WWII Radio Author at Annual Field Day

June 22, 2013

Challacomb House at 509 School Street Hillsboro, IL

Author celebratesHams and SWLs during WWII-sharing a story few ever knew

WWII Radio Heroes: Letters of Compassion is a story about strangers helping each other during a time of war. The book features letters and postcards sent to the author’s family in 1943, alerting them of her grandfather’s capture and status as a prisoner of war. Upon discovering these letters, Ms. Spahr began researching the people who did this, and why, and reached out to find them or their next of kin, more than 60 years after the fact. Her journey is detailed in WWII Radio Heroes.

Wartime letters are very special, and those Lisa writes about—the caring attempts of strangers to notify mothers, fathers, wives, and sweethearts that their loved ones were alive and prisoners of war—are among the most special I’ve read. I recommend it highly to anyone who has served, as well as anyone who has waited in anxiety while a loved one served in harm’s way on a hostile shore. --Reverend Mitzi Manning, Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps retired

America really pulled together to support one another and the GI's overseas and this book is a fine example of that! …At 67 I'm still involved in radio as a "Amateur Operator" and involved in message handling during peacetime. Also a history buff of the era, I fully enjoyed hearing of civilians who took the time and in some cases expense to notify families of POW's. They are certainly part of the WWII history and hero lists. Everyone should read this book to appreciate them! -J. Parmenter "KB4IP”

What a great story!As a life-long amateur radio operator (Ham), veteran, and child of the 40’s, I’m glad to learn this fascinating story of your family and the folks who made sure that “no POW family would go without notice.” You’ve added a valuable dimension to the story of the many ways in which Americans contributed to the World War II effort.-Honorable Charles L. Cragin, Former Chairman, Board of Veterans’ Appeals and Senior Defense Official

WWII Radio Heroes has been featured in QST, CQ, Popular Communications.


Books and limited-edition audio books will be available. ARRL and Amazon.com also have books available for purchase.

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