You need to write a project report using the following sections (but if your report needs further sections, please add these).


A brief overview of the following sections of the report, i.e. a brief outline

of the background and objectives of the project, with the overall results

and main conclusions.

Contents Page

Showing all sections, including appendices.


The background to the project, the situation in which the project arises.This helps the report reader to put the project in context. Photographs and diagrams are particularly useful here.


A statement of the purpose of the project. What does the project expect to

achieve. A statement beginning : The purpose of the project is to ……….


A record of the activities which were carried out, for example the calculations which were made, the research which was carried out or the sketches/procedure used which led to the final design. You need to show how your results were achieved/produced.


The outcomes of the project, what was produced by the activities, for example the final drawings for a design project, or the final results of calculations. Where multiple calculations are carried out, please set outan example calculation and tabulate the results for the remainder (there is no need to show the calculation for all results)


Costing information relating to the overall cost of project implementation.What are the financial benefits of carrying out the project?


Compare the results/outcomes of the project with the initial project aims and objectives. Did the project achieve its objectives? If not, what are the differences?


This is an evaluation of how you carried out the project, not an evaluation of the subject of the project, but the process you used.


State the source of any information use for the project. For instructions on how to reference sources of information see instructions in the appendices.


This is a presentation of the project to peers, colleagues or tutors. It can be a simple 10-minute talk that may make use of audiotape, video or a professional presentation package such as Microsoft Powerpoint.


Some form of bar chart showing planning of a time scale for key stages in the project should be given in the report.

• A cost estimate (in terms of man hours and material costs) should be given in the report.