World History Honors


8/11/14 Pre Planning Week

World History – Content/Literacy Standards

Unit 1: Early Civilizations Timeframe: 8 Days

Course: World History Grade: 9

Standards Addressed

SS.912.W.1.1 LACC.910.RH 1.1 LACC.910.RH 2.5

SS.912.W.1.3 LACC.910.RH 1.2 LACC.910.RH 3.7

SS.912.W.1.4 LACC.910.RH 1.3 LACC.910.WHST 1.2 SS.912.W.1.6 LACC.910.RH 2.4 LACC.910.WHST 3.7

Essential Questions

• What is culture and civilization?

• What were the key elements of early human civilizations and later empires?

• How were the elements diffused and adopted by various civilizations?


Students will understand that . . .

• time is measured, including the complexities of BC and AD and definition of century (eg. 1600=17th century).

• the Neolithic revolution led to the development of civilizations that were distinct.

• many of these developments were adopted and changed by later civilizations.

• a cycle of civilizations exists and what common elements led to success/failure of civilizations.

Know Do

Students will know . . .

• when and where agricultural developed.

• how geography was key to their locations.

• how civilizations arose in these areas.

• how to define aspects of culture vs. civilization.

• the distinguishing features of each of the following civilizations:

- 4 river valleys : Mesopotamia, Nile, Indus, Haung He

- Greeks

- Hellenistic

- Roman.

• the reasons for growth of civilizations.

• the diffusion of key elements (religion, etc.).

• elements of good vs. bad governance.

Students will be able to . . . .

• map diffusion of key ideas and technology.

• analyze possible cultural characteristics that led to the growth and collapse of various civilizations.

Unit 1 Early Civilizations

Essential Vocabulary Potential Activities

• What was the Neolithic Revolution?

• Characteristics of culture

• Components of civilizations

• What is diffusion?

• Purpose of Hammurabi’s code

• Elements of Judeo-Christian religious traditions

• Elements of Hindu religious traditions

• Elements of Buddhist religious traditions

• Elements of various Chinese belief systems

• Homer

• Oligarchy v Republic

• Alexander the Great and Hellenics culture

• The Caesars

• What and when was the PaxRomana?

• What is and purpose of a Dynasty?

PARENTS, if you have not done so please email me so i have your email contact.

Week of:8/18
Revised: 8/20 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
WORLD HISTORY HONORS / WELCOME To Viera High School and World History!!
Getting seated:
Basic Class Procedures
Read Expectations. You are responsible for the information
Supplies Due By Monday / Class Orientation and Expectations Handed out
What A Summer..World in Crisis PPT Why History Matters!!!
Presentation and discussion
Student /Parent Accountability Form Due Friday 8/22 / Introductions and class building activity: Student Sample Survey Introduction Activity
Class Presentations / Finish presentations
Essential Question: What is meant by history?
Foundations Class Notes : The Meaning of History, Credibility, Bias and Objectivity
Student /Parent Accountability Forms Due tomorrow / HW Due: Student /Parent Accountability Form collected and stamped
Essential Question How do you recognize bias?
comparing bias in the news (Fox v. MSNBC) If today's news is biased imagine back in the day!!!!
Extra Credit Name Tags Due
Supplies Due
Special info:
Foundations Unit: Extra Credit Opportunities:
Extra Credit: Creative Name Tags Due Monday 8/25
Week of:8/25
Revised: 8/ / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Class Notes : The Meaning of History, Credibility, Bias and Objectivity
What A Summer..World in Crisis PPT
My Study Notes Paleo/Neolithic/River Valley and Roots of Judaism A must for the test!!!
Spriite Example
Paleo and Neolithic societies
Neolithic City Puma Punka
Sumer and Mesopotamiaa
Foundations PowerPoint Notes
Critical Vocabulary and Current events
Spriite Example With Key Vocabulary / Creative Name Tags Due
Set Up Note Books
Handouts, Hand backs, Turn In,
Essential Question: Were the Paleolithic Man more or less similar than us today?
Begin Paleo/Neolithic
Paleo and Neolithic societies
Download my notes on Paleo/Neolithic/River valley and roots of Judaism notes / Essential Question:
What are Common
Components of Civilization?
Finish Paleo/ Neolithic Age
Megalithic Cites
make sure you have colored pens, pencils, crayons, etc. / Essential Question:
How do we break complex civilizations down to manageable components?
Spriite Examples With Key Vocabulary Hand out
Roots of Judaism as example
HW: Finish Your Personal Spriite Due Tomorrow for Grade / Essential Question:
Why did Civilization rise in so many remote areas of the world at roughly the same time?
Rise of Civilization and common components
Create Personal SPRIITE using the spriite categories Finish for HW if needed
HW: Finish Personal Spriites by Friday if needed.
Extra Credit By 9/4: Thursday of next Week Turn Sprite into creative travel poster or large Spriite. Of your civilization / Civilizations of Mesopotamia
Individually read assigned section of Early River Valley Civilizations.
Text Book Chapter 1.
Group Work: As a group create a spriite chart of your groups chosen civilization to present to the class.
All Must complete their own although only one will be presented
For Next Week
Tuesday: Present Spriites and Test Review
Extra Credit Due
Area of Study: Classical and post classical Civilizations and Christianity

