WRITING PROJECT | NightjohnLiterary Analysis Essay Thesis & Outline

For your year-long writing project, you are required to complete a 500-750 word literary analysis essay on the novel Nightjohn by Gary Paulsen.

Today, you will develop a thesis statement of the right scope for your paper as well as completing a rough outline of your paper.


  1. Choose a theme below.
  2. Once you have your theme, plug it into the universal thesis template.
  3. Then, add in your body paragraph topics from the list of literary devices below.
  4. Once your thesis is written, then you can loosely fill in your outline.
  1. Nightjohn Themes

PrejudiceIs it ever right for one individual to own another, or for one group of people to be denied equal rights because they are different in some way?

Getting Along with OthersSlave owners such as Clel Waller used fear and intimidation to control their workers. Are these methods appropriate or effective? How might the story of Nightjohn been different if Waller used other methods (such as rewards for good behavior) for maintaining control?

FreedomNightjohn had gone north and was free, but returned to the South to help others gain freedom by teaching them how to read and write. How do the slaves and slave owners value literacy?

LeadershipNightjohn is viewed as a leader among the slaves because of his efforts to help them. What does it take to be an effective leader? Who else in the story might be considered a leader (for better or worse)?

BraveryThere are many instances in Nightjohn when the slaves show their courage bravery. However, not all slaves are brave in the same way. What are some different ways that a slave could be brave? What role does bravery play in the abolition (or destruction) of slavery?

II. Nightjohn Characters

Pick one of the following characters and come up with three adjectives to describe that character’s personality. Find 3 or 4 examples of each characteristic.


The Ultimate Universal Thesis Statement

In the text, the author uses literary device 1, literary device 2, and literary device 3, to advance his overall theme.

Fill in the blanks in the universal theme with your relevant information.

YOUR Ultimate Universal Thesis Statement

In ______, ______uses ______, ______, and ______, to advance his overall theme of ______.

Now, complete your outline: