WWPS: What Would Paul Say About My Class Ministry

7 Days a Week:

A Week in the Life of a Sunday School Teacher

Purpose Statement

To train Sunday School teachers on how to:

1.  Organize and lead a Sunday School class ministry,

2.  Prepare and teach an effective Bible study,

3.  Plan a week in the life of a Sunday School Teacher.

Before the Session

1.  Pray.

2.  Study the scripture passages covered in the session.

3.  Review the teaching plan. Make necessary notes and revisions.

4.  Ensure that resources, handouts, and audio/visual needs are prepared & ready.

5.  Ensure the classroom is reserved and prepared for the session.

Resources to Collect & Prepare

1.  Name plates (if tables available), name tags (if tables not available)

2.  Prepare adequate number of copies of the listening guide (duplex)

“7 Days a Week (Listening Guide)”

3.  Prepare adequate number of copies of the handouts (can be duplex).

“7 Days (Handouts)”

“7 Days (Calendar)”

Audio/Visual Needs

1.  Laptop.

2.  Video projector for PowerPoint presentation.

3.  White screen or good wall on which to project.

4.  White board (dry erase) on wall or floor mount.

5.  Dry erase markers (black, blue, and red).

6.  Dry eraser.

7.  Sharpie markers (blue or black).

8.  Box of pens (blue or black ink) or pencils.

During the Session

1.  Welcome & Introduction (5 Minutes) Slide 1

a.  Introduce yourself. (If group is not too large, go around the room to allow participants to make quick introductions.)

b.  Ensure everyone is seated, can see the presentation screen, and has copies of listening guide and handouts.

c.  Ensure each person to fill out a name plate/tag.

d.  Open session in prayer.

2.  The purpose of Sunday School (5 Minutes) Slides 2-3

a.  Ask: “What is the purpose of Sunday School?”

(Note: Sunday School = small group Bible study groups.)

b.  Allow group to share. Write things shared by group on the white board.

c.  Share quotation from Bob Mayfield.

d.  Emphasize that while the Sunday School has many functions, to include Bible study, its purpose is “to make disciples!’

3.  Organizing the Sunday School Ministry (15 Minutes) Slides 4-14

a.  Ask: “How does the Sunday School teacher do all of this in a week?”

b.  Take from Jethro: Read Exodus 18:14-23.

c.  Point out the following three key points of passage:

1)  “Why do you sit alone?”

2)  “You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out…”

3)  “It will be easier for you, and they will bear the burden with you.”

d.  Ask: “How does Jethro’s advice translate to the Sunday School teacher today?”

e.  Allow group to share thoughts.

f.  Summarize with “To enlist & give others opportunity to serve!”

g.  Share opportunities available to others in the Sunday School class.

1)  Assistant Teacher.

2)  Outreach/Mission Coordinator.

3)  Care Group Leader.

4)  Fellowship Coordinator.

h.  Close section by reminding group that the teacher cannot and should not do all of the Sunday School class ministry. “You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out!”

4.  The task of the Sunday School teacher (10 Minutes) Slides 15-21

a.  Ask: “What is the task of the teacher?

b.  Read Ezra 7:10.

c.  Discuss the three parts of the 7:10 Principle. Allow group time to interact with these points and share thoughts.

1)  Prepare.

Emphasize that this include personal prayer & Bible study.

Spend time with God.

2)  Practice.

Lead by example.

Model ministry for your class.

Do the work of ministry with your class.

3)  Proclaim (Teach).

Teaching in Bible is the primary ministry of the Sunday School teacher.

d.  Emphasize that the Sunday teacher is a leader (Gary Bredfeldt quotation).

5.  Effectively teaching the Bible (15 Minutes) Slides 22-30

a.  Ask: “How does the Sunday School teacher effectively teach the Bible?”

b.  Emphasize the importance of prayer in Bible teaching.

Handout: “Effective Teaching Begins on Your Knees.”

c.  The teacher must know what, where, who, how.

Handout: “What You Need to Know as a Teacher of Adults.”

1) Emphasize that the teacher must know his/her objective and stick to it – make the main point the main point.

2) Note that it is okay to chase a few rabbits as that can indicate issues or concerns in the group, but don not chase too many rabbits or the wrong rabbits. In other words, do not spend too much of your valuable teaching time talking about things that do not edify the group.

3) Sometimes it may be necessary for the teacher to “table” an issue for a later group session. This will give you time to study and prepare.

d.  Share the Hook-Book-Look-Took Teaching Method.

Handout: “HBLT Teaching Method.”

1) Hook.

Get the students attention.

Give the students opportunity to get involved in the discussion – the earlier the better.

2) Book.

Scripture observation (reading) and interpretation (understanding).

3) Look.

Discover implications and make general application.

“How does this truth affect us?”

4) Took.

Specific application for individual students.

“How does this truth affect you?”

6.  Planning the week of a Sunday School Teacher (10 Minutes) Slide 31

a.  Ask: “When does the Sunday School teacher do this during the week?

Handout: “7 Days (Calendar)”

b.  Give students opportunity to provide suggestions on how they plan their week. Take advantage of the combined knowledge and experience of those present.

c.  Emphasize that this is not a cookie-cutter activity. Each teacher will have special considerations and schedule challenges. Do not over-simplify. The most important aspect of planning the week is not looking like someone else’s calendar; it is planning your own calendar.

7.  Conclusion (5 Minutes) Slides 32-33

Handouts: “Teacher Tips” and “Recommended Teacher Resources”

After the Conference

1.  Pack resources, materials, etc.

2.  Accept help from volunteers, if needed.

3.  Re-set room before leaving.

4.  Express thanks to church staff and others who hosted the conference.

One Day Training Conference Plan Item No. 5