World Renew 2014-2015 Gift Catalog
Bulletin Announcements
Here are suggested announcements to use in your church bulletin. Feel free to revise to suit your congregation. Where you see the words INSERT LOCATION HERE, you can indicate where your church members could find the Gift Catalogs at your church, for example: member mailboxes, welcome center, etc.
November 16–World Renew invites you to follow God into the lives of the poor this Christmas. With His power, a baby can beat the odds for survival in Bangladesh. With His power, seeds and tools can give refugees a new start in South Sudan. With His power, a goat can provide a family with life-changing income. Tap in to The Power of Putting Things Righttoday.Find your copy of the World Renew Gift Catalog (INSERT LOCATION HERE), online at or by calling 1-800-333-8300.
November 23 – World Renew encourages you include a gift from the gift catalog on your Christmas list. A baby weighing scale, a goat, and seeds and garden tools are just a few of the powerful items that you can give that make a difference for someone in need. Learn more in the gift catalog available (INSERT LOCATION HERE), online at or by calling 1-800-333-8300.
November 27(U.S. Thanksgiving)–Give thanks for God’s power to put things right. As we reflect on God’s great blessings to us, World Renew encourages you include a gift from the gift catalog on your Christmas list. A baby weighing scale, a goat, and seeds and garden tools are just a few of the powerful items that you can give that make a difference for someone in need. Learn more in the gift catalog available (INSERT LOCATION HERE), online at worldrenewgifts.netor by calling 1-800-333-8300.
November30–This Advent, remember that seemingly small things can make a powerful difference in the world. For only $4, World Renew can provide a lantern for an adult who as no formal education to learn to read and write at night.Find The Power to Put Things Rightin this year’s gift catalog available(INSERT LOCATION HERE), online at or by calling 1-800-333-8300.
December 7– Reminder: World Renew invites you to give powerfully this Christmas. Give a gift that has The Power to Put Things Right:Help one more family plant a vegetable garden, help one more child receive the literacy books they need, help one more hurricane survivor find shelter and restoration. Find your copy of the World Renew gift catalog (INSERT LOCATION HERE), online at or by calling 1-800-333-8300.
December 14– Reminder: World Renew invites you to follow God into the lives of the poor this Christmas. Give a gift that has The Power to Put Things Right: Help one more family gain access to clean water, help one more child get the nutrition they need, help one more typhoonsurvivor find shelter and warmth. Find your copy of the World Renew gift catalog (INSERT LOCATION HERE), online at or by calling 1-800-333-8300.
December 21–Tap in to The Power to Put Things Right with World Renew this Christmas. God’s power became visible in His son, Jesus Christ, at Christmas. You can give a powerful gift to someone in need this Christmas through something as small as a baby chick or as big as clean water for a whole community. Find these and other empowering items in the World Renew gift catalog available(INSERT LOCATION HERE), online at or by calling 1-800-333-8300.
December 25 (Christmas Day) – Thank you for sharing The Power to Put Things Right with World Renew. Today we give gifts that can display God’s power in the lives of the poor by sharing our financial gifts with World Renew. If you desire to know more about what World Renew is doing to make a difference in the lives of those who live in poverty, or if you want to find out ways you can volunteer or get involved, please visit you!