WORSHIP…our ultimate priority 1

MSG #8 – In Spirit & Truth

John 4:1-26 September 11, 2016

Scripture Reading: John 4:21-24

Don’t miss the contrast between the woman and Jesus:

  • She is focused on what man values.
  • Jesus is focused on what God values.

According to Jesus, God values worship that comes from “the spirit,” based on, and empowered by, “truth.”

Spirit & Truth

Spirit: What is Jesus referring to when He uses the word “spirit” in this context? Is He talking about the Holy Spirit, or about the human spirit?

The Greek word is pneuma = breath – wind – spirit.It stands for the immaterial aspect of life.

  • The Body = the material
  • The Spirit = is the real life, the real person, the true essence of that life.

If this mention of “spirit” was referring to the Holy Spirit, the word pneuma would be combined withhagios = holy, only one, pure, divine.

The word “spirit” here is referring to man’s spirit.

Jesus is saying that the worship God is interested in, is not that which is driven by location, or tradition, which are external matters.God is interested in the heart, what is internal.

Jesus tells the women that true worship is NOT about place or tradition, but the inner-person, the spirit.

Truth: here relates to that which is REAL– ACTUAL.

Jesus says:24God is spirit,…. That is the REALITY of God! He is a Spirit Being. NO material substance.

What does man do? He tries to give God substance, an image.

  • He carves images out of wood,
  • sculptsimages from stone,
  • molds images from precious metals.

It’s called Idolatry. Exodus 20:4

Another REALITY about God is found in the SHEMA.4“Hear, O Israel: The Lord (Yahweh) our God, the Lord (Yahweh) is one.Deuteronomy 6:4


  • Eternal,
  • All-Knowing,
  • All-Powerful,
  • Ever-Present,
  • Never Changing
  • ONE!

This is TRUTH,and no matter how much one seeks to worship from their inner-most being,(spirit) if that worship is not based in the REALITY OF GOD,revelation God has given about Himself, it’s not true worship.

The Jewish ~ Samaritan Problem

The Samaritan’s had a lot of heart, soul, enthusiasm, SPIRIT. They were very sincere in their worship, but they lacked truth. John 4:22

The Jews were very grounded in TRUTH. They had Orthodoxy oozing from their ears, but they were as DEAD as corpses.

SPIRIT & TRUTH must come together for there to be REAL WORSHIP.

How we worship must be based in the revelation God has given. John 17:17

Wrap Up

Colossians 3:16: 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly (TRUTH), teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness (WORSHIP) in your hearts (SPIRIT) to God.

True worship is about..

  • the Word of God finding a dwelling place in our hearts, transforming us from the innermost being...
  • bursting out with thanksgiving and praise for God’s love, mercy and grace…
  • molding us to the image of Jesus as sons and daughters of God.

Are you a True Worshiper?

Worship in Spirit & Truth.

This is the kind of worship The Father is seeking.