWP, Gdańsk 2005.
Speck O., Niepełnosprawni w społeczeństwie, GWP, Gdańsk 2005.
Śliwerski B. Pedagogika. GWP, Gdynia 2006
Lewicka A. Rozwijanie empatii u studentów pedagogiki specjalnej,Pub. UMCS, Lublin 2006
Sadowska S. Nauczanie uczniów z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, Akapit, Toruń 2006
Kossakowski Cz. Normalizacja środowisk życia osób niepełnosprawnych,Pub. UW-M, Olsztyn 2005
Wyczesany J. Pedagogika upośledzonych umysłowo, Impuls, Cracow 2006
Vasek S. Zarys pedagogiki specjalnej, Pub.UŚ, Katowice 2006
Palak Z. Kompetencje pedagoga specjalnego, Pub. UMCS, Lublin 2008
Bartnikowska U. Współczesne problemy pedagogiki specjalnej,Pub.UW-M, Olsztyn 2008
Tomkiewicz-Bętkowska A. ABC pedagoga specjalnego, Impuls, Cracow, 2008
Wyczesany J. Krakowska pedagogika specjalna, Pub. UP, Kraków 2011
Complimentary reading: / Attwood T., Zespół Aspergera, kompletny przewodnik, Harmonia, Gdańsk 2013.
Borkowska M., Osiowski Z. i in. Dziecko niepełnosprawne ruchowo, T1/2/3, WSiP, Warsaw 1997.
Cytowska B., Winczura B., Stawarski A., (ed.), Dzieci chore, niepełnosprawne, z trudnościami w rozwoju, Impuls, Cracow 2008,
Kirenko J., Indywidualna i społeczna percepcja niepełnosprawności, Pub. UMCS, Lublin 2007,
Krause A., Człowiek niepełnosprawny wobec przeobrażeń społecznych, Impuls, Cracow 2005.
Maciarz A., Drała D. Dziecko autystyczne z zespołem Aspergera, Impuls, Cracow 2007.
Maciarz A., Pedagogika lecznicza i jej przemiany, Pub. Ak. Żak, Warsaw 2007.
Materiały szkoleniowe MEN (2010) Podniesienie efektywności kształcenia uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi.Part I and II
Minczakiewicz E. (ed.) Dziecko niepełnosprawne. Rozwój i wychowanie, Cracow 2003.
Pisula E., Rodzice i rodzeństwo dzieci z zaburzeniami rozwoju, Pub. UW, Warsaw 2007.
Pytka L., Pedagogika resocjalizacyjna. Wybrane zagadnienia teoretyczne, diagnostyczne i metodyczne, APS, Warsaw 2001.
Szumski G., Integracyjne kształcenie niepełnosprawnych, PWN, Warsaw 2006.
Wojciechowski F. Niepełnosprawność, rodzina, dorastanie, Pub. Ak. Żak, Warsaw, 2007.
Wyczesany J. Pedagogika upośledzonych umysłowo, Impuls, Cracow 2004
Category / Student's loadStationarystudies / Extramuralstudies
Contact hours with the teacher (teaching classes in line with the curriculum) / 30
Consultation / 5
Preparation for the test / 25
Preparation for the classes / 20
Preparation for control works / 10
Getting to know the literature on the subject and teaching materials provided by the teacher / 20
Hours together: / 100
The total number of ECTS points for the course: / 4
Teaching outcomesfor the subject / Methods of verification
Final test
(oral) / Control works / Projects / Activity in the classroom / Other
(please specify)
in the final grade / 70% / 15% / 15%
W1 / X / X
W2 / X / X
W3 / X / X / X
U1 / X / X / X
U2 / X / X / X
K1 / X / X
Percentage share of ECTS points for individual areas of education in the total number of ECTS points / Numberofreferences / Percentageshare / Numberof
The area of the social sciences in the total number of ECTS points / 9 / 53,00 / 0,53
The area of the humanities in the total number of ECTS points / 8 / 47,00 / 0,47