World War II Timeline to Pearl Harbor


- Fascist leader ______comes to power in Italy


- ______implemented to help Weimar Republic

- Temporary ______to Germany organized by Coolidge’s VP Charles Dawes

- German economy begins to recover; French troops occupying the Ruhr Valley withdraw


- ______becomes Emperor of Japan


- ______: agreement between many nations to outlaw war


- Dawes Plan ends as planned; Young Plan (implemented 1930) developed to reduce total German reparations and continue line of credit from U.S.

- October 29th, 1929: Black Tuesday


- Japanese expansion begins in Manchuria


- World trade at 33% of pre-1929 levels; U.S. loans to Germany stop


- ______; new Nazi controlled government repudiates reparations and war debt and stops making payments

- First ______passed

- First concentration camps established for political prisoners


- Hitler names himself ______(supreme leader) of the ______after the Reichstag Fire and the death of Hindenburg


- ______


- German army reoccupies the Rhineland

- Policy of ______(giving Hitler what he wants to avoid war) unofficially begins

- Italy invades Ethiopia

- ______begins (ends 1939); Germany begins supporting Francisco Franco and International Brigades formed to support the Spanish Republic

- Neutrality Act of 1936 expands trade embargos to include loans and credit; companies such as Texaco, Standard Oil, Ford, GM, and Studebaker use a loophole to sell trucks and oil to Francisco Franco on credit because the Spanish Civil War was not technically an international conflict


- Neutrality Act of 1937: "______" begins; belligerent countries can buy from U.S. companies but they must pay immediately and in full and assume all transportation responsibilities

- ______carried out by Japanese military (ends 1938)


- Anschluss: Germany annexes Austria

- ______: British PM ______agrees to grant Hitler the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia and then declares "Peace for our time"

- Japan invades Mongolia and the USSR

- November 9th/10th: ______(“Night of Broken Glass”) – the Holocaust begins


- March - Germany occupies the rest of Czechoslovakia

- April - Hitler begins demanding the return of Danzig and other territory in Poland

- August - ______(broken in 1941) negotiated

- September 1st - ______invasion of Poland (WWII begins)

- Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia fall to the U.S.S.R.


- ______

- ______begins: U.S. will do anything to aid Britain except join WWII

- U.S. transfers 50 destroyers to Britain in exchange for the right to establish American military bases on British territory in Asia (response to Japanese expansion)

- ______

- First peacetime draft in U.S. history

- All American men aged 21 to 35 had to register with local draft boards

- All were eligible to be drafted to serve no more than one year in the military, but draftees could only serve in the Western Hemisphere or in American territories elsewhere

- No more than 900,000 draftees could be serving at one time

- Term of service extended to 18 months in August of 1941

- 10,000,000 men had been drafted by the time the law expired in 1947

- FDR calls these "______"
- May - Germany takes Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg

- June - Combined Italian and German forces conquer France after failure of ______

- Northern France under direct Nazi control

- Southern France ruled by a puppet government called ______

- ______and members of the French military evacuated at Dunkirk and a new French government in exile called Free France is established in Britain

- August - ______(German aerial bombardment of Britain) begins

- September - ______formed between Germany, Italy, and Japan

- October - ______to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii as a deterrent to Japan

- ______and closes Japanese access to the Panama Canal


- January - FDR makes the “Four Freedoms” speech publically stating his commitment to

- Freedom of ______

- Freedom for every person to ______in his own way

- Freedom from ______

- Freedom from ______

- March - "Cash and Carry" ends and is replaced with "Lend-Lease"

- The president may sell, lend, or lease military supplies to ______


- Shipments began to ______

- The ______and ______were now at war economically

- Conflict heightened when a German U-Boat sunk an American merchant ship

- FDR ordered American vessels to sink ______on sight

- May - Battle of Britain ends

- June - ______(German attack on Soviet Union) ends Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

- July - ______


- ______shipments to Japan prior to the embargo, 80% of Japanese oil came from the U.S.

- ______

- Japanese military leadership begins to believe that war with the U.S. is imminent, particular if expansion into oil rich Brunei and tin and rubber rich Malaya became necessary because of the embargos

- August - ______

- In August of 1941 Churchill and FDR agreed to create an international organization to ______

- By September, fifteen other countries had signed the Atlantic Charter as well