WSCCCE Local 1845, Council 2, AFSCME, AFL-CIO
Minutes of the Meeting held Tuesday, August 26 2003
In the Island County Law and Justice Center, Room 131, Coupeville, WA
CALL TO ORDER: President Marti Bodley called the meeting to order at 4:52 PM.
James Trefry has been delayed but will be here shortly.
MINUTES: The minutes of May 29, 2003, were passed around and the meeting will continue. The minutes will not be read at the meeting if they are available for attending membership. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made, seconded, and passed.
Marti is still working on getting the minutes on the WEB
OLD BUSINESS: Ballots were counted by Loanne Gulick and Markell Egelston on July 31, 2003. 67 ballots were counted. There were 60 yes votes with 51 votes for the 2% COLA in 2005; there were 15 votes for the CPI option; there were 6 no votes and one ballot was voided. Marti signed the contract on August 25; the Commissioners signed at their regularly scheduled meeting; James will sign the contract August 27. The new contract will be dispersed in house; volunteers Markell Egelston and Barbara Olesen will help with putting the hard copies together. Efforts will be made to get the contract on the WEB as “read only” so it is available for ready reference.
Elaine will begin work on the retroactive checks as soon as she gets the signed contract. Marti pointed out that people that have left employment before ratification are not eligible for retro pay as stated in the contract.
NEW BUSINESS: A video was received from AFSCME on the President Town Hall Meeting and is available for borrowing.
Executive board sessions were held in April and May and will continue to meet quarterly.
The idea of a picnic was raised; Marti will send an e-mail out with options and a call for volunteers.
James mentioned that there is some talk in the Auditor’s Office concerning a reorganization.. There hasn’t been any actual move toward that. Marti has requested that HR keep apprised of any developments.
James also mentioned the Regional Conference on October 17 and 18 in Olympia. The Council will pay for one night lodging.
At 5:05, motion to adjourn was made, seconded and unanimously passed.
Respectfully Submitted:
Pat Kohlmann