Wortham ISD- Campus Improvement Plan -2015-16

Wortham ISD


Wortham High School


Revised Annually
Board adopted January 27, 2016


2015-16 District Strategic Plan

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: Student Achievement for All

Description: Wortham ISD will demonstrate sustained growth in student achievement by ensuring learning for all students through high standards, integrated technology, highly qualified staff and the district-wide aligned curriculum.

  • Performance Objective 1.1: Increase the number of students who are college/workforce ready and meet the criteria for graduating on the Distinguished or Recommended High School Plan.
  • Performance Objective 1.2: Demonstrate continuous improvement of district accountability measures through district-wide aligned systems and curriculum resulting in an “Exemplary” rating.
  • Performance Objective 1.3: Increase the number of students enrolled in Advanced/Dual Credit Academic Courses.
  • Performance Objective 1.4: Encourage student participation in extracurricular activities and monitor their progress to ensure high levels of academic achievement.
  • Performance Objective 1.5: Increase the integration of technology resources and systems in order to ensure students are 21st Century Learners.
  • Performance Objective 1.6: Recruit and retain a Highly Qualified, diverse staff who implement best practices and are recognized and valued.

Goal 2: Safe, Secure and Nurturing Schools

Description: Wortham ISD will provide and maintain safe, secure and nurturing environment conducive to learning, which will enable students to think critically and act responsibly.

  • Performance Objective 2.1: Maintain safe and orderly learning environments for all students and staff.
  • Performance Objective 2.2: Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Performance Objective 2.3: Increase the number of parents and community members involved in schools.

Goal 3: Ensure Effective and Efficient Use of Resources

Description: Wortham ISD will align its resources with its mission and establish operational processes that systematically improve individual departments and campuses, which in turn, improve the district.

Performance Objective 3.1: Customer/Stakeholder Satisfaction in effectiveness and efficiency of the district.

•Performance Objective 3.2: Efficient use of resources by all district departments

Wortham Independent School District

Profile of a Graduate – 21st Century Learner

All graduates of the Wortham Independent School District will make valuable contributions to society in the 21st century. The following competencies and performance behaviors are expectations for all

WISD graduates.

As a 21st century learner, the students will have abilities to

•make conceptual connections across the content areas

•work effectively on real-world applications and make connections to real-world contexts

•be successful in post-secondary education and employment after their graduation from the PK -12 system


Academically Prepared for Life-Long Learning

•Uses reading, writing, language, mathematics, science, social studies and technology effectively

•Maintains high expectations of learning

•Appreciates a diversity of literature and fine arts

•Continues education in a variety of settings, i.e. academic, vocational, and workplace

•Commits to the continuous process of self-directed learning

•Sets, adjusts, and evaluates realistic long and short term goals

•Demonstrates the ability to locate, organize, evaluate, and utilize information

•Reads proficiently from a variety of sources for knowledge and enjoyment

Effective Communicator

•Practices effective communication skills through listening, speaking, writing, and reading while adapting to different audiences and purposes

•Conveys ideas while respecting the feelings and thoughts of others

•Demonstrates the ability to communicate using the computer and other available and appropriate technology

Performance Behaviors

Problem Solver

• Exhibits innovative and perceptive thinking to solve problems

• Questions, researches, and thinks critically to obtain essential knowledge

• Demonstrates conflict resolution and interpersonal skills

• Appreciates the past with a vision for the future

Responsible Citizen

• Value Integrity and accepts responsibility

• Builds self discipline and a strong work ethic, balancing competition and cooperation

• Demonstrates cultural and social mindedness and willingness to participate in a democratic society and the world

• Develop an awareness of a healthy life style

Campus Improvement Committee Members

Members elected/appointed:

Pam Calame- Teacher, ELAR

Jack Rex- Teacher, Technology

Johnnie Ward- Teacher, Social Studies

Amy Jo Miller- Teacher, CTE

Jennifer Paden- Teacher, Art

Marc Nichelson- Band Director

Harris Worcester- Teacher, Spanish

Leslie Croft- Teacher, Science

Sharlotte Coker-Teacher, Special Education

Connie Widenor- Teacher, Ag.

