WTES PTA MeetingDecember 13, 2016
Attendance (19):
Erin Cheikh
Kathy Osborn
Victoria Coleman-Cowger
Aline Lin
Kristy Knuppel
Absalom Heatwole Shank
Michele Lansinger
Julia Carroll
Carla Blair
Pam Chen
Meredith Dobrosielski
Samantha Apel
Margo Workman
Kate Arlum
Stacey Sebring
Sue Hershfeld
Matthew Piercey
Peter Grose
Nate Atkinson
- President’s Welcome
- Principal’s Report
- Recent assemblies, such as Science of Skateboarding, have been well-accepted.
- WTES will take on a focused, major community project. A parent has close ties with El Salvador and a program that brings Arts to schools. During February, we will be introducing El Salvador to children. There will be an assembly at the beginning of year, a Peace Corps member that served in El Salvador will speak, Spanish teacher will be involved. Projects for month to build up a sense of Latin American culture. Children will all write letters and possibly develop pen pals.
Hoping this will be a tradition and find other communities to support. Next year may be South Africa.
Program needs a title.
- Query about teacher stipend. PTA usually supports each year.
- Feedback from Generations Day was outstanding. A couple people mentioned that it was hard for them to come because had already come for AES. Doesn’t have to be parents, could be a neighbor, an aunt, etc. Food was amazing. Lines at the photo booth were long. Suggestions for improvement: Designated times for each grade? May have two photo booths next year. Consider holding on day before Thanksgiving to allow for out of town guests.Performances should start later instead of 9:15/9:30 because people are waiting in line. Consider separate check-in line for kindergarten parents.
- Committee Reports
- Book fair updates
3 options for how WTEST will receive book fair payment: 100% in Scholastic dollars ($6438.51); 100% in cash ($3219.25); 50% in scholastic dollars and 50% in cash ($3219.25 in scholastic collars and $1609.62 in cash)
Recommendation to do either all cash or all scholastic dollars since we have 2 book fairs a year. Carryover of scholastic dollars. We have $12,307 scholastic dollars.
We have 4 new teachers. Would like to offer them scholastic dollars.
5 committee co-chairs that will be running the book fair to take over next year with current committee oversight.
Approval to fulfill teacher wish lists.
Dates for Spring book fair: March 13-17
Motion passed to get cash from Fall Book Fair ($3219.25) and to earmark for El Salvador project.
Possible name for Community Project: Westie W.A.G.S. – Westies Always Give and Share
Money counter is available for anyone’s use.
- Westie Wear
Westie aprons, pajama pants, baseball caps and hats now available. Accept cash, check, and credit cards.
Brought in $1842 total so far this year.
All proceeds go to PTA.
- Wellness Night
Merritt Athletic Club on Joppa Road will host. Friday, February 24.
Pool and fitness classes open.
- Cultural arts committee is handling El Salvador project. Erin Donovan is taking over.
Assemblies can run $1200. Zoomobile $230-$240 per visit. Must come 4 times this year. One more assembly this year.
- Patriots and Defenders committee will be done after next year. Need to set up subcommittees to help with this next year. Can we find a sponsor for Patriots and Defenders?
Got a very large donation ($1300) from one family but still need additional PTA money to cover cost of buses. Won’t need to do much more fundraising. Buses may be very affordable this year. If child achieves Patriot or Defender status, ideally wouldn’t need to pay anything for buses.
Idea to acknowledge volunteers at the assembly to promote interest.
- Other Business
Question was raised about modifying PTA by-laws related to succession. Nomination committee required to meet two months before election. There was time pressure to come up with this at the end of the year. Something to consider for next meeting.
- Treasurer’s Report
Review of 2016-2017 Budget. Questions related to which committee the soccer goal payment should be drawn from. It was decided to re-categorize as PTA expenses instead of Health & Wellness.
Reminder that PTA is tax-free and taxes do not need to be collected.
Motion passed to approve $50 per teacher for teacher stipends. Add to that with existing Scholastic dollars.
Motion passed to give $100 in Scholastic dollars for existing teachers (n=31) and $200 in Scholastic dollars for new teachers to West Towson (n=4).
Reminder that we need more books for classrooms. Bring books to office in good shape, especially K, 1, and 2nd grade.
Holiday gifts for teachers and support staff were purchased ($20 gift cards). Will be distributed on Thursday, December 15.
Motion passed to increase Appreciation Gifts line item to $700 to cover cost of holiday gifts.
Motion passed to increase Health and Wellness budget to $1836 to cover cost of soccer goals.
Motion passed to approve budget with these modifications. Budget for this year has been approved.