WRIA 8 Grant Application Supplemental Form

WRIA 8 Grant Supplemental Application Form – Habitat Protection and Restoration Projects

Project name:

Project sponsor:

Benefit to Chinook

1. Does this project support the Cedar River Chinook population? Select one: ☐YES ☐NO

2. What is the size of the project footprint? Use acres, linear feet, or both if applicable.

a) If the project is located along a river or stream system, what is the average bankfull width at the project location?

3. What ecological concerns or habitat limiting factors will this project address? What WRIA 8 recovery strategies will be addressed by this project? (Refer to Appendix E (Recovery Strategies) of the 2017 WRIA 8 Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan Update.) Describe the connection—if any—between this project and the habitat goals outlined in the 2017 WRIA 8 Plan (Appendix D: Habitat Goals).

4. Where not covered elsewhere in the application, describe how the proposed project supports natural ecosystem processes.Describe whether this project will have a meaningful connection to previously restored or protected areas.

5. How will the project enhance or protect existing juvenile Chinook salmon rearing habitat, create habitat that is intended to support the juvenile life history stage, or otherwise provide lift to a habitat type that is limiting to juvenile Chinook salmon?

Certainty of Success

1. The following questions address project readiness:

For restoration projects:

a) When will the proposed work be implemented (month and year)?

b) What is the status of project designs?

☐COMPLETE ☐60% ☐30% ☐CONCEPTUAL (10%)

c) What is the permitting status?


For acquisition projects:

a) What is the status of landowner willingness?

☐Landowner willingness documented (must attach documentation to application)
☐Priority parcels identified and landowner contacted and supportive
☐Priority parcels unknown and/or no landowner contact

2. What are possible constraints or risks to project implementation and how will these be managed?

3. Briefly describe any community involvement and/or public outreach and education performed as part of the project, especially where conducted during project development or design. Please specifically note any public involvement and outreach to underserved communities or culturally-significant populations.

4. Describe whether climate change has the potential to affect future conditions at the site and how the proposed action will be resilient under changing future conditions.

5. Does this specific proposalcomplete habitat protection or restoration activities in a particular reach or shoreline segment? If so, briefly explain.

6. If this proposal involves partnerships or cooperation with other agencies or organizations, list all partners, describe the nature of the partnership(s), and attach partner letters of support. If your organization does not own or have land management authority over the property where the project is proposed, attach documentation from an official within the jurisdiction where the work will occur demonstrating awareness of and general support for this grant proposal.

7. For restoration projects, describe any project evaluation or monitoring that will occur and is intended to evaluate the success of the proposed activity (see the WRIA 8 Monitoring and Assessment Plan).

January 20181