Cold War Study Guide Name ______

5th Grade Social Studies Quiz Date ______

Big Ideas (based on the standards):

·  Communism vs. Democracy/Capitalism

·  US vs. USSR

·  Spread of Communism

·  Berlin Wall

·  Korean Conflict

·  McCarthyism

·  Space Race

·  Cuban Missile Crisis

·  Vietnam War

Your test will include information from the questions below.

1.  Why was the Cold War called a “cold” war? (p. 384)

2.  Complete the chart below contrasting democracy and communism: (p. 384-385)

Government Type: / Principles: / Strengths: / Weaknesses:

3.  What is McCarthyism? (p. 391)

4.  Why did the United States want to keep communism from spreading? (p. 390-391, p. 394-395)

5.  What was the Korean War about? (p. 392)

6.  What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? (p. 392)

7.  What does the “space race” refer to? (p. 415)

8.  What was the Vietnam War about? (p. 422-425)

9.  How did the media impact the Vietnam War? (p. 424)

10.  What was the Berlin Wall, who built it, and why was it built? (p. 387)

When did it come down? (p. 450)

11. When and why did the Cold War eventually end? (p. 450, 452-453)