Friday : EQ: How can you use SPRIITE to break down the elements of a civilization?

  • The Nile and Egypt Pg.6 –
  • City States of Sumer pgs 6. 7
  • Civilizations of the Andes pg. 21
  • Cities of Indus Valley and Kingdom of the Ganges pg. 8
  • Early Civilizations of China - All. Pg. 9
    A) Every student reads their section
    B) After reading, work together to fill in your SPRIITES
    C) One sprite will be turned presented and turned into me , All students must have their own completed Spriite. The turned in copy will be given back to the recorder. Continued....

Area of study: Sumer
Time Period: 3500 BCE
Location: List your River Valley: Tigress Euphrates Rivers: Mesopotamia Modern day Iraq
Extra Credit Due Thrusday
Your task. Quickly create a travel poster that creatively shows the sprite components that one might by at a gift shop upon leaving your River Valley Civilization

  1. create a poster that creatively shows your Sprite information
  2. Must represent all components from your spriite.
  3. Must be neat and accurate

Be sure to include:
Area of study - Sumer
Early River Valley – Tigress - Euphrates Rivers
Location and dates Modern Day Iraq 3500BCE – 500BCE

WED: 9/3 -TEST Neo/Paleolithic/River Valley Civilizations and Historic Vocabulary - Test Scores will be posted this weekend.
Week of:9/1
Revised: 9/4 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Spriite Example
Critical Vocabulary and Current events
Spriite Example With Key Vocabulary
Roman Art and Architecture.
Rise of Rome
Fall of Rome / Labor Day
HW: / Group Spriites (Finish, make corrections and turn in for full credit)
Test Review
HW: Study / TEST: Foundations,
River Valley Civilizations, Historical concepts and vocabulary
HW: / Finish written portion of the test
Grade Tests
Essential Question:
What is meant by Classical Civilizations?
Heights of Roman Civilization Handout
How to Annotate.
Khan Academy Video on Classical Rome
Extra Credit Due Sprite into creative travel poster or large Spriite. Of your civilization
/ Greek Hellenism and Roman Art and Architecture.
Critical Reading Skill Annotation:
Annotate: "The Heights of Roman Civilization and Empire" Finish for
HW: Due Monday if needed!
Remember: Selective highlighting, Main Idea above paragraph, key points in margin
For Next Week:
Annotations Due
Rise of Chrisianity
Judaism and Christianity comparison and life under Rome.
Reasons for Fall of Rome
Destruction of the Jewish Temple by
Chapter 7: Early Middle Ages
Week of:9/8
Revised: 9/ / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Spriite Example
Roman Art and Architecture.
Rise of Rome/
Fall of Rome
Rome 473 BCE - 60 BCE NOTES
Roman Achievements article to be annotated
Rise of Christianity / HW Due: Collect annotations on Roman Accomplishments
Rise of Christianity in Rome video with notes
/ Compare/Contrast Christianity and Judaism under roman rule
Rise of Christianity notes
Essential Question? How did Rome both hinder and help to expand Christianity before Constantine?
HW: Annotate the Fall of Rome due Thursday / OPEN HOUSE
Decline and Fall of Rome
Annotate for HW due tomorrow
/ Stamp HW: Fall of Rome Annotations
HW for Tomorrow Fall of Rome Sprite Click Here for document
Extra Credit due next Friday Interview primary source on the events of 9/11
13 years after. What happened on that day
Early Middle Ages

