WRNC Board Meeting
Nov. 29, 2009
Meeting was called to order at 10:32 a.m.
Present: Linda Bergman, Brenda Hiles, Ann Rogers, Mary Weiss, Laurie Degernes, Jean Chamberlain, Beth Knapp-Tyner, Toni O’Neil, Jennifer Gordon, Carla Johnson, Janenie Ledbetter, Lauren Powers.
Absent: Elizabeth Hanrahan
Proposed agenda: Unanimously accepted.
Board minutes May 17, 2009
Unanimously accepted
Address change: Our new address, P.O. Box 2844
Durham, NC 27715, has been filed with the state.
However, we must also provide a physical address. Jean Chamberlain recommended we use Carla Johnson’s address, 2542 Weymoth Road, Winston-Salem. NC 27103.
**Unanimously accepted**
T-shirts: Linda Bergman reported that 60 T-shirts have been purchased to sell at the symposium in January. The shirts cost a total of $444.47 and will be sold for $12 a piece. We have 44 steel green T-shirts left from the previous two years. They will be sold at a discounted price of $10 a piece.
Officer and board member duties: Guidelines have been set out for officers and board membersin the form of documents, so everyone will know what the duties entail. Job descriptions are posted in the board member section of the website.
Motion to accept the documents was made by Mary Weiss
Motion seconded by Laurie Degernes
**Unanimously approved**
Cage grant: One cage grant is being carried over to 2010.
The board had discussed in May allowing board members to apply for the grant. Another application was received but because of complications the grant was not awarded. The board will carry over the grant to 2010, awarding three grants rather than two. The decision was made not to open the grant to board members to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Chimney swifts: Linda Bergman reported that as of Nov. 29, we have received no applications for Chimney Swift Tower grants. The grants have received media coverage in newspapers, the WRNC newsletter and in presentations made by Linda Bergman. While information was requested, no applications have been filed. The deadline for applications is Jan. 5. Another notice will run in the December issue of the newsletter.
RVS rehab: WRNC is still awaiting a decision from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission about its request to allow rehabbers to care for rabies vector species animals. Wildlife Resources Commission officialshad a meeting to discuss the WRNC's proposed RVS permit in September. Executive director, Gordon Myers sent a letter tothe state Health Director Dr. JeffreyEngel requesting hisopinion. WRNC President Beth Knapp-Tyner sent a letter to the Wildlife Resources Commission on Nov. 10 asking for an update. As of Nov. 29, she had received no response. She will follow up with the Gordon Myers in December.
Nominating committee: Two people have been identified as potentialnominees for the WRNC board. They are Halley Buckanoff of the Valerie Schindler Wildlife Rehab Center at the N.C. Zoo and Dr. Leslie Martin of the Triangle Wildlife Rehab Center. The committeeis seeking other possiblenominees. The terms of three members – Carla Johnson, Toni O’Neil and Janenie Ledbetter – expire this year. All three will be seeking re-election.
Annual financial report, available on the board section of the website, was
**unanimously accepted**. Total cash balances as of 4-30-09 was reported by Jean to be $20,828.32.
The symposium financial report, available on the board section of the website, was **unanimously accepted.**
Scholarships: Two scholarships will be offered to members with financial need, which will cover symposium fee and hotel lodging* (* if resides atleast an hour away from the symposium site in Raleigh). A notice appears in the December issue of the newsletter.
Registration: Online registration will be available soon; a form is available to print out and mail in but we’d like to encourage members to register online. Problems with the software have delayed the online registration.Hoping that by next week things will be up and running and notice will go out.
Presentations: Dr. Dave Scott of the Carolina Raptor Center has had to cancel his presentations due to demands on his time. Laurie Degernes is working on filling those slots.
Liz Gettinger is our new student liaison, joining Toni Poston.
Brenda Hiles suggested updated WRNC’s logo, keeping the basic design, to improve its reproduction. Lauren Powers volunteered the services of her husband, Mike, who is a graphic artist. Any substantial change to the design will need board approval.
The next meeting will be held during lunch onSunday Jan. 30 atthe symposium in Raleigh.