Name: ______
“Wrongfully Accused?” Research Project
Step 1: Choose a person who has been accused of a crime.
Step 2:Research that person’s crime on the internet.
- You must use 3 sources (minimum). We will go to the computer lab three times for research and three for typing.
- One of your sources must be a news source. (Examples:,,,,,,,,, OR any other official news source)
- Pick other sources based on their credibility. You may not use personal blogs, or any other wiki sources.
- Use MLA Format to cite each source before taking notes. EASY may help you with this.
Resource Type: Internet Site
MLA INFORMATION / Source #1 / Source #2 / Source #3Author:
“Title of article”:
Document date:
Any publication information:(not always included)
Date of access:
When making your Works Cited document, follow the format/example below exactly.Your entries must be alphabetized.
Format and Example:
Author’s Last name, First name. “Article Title.” Site Title. Document Date. Web. Date of access.
(Not all will have an author name. Indent every line after the first for each source.)
Step 3: Take notes on your topic using your sources.
As you gather information about your focused topic, you may find new information which prompts you to refine, clarify, extend or narrow your focus. Stay flexible and adjust your information search to account for the changes, widening or narrowing your search, or heading down a slightly different path to follow a new lead.
Remember to use your own words and put quotation marks around any direct quotes. / Source Number (for EACH note)
- WHO is the accused?
- WHAT is the accusation?
- WHEN was the accusation made?
- WHERE was the accusation?
- WHY were they accused?
- HOW did the public view the accusation?
- How was the accused punished?
- Additional Notes:
You MUST use a QUOTE from THREE different sources:
- Information that needs to be cited: direct quotations from the articles; use quotes, and cite at the end of the sentence with (author’s last name).
- Information that needs to be cited but NOT quoted: other information that you found about the death
Step 4: Construct a THESIS Statement.
What is a THESIS STATEMENT?In summary, a thesis statement is a single sentence, usually in the first paragraph of the paper, which:
- Declares the position you are taking in your paper,
- Sets up the way you will organize your discussion,
- Points to the conclusion you will draw, and
- Boil down the main point of your paper to a single statement.
The following themes often correspond with the reason(s) someone is wrongfully accused. Decide which of the following themes fits with the reason(s) your person was accused:
- Fear and hysteria destroy good judgment.
- Greed and the quest for power can blur the truth.
- A crisis often reveals both the difficulty of telling the truth and the desperate need for truth.
- Many crises are greatly influenced by prior circumstances or problems.
- Theme that I found, not on the list above: ______
My thesis statement is:
Step 5: Outline your 5-paragraph essay using the following organizer.
Introduction /Paragraph 1: Should consist of at least 3-4 sentences and move in a "funnel" progression from general to specific ideas. It consist entirely of commentary (no facts or sources yet). The thesis can be placed anywhere in the introduction; these sentences can be in any order, but make certain all information is present.
The first sentence: grabs the reader’s attention and interest.
Another sentence: adds general information regarding the topic that the reader needs to know.
Another sentence: adds more specific information about aspects of your argument (background, issue, past events) needed to understand why you will argue the thesis that follows.Thesis statement: is your thesis statement = Topic + opinion on the topic. Usually includes a “must” or “should”
Supporting/Body Paragraph 2: The order of evidence and commentary can vary; for example, you can have: Evidence, commentary, more evidence, and more commentary.
Topic Sentence #1: explains a reason for your thesis; one aspect of the problem.
Supporting Evidence: quote from your sources.
Your Commentary on the Evidence: (1, 2, or 3 sentences)
Concluding Sentence: wraps up the paragraph.
Supporting/ Body Paragraph 3: The order of evidence and commentary can vary; for example, you can have: Evidence, commentary, more evidence, more commentary.
Topic Sentence #1: explains a reason for your thesis; one aspect of the problem.
Supporting Evidence: quote from your sources
Your Commentary on the Evidence: (1, 2, or 3 sentences)
Concluding Sentence: wraps up the paragraph.
Supporting/ Body Paragraph 4: The order of evidence and commentary can vary; for example, you can have: Evidence, commentary, more evidence, more commentary.
Topic Sentence #1: explains a reason for your thesis; one aspect of the problem.
Supporting Evidence: quote from your sources.