Extra Credit Classical Extra credit due / HW Due : Fall of Rome Sprite Click Here for document
Chapter 7 Causes leading to Feudalism/Manoralism
Clovis and Charlemagne
Essential Question: How did former Roman citizens live without the Roman central government?
Feudalism and Manoralism in Western Europe

World History – Content/Literacy Standards

Unit 2: The Middle Ages - Chapters 7, 8, 9 Timeframe: 15 days

Course: World History Grade: 9

Standards Addressed

SS.912.W.1.6 SS.912.W.2.9 SS.912.W.2.14 SS.912.G.2.1 LACC.910.RH.3.7

SS.912.W.2.2 SS.912.W.2.10 SS.912.W.2.15 SS.912.G.4.3 LACC.910.RH.3.8

SS.912.W.2.4 SS.912.W.2.11 SS.912.W.2.17 SS.912.G.4.9 LACC.910.RH.3.9

SS.912.W.2.5 SS.912.W.2.12 SS.912.W.2.18 SS.912.H.3.1 LACC.910.WHST.2.5

SS.912.W.2.7 SS.912.W.2.13 SS.912.G.1.2 LACC.910.RH.2.4 LACC.910.WHST.3.9

Essential Questions

• What were the causes that lead to the development of a feudalistic society?

• How did the Catholic Church shape medieval society?

• How do the events of the 1300’s open the door to the modern age?


Students will be able to:

• describe the achievements of key figures of the Middle Ages.

• analyze how the church played a vital role in medieval life.

• formulate an opinion on the development and changes of political power during the Middle Ages.

• determine factors that led to the development of a “modern” economy.

• identify key figures of the Crusades.

• explain how the Crusades changed the political and economic development in Europe and beyond.

• describe the causes and effects of the plague, upheaval in the church, and the war in Europe in the 1300s and 1400s.

• explain the contributions of the Byzantine Empire and its key figures.

Students will know:

• how feudalism and the manor economy emerged and shaped medieval life.

• how the church played a vital role in medieval life.

• the various elements that led to the growth of towns and commerce.

• how monarchs in England and France expanded royal authority and laid the foundation for united-nation states.

• how the Crusades changed life in Europe and beyond.

• how the combination of plague, upheaval in the church, and war affected Europe in the 1300’s and 1400’s.

• the elements that lead to the development and collapse of the Byzantine Empire.

Students will understand that…

• the purpose of feudalism was to provide political and economic controls.

• the church had a huge control over society and culture.

• medieval society was changed by the Crusades and by the Plague.

Know Do 13

Unit 2 Middle Ages and Byzantine Empire (15 days)

Essential Vocabulary Potential Activities

• What is medieval and its synonyms?

• What is the significance of The Battle of Tours and Charles Martel?

• Who was Charlemagne?

• Holy Roman Empire

• Who were the Vikings and what made them so important?

• Describe the feudal system.

• What was the knight's role in society?

• What is the practice of chivalry?

• What was the role of canon law, interdicts and excommunication?

• What was the significance of William the Conqueror and Henry II in English history?

• What was the purpose of the Concordant of Worms?

• What is the guild?

• What is the significance of Magna Cartaand the development of Parliament?

• What were the Crusades?

• Who was Pope Urban II?

• Who was Saladin?

• What was the Reconquista?

• What was the purpose of the Inquisition?

