TCE Contamination and Cleanup Curriculum

Writing about the Problem and the Solutions

Author: Catharine Niuzzo Honaman

Time: / 3 classes
Preparation Time: / 30 minutes to read lesson
Materials: / Computer lab for the students to write their papers


Now that students have had practice finding factual information for an environmental health problem by separating neutral information from emotionally packed words and phrases or irrational lines of reasoning and by reviewing how to take notes properly and summarize without plagiarizing they are ready to write about the TCE situation. They will write a researched 5-paragraph paper that explains some of the problems encountered with TCE in a specific community and proposes solutions to which both the individual and the government can contribute.


This is the apply lesson. Students will write a researched 5-paragraph paper to show the extent of their knowledge of the problem of TCE contamination in Tucson and possible solutions.


Students will be able to:

1) Synthesize information from multiple sources to create a new document

2) Write a five paragraph expository theme

3) Write a paper that both explains an environmental health problem and its possible


4) Apply the skills of summarizing main ideas and picking out significant details from texts

about scientific matters to be able to write about a particular environmental

health issue

5) Write using the conventions of English properly

National Language Arts Education Standards:

Standard #1

Students read a wide range of print and nonprint text to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world, to acquire new information, to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace, and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.

Standard #5

Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.

Standard #7

Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience.

Standard #8

Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.

ArizonaState Standards


Strand 1: Concept 6: Comprehension Strategies

PO 4. Connect information and events in text to experiences and to related

text and sources.

Strand 3: Concept 2: Functional Text

PO 1. Synthesize information from multiple sources to solve a problem.


W-P1. Use transitional devices; varied sentence structures; the active voice; parallel structures; supporting details, phrases and clauses; and correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and usage to sharpen the focus and clarify the meaning of their writings.

PO 1. Use transitions where appropriate.

PO 2. Vary sentence structure.

PO 3. Use active voice as appropriate to purpose.

PO 4. Use parallel structure appropriately.

PO 5.Sharpen the focus and clarify the meaning of their writing through the appropriate use of:


-standard grammar and usage,

-spelling (with the use of a dictionary/thesaurus),


W-P4. Craft a cohesive research document that develops a logical argument or thesis; contains comprehensive, supporting information from a variety of credible and cited resources; and conforms to a style manual.

PO 1. State a point of view, position, or argument about the subject

PO 2. Organize with a beginning that states the thesis, a middle that develops

the thesis, and an end

PO 3. Support a point of view, position, or argument, utilizing facts, examples,

details, and/or quotes from credible accurate sources

PO 4. Follow the guidelines of a selected style manual consistently

Teacher Background

It is important to know what is involved in writing a five paragraph expository theme.

Related and Resource Websites

(A website with information about expository writing)


  1. Begin the apply lesson by sharing with the class the requirements of the brief research paper that they will be writing using the information gathered in the explain lesson. It will follow a 5-paragraph expository theme structure to help the students present their ideas and supporting evidence in a concise format and that will hopefully make the paper easy to write.
  1. The students will write using a traditional five paragraph expository theme format about the TCE contamination problem in South Tucson using the information that they have researched. The purpose of the paper will be to explain some of the problems encountered with TCE in a specific community and to propose solutions to which both the individual and the government can contribute. The emphasis of the paper is to describe the problem accurately, using as much scientific terminology and evidence as possible. The paper is to have a neutral tone. It will be a vehicle for the students to demonstrate understanding of the problem and acknowledgement of the solutions, which are working.
  1. In the paper they will:
  2. Develop a thesis that states a position that South Tucson has a historical experience with TCE contamination
  3. Support the thesis with relevant examples from your research.
  4. Analyze the information
  5. Present solutions (those that are being used or others that could be more beneficial)
  6. Organize the analysis with a clear beginning, middle, and ending.
  1. Their papers will also demonstrate their ability to use correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and usage in writing as well as effective transitions, varied sentence structure, parallel structure, and active voice.


  1. The purpose of the paper is to help the students realize that through scientific knowledge a community can identify environmental health problems and empower itself to find solutions. If time permits you could have a wrap-up discussion with the students asking if they know of any other environmental health concerns that we have in southern Arizona. How can the experience with the TCE identification and clean-up act as a model to help with other situations?

Embedded Assessment

The five paragraph paper is to be graded along traditional lines, or using any rubric which you have previously introduced in class and the students have come to use as a measure of their success on a piece of writing. Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage as well as effective transitions, varied sentence structure, parallel structure, and active voice should all be utilized with proficiency. In terms of subject matter, the student should introduce his/her idea accurately in the first paragraph, thoroughly explain how three different literary devices