Kay Lunsford- Teacher, Math

Lori Ward- Teacher, Math

Pat Adams- Teacher, ELAR

Sunday Crider- Teacher, Science

Additional non-teaching members:

Rebekah Craig

Linda Craig

Krista Ball

Linda Carr

Carla Little

Erin Ray (student)

Tyler Baird (student)

Parent member:

Mike Fautt

Community/Business members:

Sharon Hale


Wortham ISD- Campus Improvement Plan -2015-16

Campus Improvement Committee Calendar – Meeting Timeline

• Minimum of four (4) meetings per year

Date / Activity / Members Required / Comments/Expected Outcome
Oct. / Regular Meeting / CIC / • Reorganization of CIC
• Campus Planning Process
• CIC Meeting Calendar
• Review and Approve Campus Improvement Plan
• Student Interventions
Jan. / Regular CIC Meeting / CIC / • Campus Data Review
• Student Interventions
March / Regular CIC Meeting / CIC / • School Organization and Context
• Campus Budget
April / Regular CIC Meeting / CIC / • Campus Budget
• Staff Development
Plan for 2015-16

Comprehensive Needs Assessment 2014-2015

Area of Focus Categories

A. Demographics (Goal 1,2 & 3)

B. Student Achievement (Goal 1)

C. School Culture and Climate (Goal 1 & 2)

D. Staff Quality, Recruitment and Retention (Goal 1 & 3)

E. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (Goal 1)

F. Family and Community Involvement (Goal 2)

G. School Context and Organization (Goal 1, 2 & 3)

H. Technology (Goal 1, 2 & 3)

A. Demographics (Goal 1, 2 & 3)

Demographics refer to the characteristics or make-up of the school and help us understand who we are currently working with and how we implement strategies, initiatives, programs and services to meet their needs.

•Performance Objective 1.2: Demonstrate continuous improvement of district accountability measures through district-wide aligned systems and curriculum resulting in an “Exemplary” rating.

•Performance Objective 1.6: Recruit and retain a Highly Qualified, diverse staff who implement best practices and are recognized and valued.

•Performance Objective 2.1: Maintain safe and orderly learning environments for all students and staff.

Potential Data Sources:

• Enrollment

• Attendance

• Ethnicity

• Gender

• Mobility/Stability

• Special Program Participation

• At-Risk by Category

• Teacher-Student Ratios

• Graduation, Completion, Dropout, and GED rates

• Course/Class Assignments

• College/University/Dual Credit/Advanced Placement Enrollment


Wortham ISD- Campus Improvement Plan -2015-16

B. Student Achievement (Goal 1)

Student Achievement data refers to the annual and longitudinal reviews from varied sources of formal and informal data. These data provide insights about the degree to which students are acquiring the knowledge and skills expected for each grade level and course of study.

•Performance Objective 1.1: Increase the number of students who are college/workforce ready and meet the criteria for graduating on the Distinguished or Recommended High School Plan.

•Performance Objective 1.3: Increase the number of students enrolled in Dual Credit Academic Courses.

Potential Data Sources:

• State Assessment Data

• SAT/ACT/PSAT Results

• Advanced Course/Dual Enrollment Data

• Standardized, Norm-Referenced, Criterion-Referenced Tests and Measures

• State and AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) Data Tables

• Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Data

• Course/Class Grades

• Graduation, Completion, Dropout, and GED Rates; Diploma Types

• Promotion/Retention Rates

• Classroom and Program Assessments and Other Data

• Student Work

C. School Culture and Climate (Goal 1 & 2)

School culture refers to the organization's values, beliefs, transitions, and customs which shape the personality and climate of the organization. It determines how parents, community, staff and students feel about the school and affects how people interact within the system.

•Performance Objective 1.4: Encourage student participation in extracurricular activities and monitor their progress to ensure high levels of academic achievement.

•Performance Objective 2.1: Maintain safe and orderly learning environments for all students and staff.

•Performance Objective 2.2: Increase customer satisfaction.

Potential Data Sources:



•Focus Groups


•Feedback Data

•Classroom and School Walkthrough Data

•Parent Conferences, Meetings, etc.

D. Staff Quality, Recruitment and Retention (Goal 1 & 3)

Staff Quality, Recruitment and Retention refers to the school organization's level of high-quality, highly-effective staff, particularly in high-poverty schools. This area is also focused on assessing the effect of recruitment and retention strategies on staffing patterns.

•Performance Objective 1.6: Recruit and retain a Highly Qualified, diverse staff who implement best practices and are recognized and valued.