Your Commentary on the Evidence: (1, 2, or 3 sentences
Concluding Sentence: wraps up the paragraph..
Paragraph 5 - Conclusion: The conclusion should rephrase (not repeat) the thesis in 3-4 sentences and close the argument by opening up on an essential question or a clever or urgent call to action for the audience. The paragraph is entirely commentary.
Step 6: Type your rough draft.
Include the following when you turn in your paper:
- Paper
- MLA Works Cited page
- Double-spaced, Times New
- Pages numbered
- MLA in text citation format is correct
- MLA Works Cited page is formatted correctly
General “gatekeepers”:
- Any paper lacking a Works Cited page (but including in-text citations) will receive a maximum grade of 60.
- Any paper lacking MLA in-text citation will receive a grade of ZERO and must complete a rewrite that includes MLA in-text citation for a maximum grade of 60. WITHOUT SUCH CITATIONS, THE PAPER WILL BE CONSIDERED PLAGIARIZED.
- All quotations must be integrated into your own sentences and no quotation may be longer than four lines.
In-text citation examples:
If you HAVE an author’s name…. “If it is a quote there is no period inside, and documentation is at the end” (Lastname).
If you DO NOT have an author’s name “Use an abbreviated version of the article title” (“ArticleTitle”).
If it is not a quote, but you are still citing, do so at the end of the sentence (Citation).
If it is from a print source, you include the page number without a comma (Book 642).
**Cite EVERYTHING you didn’t know… anything you had to look up. When in doubt, cite.**
“Wrongfully Accused”
Final Draft: Grading Rubric
*Zero points will be given for sections not completed!*
20 / 15 / 10 / 5Intro/Thesis / Clearly stated thesis and at least 3 areas of info to be addressed. Original and creative; a clear picture is given and grabs reader’s attention. / Thesis of paper is present, but 3 areas of info to be addressed are not stated. Clear picture is not given, but grabs reader’s attention. / Thesis present, but 3 areas of info not stated. Does not grab reader’s attention. Non-related information included. Reader can still determine topic of paper. / Thesis not present, and 3 areas of info not stated. Does not grab reader’s attention. Reader can still determine topic of the paper through the info included.
Supporting Evidence/Documentation / All 3 sources are used; all info from sources is documented properly using MLA citation.
Topic sentences are complete sentences that connect logically to thesis; Transitions make paper flow well. There is at least one paragraph for each area of info addressed. / All 3 sources are used; no more than 2 pieces of info used without proper documentation. Format done correctly using MLA citation.
Topic sentences are complete sentences, but may not connect to thesis; transitions are present and paper flows well. / Only 2 sources are used. No more than 4 pieces of info used without proper documentation. Format done incorrectly (MLA), but still present.
Topic Sentences are not complete sentences and do not connect to thesis; transitions are present, but do not help with the flow of the paper. / Only 1 source is used. More than 4 pieces of info used without proper documentation. Format done incorrectly (MLA), but still present.
Not all paragraphs have a topic sentence; random information is included within the paragraphs and transitions are not present; paper does not flow well.
Commentary / At least 2 complete, commentary sentences are written for each paragraph and support the topic sentence and evidence. / At least 2 complete, commentary sentences are written for each paragraph, but both may not support the topic sentence and/or evidence. / At least 1 complete, commentary sentence is written for each paragraph and supports the topic sentence and evidence. / Commentary sentences are present in some, but not all paragraphs OR commentary sentences in all paragraphs do not support the topic sentence and/or evidence.
Conclusion / Summarizes and restates thesis in complete sentence; transition informing reader that paper is ending; call to action or final thought given. / Summarizes and restates thesis in complete sentence; no transition is made; call to action or final thought is not clearly given. / Restates the thesis exactly; may give more info not included in the introduction or body paragraphs; reader is not clear that the paper is ending; no call to action or final thought given. / Introduction paragraph is just repeated; reader is not aware that paper is ending; call to action or final thought is confusing or disconnected from topic.
Grammar & Usage / Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are done correctly (Less than 5 errors). / Errors do not detract from the overall flow of paper (Between 6-10 errors). / Errors detract from overall flow of paper (Between 11-15 errors). / Enough errors to confuse the reader (More than 15 errors).
Grade: ______Plus Extra Credit: ______