World War II and the Cold War Study Guide

World War II and The Cold War Study Guide

40 Multiple Choice Questions – Tuesday, May 1. Please be aware of the Late Start Schedule.

20 questions from Chapter 27

20 questions from Chapter 28

Please be aware of the following information for Tuesday’s Test. These questions are no particular order and, in many cases, are out of chronological order.

Concept from the chapter / Record your information here
Length of FDR’s presidency
Clark Memorandum of 1930
Land Lease Act of 1941
During the 1930s which social group would have supported pacifism?
Which WWII American victory was the turning point of the Pacific War?
Zoot Suit Riots in 1943
Geographic location where US troops first went into combat against German troops
U.S. Allies during WWII
Provisions of the Neutrality Act of 1935 - 1937
Commander of the U.S. Pacific fleet during World War II
December 1941, why did the US declare war on Germany?
What was President Truman’s primary motive for using nuclear weapons against Japan?
U.S. admiral who called for military assistance to prevent a French defeat in Vietnam in 1954
Great Britain’s leader during World War II
In what ways did America respond to the Communist triumph in China?
When Congress voted to end wartime price controls, what effect did it have on prices?
Britain and France responded to initial German aggression by doing what?
At which location, was the German invasion of the Soviet Union turned back? (geographic location)
How did Great Britain American get American war supplies across the Atlantic?
The general chosen to command the Allied invasion of France
Which invasion by Italy exposed the weakness of the League of Nations?
1940-1941 – what did FDR do to halt Japanese aggression?
Actions of MacArthur during the Korean War
Julius and Ethel Rosenburg
What was the status of North Korea at the beginning of the war?
National Security Act of 1947
Philosophy of George Kennan
Because of the Cold War, what branch of the Armed Forces dominated the others?
Most famous disclosure of espionage activities in the U.S. government in the late 1940s
Anti-Comintern pact of 1937
Why was the attack at Pearl Harbor such a surprise?
Which battle prevented the Japanese assault on Australia?
Why did the Chinese threaten the U.S. a massive invasion of Korea during the war?
American foreign policy on Latin America in the 1920s
Soviet Union first learned of the American atomic bomb
1930s pacifists found a scapegoat in which group or person?
African-American who proposed the 1941 March on Washington
Fascist dictator of Italy