• What is a vernacular language?

• Who was Dante and what did he write?

• Describe the Gothic style?

• When and what was the Black Death?

• What was the purpose and cause of the Hundred Years War?

• Who was Joan of Arc and why was she a heroine to the French?

• Where is Constantinople and what was its importance?

• What was the significance of the Justinian Code?

• What is a Patriarch?

• What is the significance of the Great Schism in 1054?

• Who was Mehmet the Conqueror?

• Who/what was the Golden Horde?

• Who were Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible?

• Where is the Balkan Peninsula?

• Who were the Maygarsand where were they from?

Formative Assessment-ideas

• Evaluate positives and negatives of the feudal system using two column notes.

• Provide an argument and support as to who was more powerful in the Middle Ages, kings or popes.

• Compare and contrast elements of daily life in Europe and Byzantium.

• Write a quick-write on life in the Middle Ages before and after the Black Plague.

How did the Church play a vital role in medieval life?
How did the Crusades change life in Europe and beyond?
How did the combination of plague, upheaval in the Church and war affect Europe in the 1300s and 1400s?
What made the Byzantine Empire rich and successful for so long and why did it finally crumble?
How did geography and the migrations of different peoples influence the rise of Russia?
How did geography and ethnic diversity contribute to the turmoil of Eastern European history?
How can use of text help determine the meaning of words?
Age of Charlemagne
Medieval church and medieval trade
Conflicts between monarchs and popes
Black Death
Hundred Years War
Byzantine Empire
SS.912.W.1.1: Use timelines to establish cause and effect relationships of historical events.
SS.912.W.1.3: Interpret and evaluate primary and secondary sources.
SS.912.W.1.4: Explain how historians use historical inquiry and other sciences to understand the past.
SS.912.W.1.6: Evaluate the role of history in shaping identity and character.
SS.912.W.2.2: Describe the impact of Constantine the Great's establishment of "New Rome" (Constantinople) and his recognition of Christianity as a legal religion.
SS.912.W.2.4: Identify key figures associated with the Byzantine Empire.
SS.912.W.2.5: Explain the contributions of the Byzantine Empire.
SS.912.W.2.7: Analyze causes (Justinian's Plague, ongoing attacks from the "barbarians," the Crusades, and internal political turmoil) of the decline of the Byzantine Empire.
SS.912.W.2.9: Analyze the impact of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire on Europe.
Early Middle Age Part #1 PowerPoint Notes.
*Art Comparisons and Justinian's Byzantine Empire
*Compare/Contrast Imprial Rome with Western European Middle Ages
*Roman Achievements article to be annotated
*Rise of Christianity*Classical Rome/Rise of Christianity Study Guide*Early Middle Ages Study Guide
Week of:9/15
Revised: 9/ / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Post Classical Empires Middle Age Europe(500 - 1300)
The Byzantine Empire 500 -1453
Early Middle Ages, Feudalism Notes
Secular and church Hierarchy chart
Ministers of Sacraments in Catholic Churchdoc.
Critical Reading and Text Based Writing
Primary Source: Attila the Hun and Pope Leo 1st
Classical Rome/Rise of Christianity Study Guide
Early Middle Ages Study Guide / FinishAttila the Hun and Pope Leo. Writing text based answers
Text Based Rubric
Students answer questions then re answer applying rubric
Classical Rome/Rise of Christianity Study Guide
Early Middle Ages Study Guide
HW: Download study guides and notes
/ Essential Question:How did former Roman citizens live without the Roman central government?
Early Middle Ages, Feudalism Notes
Role of the Church Middle Age Western Europe
Essential Question? How to compare and Contrast two civilizations / Classical Rome compared with Early Middle Age Test Review
/ Classical Rome compared with Early Middle Age Test Review
Intellectual arts and sciences
/ Test Classical Rome compared with Early Middle Age Test
911 Extra Credit Due
Grade Test.
Unit 3: Development of Islam, 10,
Standards Addressed
SS.912.W.2.19 SS.912.W.3.6 SS.912.G.2.1 LACC.910.RH.3.9
SS.912.W.2.20 SS.912.W.3.9 SS.912.G.4.7 LACC.910.WHST.1.2
