Thursday, October 5, 2017

Location: Multi-purpose Room

PRAYER – Pam Bourjaily

ATTENDANCE--Father Adam, Paul Bobay, Pam Bourjaily, Kathy Donnelly, Judy Duncan, Donna Jondle, Mary Kelley, Mike Kelley, Sandy O’Brien, Amanda Ray, Janet Steenlage,Fran Zuber


Moved by PaulBobay, seconded by Fran Zuber


  1. Marty Sokol was in attendance at the September meeting.
  2. ART & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE– Mary also proposed an idea to Father Adam and the group about possibly building a storage rack in the area behind the alter to house the banners.
  3. Gwen Montag is the artist who created the banners for the altar.
  4. November 11/12: Dedication Mass – Cake will be served and flowers will beplaced on the altar.


  • September 16/17: Blessing of Catechists & all Educators--Everyone was asked to stand during the masses while Father Adam gave a blessing. This worked out well.
  • September 30/October 1: Pet Blessing—About 20 pets attended, mostly dogs but one cat. Judy Duncan put pictures on the website of this event.


  • October 7/8: W&S “Spotlight Weekend—A short announcement will be done before Mass letting people know that we will be at the table to answer questions about our ministry. There is an announcement in the bulletin and a full sheet will be in the bulletin that people can fill out and hand in to get involved. People working at the table: 5:15 p.m. Mass Donna Jondle and Kathy Donnelly; 8:30 a.m. Mass Janet Steenlage and Fran Zuber; 11:00 a.m. Pam Bourjailyand Sandy O’Brien. We will need a poster for table that shows all ministries.Amanda Ray offered to make one if the current poster could not be found.
  • November 1: All Saints Day--Masses at 9:00 am 6:00 pm. Use Signup Genius to get ministers. 9:00 a.m. mass: 2 bread and 2 wine; 6:00 p.m. mass: 4 bread and 4 wine.
  • November 4/5: Blessing of the Sick--knitting ministry leaders have been made aware so there will be enough shawls.
  • November 11/12: Dedication Mass--Cake will be served after all masses & flowers placed on the alter. Dedication candles will be carried in by EMs during procession of Mass. Janet Steenlage will email sacristans nearer the event to let them know they will need 4 EMs to carry candles. We will need someone to serve cake. Donuts will be canceled for this weekend.
  • December 8: Feast Day of Immaculate Conception—Signup Genius will be used for ministry volunteers.
  • December 17—Advent Cantata at 6:00 p.m.
  • December 18—Communal Reconciliation—7:00 p.m. Mary Kelley and Kathy Donnelly will organize the meal for the priests.
  • Christmas Masses: 4th Sunday of Advent celebrated at 5:15 Mass on 12/23 and at 8:30 Mass on 12/24. Christmas Eve Masses celebrated on 12/24 at 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm and Christmas Day Mass celebrated on 12/25 at 9:00 am


  • Update on the banner storage—Dave Johnson has been asked to build a storage rack for the banners.
  • The committee has finished planning for Advent decorations. Decorations will include the birch tree branches and Susan Puhl banners.
  • December 1—Decorating the church for Advent.
  • December 16/17—Second collection for flowers. There is a suggestion to add an offering box in Narthex for people to donate for flowers.


  • December 2/3 is the first Sunday of Advent—Paul Bobaysuggested putting information in the bulletin about symbols used during mass with an explanation of why they are used. There is information in the Sourcebook that could be used. Judy has information on the Advent Wreath which could be used for the first week. This information could be placed on the back of the worship aid. Everyone could do some research to see what other topics could be covered.
  • Advent books to take home are already here.
  • Mary Kelley wondered about adding an announcement that asked people to move to the middle of the rows so that the ushers could see what seats are available. The discussion centered around the reality that we could ask but people probably would not do it.
  • Norma Ward would like to come to our meeting to update this group on the plans for the church entrance. They are fact-finding right now. We are happy to have her come to our meeting.
  • Janet Steenlage and Mary Kelley want to set up a meeting with the sacristans to review procedures.
  • Mary Kelley noted that a parishioner used one of the hearing assistance units. The parishioner stated that it worked well with her hearing aids and it really helped her enjoy mass. Judy Duncan stated that there are two types of units; one that acts just like a hearing aid (there are four of these upstairs and four downstairs) and one for someone who already wears hearing aids (there are two of these upstairs and two downstairs).
  • Mike Kelley let us know that there are seven new acolytes already trained and one additional to be trained. Father Adam would like to stick with fourth graders unless we are very short on numbers. Pam Bourjailysuggested we use age nine as the cutoff.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday,November 2, 2017

Minutes submitted by Sandy O’Brien,