October 3, 2014
Dear Mayoans,
WOW!! It has been a hop, hop, hoppity busy couple of weeks since I wrote to you last! Field studies, an overnight and the book fair is being set up in the library. I have been hopping around trying to see all of the fine, fine, things you have been learning in this fine, fine, school.
Desmond Woodson and Timothy Miller took responsibility to apologize to a friend after a misunderstanding on the playground. Thanks for stepping up boys.
Isaac Covington and Maverick Sanstra took initiative and cleaned up some equipment that had been left out in the gym. I know Ms. James appreciates it!
Hayden Henderson showed the lifeskill of caring when he noticed a friend had on the wrong color of shirt for the Einstein neighborhood walking field study. He quickly went to his cubby to get his extra shirt and loaned it to his friend. Yay Hayden!
Esmeralda Garcia is showing responsibility by helping all of the Cheetah Einsteins to family. Thanks Esmeralda. I know that can be a tough job sometimes.
Paris Coleman, Taliyah Reyes, Emmy Sanders, Julianna Mattox, Sofia Clary, Annie Baumgarten and Even Washington worked so hard on the Einstein playground to clean up all the sand that had made its way in the toy box. Nice effort!
Zek Morales and Aundre Beaty are using the lifeskill of initiative and responsibility to keep the paperback library organized in the Edison area. Make that 3 lifeskills! Add organization to the list! Way to go boys!
Felipe Rodreiguez found an empty bag blowing around on the playground. He chased the bag around and finally caught it. Then he started picking up more trash and filled up the entire bag! Thanks for being a great example of initiative, Felipe!
During snack time, Kyla Flash saw Jaxson McCormick could not open his snack because he had a broken arm. She quickly opened his snack without being asked. Way to show friendship, Kyla!
Danielle Armah and Polett Conaway showed awesomeness when they came in to finish their classwork and then cleaned up the room. Thanks girls for your awesomeness! I just love that word, AWESOMENESS!!
Kyndal Reed and Christopher Berson took the initiative to stack chairs in Ms. Embry’s area without being asked. Thanks for your help!
James Craig showed friendship during extended day by playing basketball with Keon Cooper, Kynidee Embry and Ka’Bis Young. Thank you James for your AWESOMENESS!!
Fabian Garcia noticed that Judah Roby was feeling a little sad at lunch recess. He held his hand and immediately struck up a conversation with Judah that had him smiling all over! Great friendship Fabian!
Well, I’m off to try some carrot stuffed fair food wrapped in lettuce! Keep up with the AWESOMENESS, Mayoans!!
See ya,