SS.912.W.2.21 SS.912.W.3.10 SS.912.G.4.9 LACC.910.WHST.2.5
Essential Questions
• What factors caused the rapid spread of Islam?
• What factors contributed to the wealth and development of African societies?
• What were the achievements of the Tang and Song dynasties of China?
Students will understand that…
• Muslim beliefs and achievements changed the society and culture of affected areas.
Students will know:
• the general concepts of Islam.
• the changes to Islam after Muhammad.
• the development of Islam outside of Arabia.
compare and contrast Islam with Christianity and Judaism.
• explain the development, expansion, and achievements of Islam (including Mughal).
Who was Mohammed and when and where did he live?
• What is the purpose of a Mosque?
• What is a sect, and what distinguishes Sunni from Shiite Muslims?
• Where is Mecca and what is its significance?
• What is the Koran?
• What is a theocracy?
• What is the Caliphate?
• Who were Huran al Rashedand IbnKhaldun?
• Who were the Muhgals?
• What is a Sultan and where was the Mughal Sultanate?
• Who were the Ottomans?
• Who was Suleymanand what was his role in the Ottoman Empire?
• Who were the Safavids?
What messages, or teachings, did Muhammad spread through Islam?
What achievements did Muslims make in economics, art, literature, and science?
What were the main characteristics
SS.912.W.2.8: Describe the rise of the Ottoman Turks, the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, and the subsequent growth of the Ottoman empire under the sultanate including Mehmet the Conquerer and Suleyman the Magnificent.
SS.912.W.2.19: Describe the impact of Japan's physiography on its economic and political development.
SS.912.W.2.20: Summarize the major cultural, economic, political, and religious developments in medieval Japan.
SS.912.W.2.21: Compare Japanese feudalism with Western European feudalism during the Middle Ages.
SS.912.W.2.22: Describe Japan's cultural and economic relationship to China and Korea.
SS.912.W.3.1: Discuss significant people and beliefs associated with Islam.
SS.912.W.3.2: Compare the major beliefs and principles of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
SS.912.W.3.3: Determine the causes, effects, and extent
LACC.910.RH.2.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of history/social science.
LACC.910.RH.3.7: Integrate quantitative or technical analysis (e.g., charts, research data) with qualitative analysis in print or digital text.
LACC.910.RH.3.8: Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the author’s claims.
LACC.910.RH.3.9: Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources.
LACC.910.WHST.1.2: Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
Week of:9/22
Revised: 9/24 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Islam and Rise of Islamic Empires
Reading Guide:
Part 1Rise of Islam and Empire
Spread of Arab Empire Chart
Sharia Law/Impact of Islam on Woman/Sunni Shiite Split
Islamic Empires Reading and questions / Finish Written Portion of test
Review and Grade Test
HW: / Essential Question When Should US Go To War
President's Isis speech. Write four point plan
History of Isis: Video with Questions
Due to Weather
7th Period
Grade Tests / Review ISIS from yesterday go over point of view of articles
President's ISIS Plan Pro and Con editorial board articles. Included President's excerpt on 4 point plan Handout
See HW below.
Shortened Day.
HW Due by Monday.
Read and annotate both articles in favor and opposing the President's plan. Write a side by side summary using your annotations filling in specific fact from your key points / stamp completednotes on ISIS
Crash Course: IslamIslam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars All Without a Flamewar- Crash Course World History #13 - YouTube
Chapter 10 Reading Guide:
Part 1Rise of Islam and Empire
Bedouins, Muhammad's early life, becoming a Prophet, Quran, 5 Pillars, Sharia law / Finish Reading Guide
Due by Monday.
Read and annotate both articles in favor and opposing the Presidents plan. Write a side by side summary using your annotations filling in specific fact from your key points

Wednesday - EP/Seminar Meeting 8:00
Thursday stabbed by student 5th period
Friday out Rosh Hashona