Potential Data Sources:

•Teacher Certification/Qualification Data

•Paraprofessional and Other Staff Qualifications

•Staff Effectiveness in Relation to Student Achievement

•PDAS and/or Other Staff Effectiveness Data

•Staff Mobility/Stability

•Special Program Qualifications, e.g., Bilingual/ESL, Special Education, etc.

•Professional Development Data

•Teacher-Student Ratios

•Graduation, Completion, Dropout, and GED rates

•Course/Class Completions, Grades, and Other Data

•Recruitment and Retention Strategies and Other Data

E. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (Goal 1)

The curriculum/curricula collectively describes the teaching, learning, and assessment materials and resources available for a given course of study. These are aligned with the TEKS and other standards, incorporating instruction and assessment processes.

• Performance Objective 1.2: Demonstrate continuous improvement of district accountability measures through district-wide aligned systems and curriculum resulting in an “Exemplary” rating.

Potential Data Sources:

• Standards-Based Curriculum Resources and Materials

• Scope and Sequence; Pacing Guides; and/or Other Focus Documents

• Foundation Course/Class Materials

• Enrichment Course/Class Materials

• Technology

• Instructional Design/Delivery; High-Yield Strategies

• Lesson Study/Delivery Processes

• Collaborative Horizontal and Vertical Team Alignment Processes

• Student-Specific/Differentiated Strategies and Processes

• Common Benchmark Assessments and/or Other Assessments

• Class, School, and Special Program Schedules

F. Family and Community Involvement (Goal 2)

Family and Community Involvement refers to how these stakeholders are informed, invested and involved as partners in supporting the school community to maintain high expectations and high achievement for all students.

•Performance Objective 2.2: Increase customer satisfaction.

•Performance Objective 2.3: Increase the number of parents and community members involved in schools.

Potential Data Sources:

•Family and Community Participation Counts by Type of Activity

•Parent Volunteer Information

•Parent Activity Evaluations and Feedback

•Parent and Community Partnership Data


•Demographic Data

•Community Service Agencies and Support Services

G. School Context and Organization (Goal 1, 2 & 3)

School Context and Organization refers to the processes, structures, decision-making, and overall leadership aspects of the organization, including how these areas address quality teaching and learning.

•Performance Objective 1.5: Increase the integration of technology resources and systems in order to ensure students are 21st Century Learners.

•Performance Objective 2.1: Maintain safe and orderly learning environments for all students and staff.

Potential Data Sources:

•School Structure or Make-Up, e.g., Teaming, Looping, etc.

•Decision-Making Processes

•Master Schedule

•Leadership: Formal and Informal

•Supervision Structure

•Support Structures: Mentor Teachers

•Duty Rosters

•Schedule for Student Support Services, e.g., Counseling, Social Work, Library, etc.

•School Map & Physical Environment

•Program Support Services, e.g., Extracurricular Activities, After School Programs, etc.

•Communication: Formal and Informal

H. Technology (Goal 1, 2 & 3)

Technology refers to modeling and applying digital tools and resources for students, staff, and other stakeholders to advance teaching and learning, and connect to real-world experiences, including post-secondary opportunities.

•Performance Objective 1.2: Demonstrate continuous improvement of district accountability measures through district-wide aligned systems and curriculum resulting in an “Exemplary” rating.

•Performance Objective 2.1: Maintain safe and orderly learning environments for all students and staff.

Potential Data Sources:

•Technology Infrastructure, Networks, etc.

•Technology Hardware and Software

•Classroom Technology Needs by Area, Class, Department, etc.

