New Street, Marnhull, Dorset.DT10 1PZ.

26th April 2016

Dear Parents / Carers

Wow what a great start we’ve had to the Summerterm!

Marnhull 12k

Sunday 17th April saw the revival of the Marnhull 12k and what a fantastic day this proved to be. We had over 100 adult runners and 70 children runners. Thank you to everyone who took part. This event took a great deal of planning and organising and huge thanks goes to Mr. Spencer Mogridge and Mrs. Ruth Readman for their inspiration in bringing this race back to Marnhull and for their commitment to making it such a success. Our PTFA cannot go without a mention as they were constantly in the wings supporting and encouraging and certainly did a tremendous job in keeping everyone full of coffee and cake! I think many of us have been enthused to run next year. I know there is already lots of interest and people wanting to put their names down. We might even put out a staff team not just the lone figure of Mrs. Dike who represented us this year – doing incredibly well!

The total raised for this event was an astonishing £1369.69

The money will be going towards a total painting redecoration of our school library and furniture for this. The area at present is not really used to its’ best and we hope in the future to encourage children to use it as a place where they can enjoy books and share books with their friends. We also hope to have a volunteer librarian so that children can take books home to share with their families. Our very talented parent Jenny Stewart has created a mural of Wind in the Willows for the area.

Gardening Morning

My thanks to parents/ Grandparents and Governors who turned out on this very wet morning starting work on our environmental area.We have some great plans for this, which include a fire area, a seating area, wild flower patch, pond development, home and run for our ducks and open access to the whole space for the children. We also hope to extend the use of our outside classroom by purchasing a storytelling throne. This has all been possible due to the kind donations from a member of our community and the Marnhull gardening club, totalling £2850.

BSO / Beach Day 18th May

Thank you for all your completed permission slips. If you haven’t yet sent them in please can you do so asap. The school will be closed on this day. Any parents who would like to join us at the beach are more than welcome but unfortunately I have no spaces on the coaches. Please can you let class teachers know if you are coming I know Key stage 1 staff would appreciate any extra adult helpers. It is vital that Key stage 2 children are in school by 8.15am to allow us time to get to Poole and take our seats by 9.45am – thank you.

Resuscitation Training Thursday 19th May 6-8pm

I have organised resuscitation training for staff to enable us to start swimming after half term. If you are interested in possibly covering sessions after school or during the holidays then this training is essential. There are a limited number of spaces, please sign up at the school office if you would like to attend.


All the classes are in full swing with their learning both inside and outside. It is lovely to see the children fully enjoying our school environment.

Great excitement took place in Hains / Walton with an explosion on the field bringing to earth their Rocket seeds from Tim Peake!

Our choir are out this week representing our school at Gillingham singing festival.

Tapshays and Goddards presented two great performances of ‘Oliver’ songs in Praise assembly, led by Alex Moss / Alice Field, drama students from Southampton. This has inspired our year 6 and I can announce that their leaving play will be ‘Oliver’ – auditions will commence after SATs! Alice will be working with these children on the performance and will be involved in the audition process.

PTFA funds

We are very fortunate at St Gregory’s to have such an active PTFA and this has brought in a substantial amount of funds. I thought it would be good for parents to hear what these funds have been spent on so far in school.

  • Individual classes have spent their cake money on theme resources / books, Let’s Explore resources, art materials and storytelling resources – still more to spend!
  • Whole school computer package ‘ Espresso’ – which allows teachers to access teaching resources / games + activities for pupils / film clips linked to theme work, all curriculum subjects linked to National Curriculum
  • Paint for school hall redecoration
  • Whole school BSO / beach trip – x4 coaches
  • Theatre company production of ‘The Railway Children’
  • Subsidised trips for classes
  • Library refurbishment

As always here’s to continued smiles, happy children and a love of learning!

Debbie Field