113, Champs Blancs, CH-1279 Chavannes-de-Bogis Suisse
The Swiss Federation of Vovinam Viet Vo Dao invites you to participate to the next European Cup which will take place the 16th, 17th and 18th November 2012 in the city of Coppet. Coppet is 15km from Geneva, near the lakeof Geneva and it is easily accessible by train, plane or car.
Conditions to participate:
The competition will take place in Coppet in the spacious Gymnastic facilities of the Rojalets college.
- Participation is open to all Federations, Associations, Centers and Clubs which are members of the World Federation or guests of the organizing committee. The number of participants is not limited.
- Competitors can compete in a maximumof three disciplines to be chosen from the following list.
- For those choosing to compete in the fighting competition a medical insurancecertificate is required as well as a “fit for fighting” physician certificate.
- The organizing committee shall not be held responsible in any way for accidents before, during or after the championships and declines from any responsibility in this regard.
- All competitors are fully responsible for insuring themselves for accidents as well as obtaining approval from their parents if under age 18.
Inscription form
You will find below the list of categories and codes used for the different disciplines. The categories without fighting include 3 categories based on age and level.
The fighting categories are separated for men and women, and are also depending on weight and level.
Please return your inscription forms to the address
The inscription period runs from the 1st June until the 13th September 2012.
Should you have any questions related to the European Cup 2012, please contact:
Master Chi Thanh HAMiss Julie HA /
/ téléphone: +41 22 776 3361
mobile: +41 79 221 0962
fax.: +41 22 776 3362
Inscriptions /
Technical Cups – Coupes Techniques –
filles et garçons dès 8 ans, jusqu’à 14ans, Children ( 8 to 14 year old)
- Khai Mon Quyên individuel
- Chien Luoc individuel de 1 à 6
- Défense à quatre, 9 techniques de défense combinées avec ciseaux 1, 2, et 3
- Demi Song Luyen 1 (1/2) (finir So an dap bung)
- Khai Mon Quyên synchronisé (équipe de 3)
Adulte Blue Belt (over 15 ) , ceinture bleue Adulte ( à partir de 15 ans, girls and boys)
Epreuves techniques Ceintures Bleues, filles et garçons
- Song Luyen 1
- Khai Mon Quyên individuel
- Song Luyen couteau ( 12 techniques)
- Thap Tu Quyên
Adulte Black Belt (over 15 ) , ceinture noire Adulte ( à partir de 15 ans, girls and boys )
Epreuves techniques Ceintures Noires , filles et garçons
- Lao Mai Quyên
- Tinh Hoa Luong Nghi Kiem Phap
- Tu Tuong Bong Phap
- Song Luyên Kiem
- Song Luyên 3
- Don Chânindividuelle(n°7 à 21) ( 5 techniques obligatoires parmis les 21 ) (5 techniquess required within the 21 )
- Quyên hallebarde
Sparring Cups – Coupes Combats
Combat hommes, ceintures bleues et noires, dès 16 ans pour Ceinture bleue
30. 65 kg40. < 65 kg
31. 65 – 70 kg41. 65 – 70 kg
- 70 – 75 kg42. 70 – 75 kg
- 75 – 80 kg43. 75 – 80 kg
- > 80 kg44. > 80 kg
Combat femmes, ceintures bleues et noires, dès 16 ans pour Ceinture bleue
- < 57 kg45. < 57 kg
- 57 – 65 kg46. 57- 65 kg
- > 65 kg47. >65 kg
Remarques: We reserve ourselves the right to cancel a cup if there are not enough participants
Fédération Suisse de Vovinam Viet Vo DaoTél.: + 41 22 776 3361 Fax: + 41 22 7763362
Pays & Club – Country & Club - Quốc Gia & võ đường :Nom Res. - Responsible Name – Người trách nhiệm :
Adresse – Address- Địa Chỉ :
Tel : / E-mail :
Nom & Prénoms
Name & first name - Họ, Tên / Date Naiss.
Birth Date
Ngày sinh / N°1
Khai Mon Quyên
Individuel. / N°2
Chien Luoc 1 à 6
Individuel / N°3
Défense à 4
9 techniques / N°4
Demi Son Luyen 1 / N°5
Khai Mon Quyên
synchronisé / Tổng Cộng
Nom Res. - Responsible Name – Người trách nhiệm :
Adresse – Address- Địa Chỉ :
Tel : / E-mail :
Nom & Prénoms
Name & first name - Họ, Tên / Date Naiss.
Birth Date
Ngày sinh / N°10
Song Luyen Mot / N°11
Khai Mon Quyên
Individuel / N°12
Song Luyen Couteau / N°13
Thap Tu Quyên / Tổng Cộng
Pays & Club – Country & Club - Quốc Gia & võ đường :
Nom Res. - Responsible Name – Người trách nhiệm :
Adresse – Address- Địa Chỉ :
Tel : / E-mail :
Nom & Prénoms
Name & first name - Họ, Tên / Date Naiss.
Birth Date
Ngày sinh / Cup N°20
Lao Mai Quyên / Cup N°21
Tin Hoa Luong Nghi Kiem Phap / Cup N°22
Tu Tuong Bong Phap / Cup N°23
Song Luyên Kiem / Cup N°24
Song Luyên 3 / Cup N°25
Don Chân
Individuel 7 à 21 / Cup N°26
Quyên Hallebarde / Tổng Cộng
Nom Responsable - Responsible name – Người trách nhiệm :
Adresse – Address- Địa Chỉ :
Tel : / E-mail :
Nom & Prénoms
Name & first name - Họ, Tên / Groupe Sanguin
Blood Group (*) / Date Naiss.
Birth Date
Ngày sinh / Poids Weight
Cân Nặng
(In Kg) / Cat. N°30
< 65 kg / Cat. N°31
65 - 70 kg / Cat. N°32
70 - 75 kg / Cat. N°33
75-80 kg / Cat. N°34
80 kg / Cat. N°35
57Kg / Cat. N°36
57- 65 kg / Cat. N°37
65 kg / Total
Tổng Cộng
(*) : Groupe Sanguin / Blood Group/ LoạI Mắu :
O+ / O - / A+ / A - / B+ / B - / AB+ / AB -Pays et Club – Country and Club - Quốc Gia và võ đường :
Nom Responsable - Responsible name – Người trách nhiệm :
Adresse – Address- Địa Chỉ :
Tel : / E-mail :
Nom & Prénoms
Name & first name - Họ, Tên / Groupe Sanguin
Blood Group (*) / Date Naiss.
Birth Date
Ngày sinh / Poids Weight
Cân Nặng
(In Kg) / Cat. N°40
< 65 kg / Cat. N°41
65 - 70 kg / Cat.
70 - 75 kg / Cat. N°43
75- 80 kg / Cat. N°44
>80 kg / Cat. N°45
<57Kg / Cat. N°46
57- 65 kg / Cat. N°47
>65 kg / Total
Tổng Cộng
(*) : Groupe Sanguin / Blood Group/ LoạI Mắu :
O+ / O - / A+ / A - / B+ / B - / AB+ / AB -Fédération Suisse de Vovinam Viet Vo DaoTél.: + 41 22 776 3361