•Professional Development/Teacher Preparation Needs in Technology

•Leadership and Administrative Support Structures for Technology Implementation

•Resource Allocations

•Technology Policies and Procedures

•Technology Plan

•Assessment of Technology Skills for Students, Staff and Other Stakeholders


Data Sources Reviewed:
• ACT, SAT, and Advanced Placement Reports
• AEIS Reports
• Attendance and Discipline Reports
• AYP Reports
• WHS Parent Engagement Survey
• WHS Climate Survey (Staff)
• WHS Student Engagement Survey
• Curriculum/ Unit Assessment Data
• Demographic Reports
• Dual Credit/Advanced Placement Enrollment
• Enrollment Data
• Highly Qualified Teacher Report / •Instructional Technology
• Longitudinal data
• Master Schedule
• Parent Participation/Involvement in Activities
• PDAS results
• Six Week Failure Rates
• State and Local Assessment Data
• Teacher/Staff Feedback/Input
• At-Risk Report
• Campus Budget and Staffing Allocations
Area Reviewed / Summary of Strengths
What were the identified strengths? / Summary of Needs
What were the identified needs / Priorities
What are the priorities for the campus, including how federal and state program funds will be used?
(Goal 1,2,&3)
Performance Objectives
2.1 / Achievement gaps exist most significantly for African American and Economically Disadvantage students in Writing / Increase student achievement across all student groups and close achievement gaps that exist among subgroups.
Improve student attendance through PBIS strategies.
Student Achievement
(Goal 1)
Performance Objectives
1.3 / Data is utilized to evaluate student achievement and monitor interventions.
Intervention strategies are offered to aide student achievement – e.g. Academic Prep period,after school tutorials, EOC math class, EOC English class, ICU,
SAT & ACT prep class, EOC retest tutorials / Improve student achievement on state assessments through targeted intervention strategies for students who were unsuccessful on the EOC in 2014
Increase the number of students graduating on the Recommended and Distinguished graduation plans.
School Culture and Climate
(Goal 1 &2)
2.2 / Student Incentive Programs through PBIS to encourage academic success and positive behavior
Discipline data for the early part of the 2015-16 school year already shows improvement. / Staff climate surveys from 2013-14 indicate the need for improved morale across the district.
Student absences is a likely causal factor for low performance / It is a priority of the WHS administrative staff to foster a positive school culture and an atmosphere of continuous improvement.
Professional development, Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS), and a focus on quality instruction are our primary focuses to improve the culture and climate of WHS.
Staff Quality/Professional Development
(Goal 1 & 3)
Performance Objectives
1.6 / Mixture of young staff and experienced staff
A large number of new staff members who bring with them new ideas.
Staff that offers real world experiences through their prior business experience and or careers. / 100% Highly Qualified Staff
Areas of greatest need for professional development for WHS teachers and/or staff:
• Quality instruction using best practices
• Data-driven decision making
• Instructional technology
• Higher-level questioning techniques to increase rigorous instruction at the level of STAAR EOCs
• Differentiated instruction
• Working effectively with students with special needs
Teacher mentoring program for new teachers. / Regular Staff Meetings
After school will be used to target best practices. (Needs will be based on data from classroom observations and walkthroughs).
Teachers will attend Professional Development workshops through Region 12 and other trainings as affordable.
Curriculum, Instruction Assessment
(Goal 1)
1.2 / Common, guaranteed, and viable curriculum –
• Data disaggregation can be accessed through Eduphoria AWARE by all teachers
Purchase of Heat Maps and Quintile Sheets aide in the disaggregation of data
• Increased number of students enrolled in dual credit classes. / Collaborative planning
C-Scope unit assessments have been a challenge for students in all subject areas.
Vertical alignment and consistency
Integrating iPads and Chromebooks into the lessons
Essays in all content areas / Student level review of data for targeted students
Failure Intervention and Prevention Plans for all struggling students
Increase the use of higher-order thinking skills and high-yield instructional strategies
Increase of critical writing in all classes
Family and Community Involvement
(Goal 2)
2.3 / Social media and WISD website have increased online communication with parents / No functioning PTA or PTO
Rapidly changing or incorrect contact information has had a negative effect on school/parent communication / WHS is committed to increasing parent and
Community involvement in school improvement efforts through more effective communication and opportunities for authentic involvement in school functions.
School Context and Organization
(Goal 1, 2, &3)
2.1 / Cleanliness and maintenance of facilities
Small class sizes
Campus Attendance Committee
Campus Site Base Committee / Loss of valuable instructional time due to large student involvement in various activities / It is a priority of WHS to increase student performance on state assessments. Time, resources, and funding will be dedicated to that goal
(Goal 1, 2, & 3)
Performance Objectives
2.1 / Student 1-1 ration with iPads/Chromebooks
Student data on Eduphoria/AWARE
Wireless capability at WHS
Projectors available in most every classroom.
1 full time tech man to work on issues
All classrooms have at least 4 PCs
Computer lab with 20 stations available most of the day
Credit Recovery is done through on-line program
Increased band width for students. Separate band width for teachers. / Increase the technology proficiency level in all teachers
Methods to deter students from accessing games during class time and instruction / Staff development will be provided through mini-workshops and Faculty Staff Meetings on effective use of instructional technology
Tutorial sessions are posted through our tech mans blogs.

Wortham High School