World Bank - Kosovo youth voices Action Plan




Kosovo Youth Voices YVG (YVG) is a group of young people in World Bank. It consists of 10 active members that are invited to consult with World Bank missions (identification, preparation etc.), and provide inputs during the preparations of World Banks activities for the next coming year in the field of youth issues. It is an active group of young enthusiasts who want to learn and share the World Bank experience, in improving the youth life in Kosovo. The members of YVG come from throughout the country, belong to different ethnicities, are equally gender presented and study different fields that are important for the improvement of Kosovo future.


YVG Kosovo was very careful in selecting the areas in which it’s projects are going to be developed. Having in mind the overall situation in Kosovo, and the needs that youth population has, we believe that the following projects would enter the scope of the youth needs and World Bank mission in Kosovo.

Throughout these projects we would be able to:

·  produce analyses, researches;

·  to build capacities within the group and group cooperators;

·  to impact on the youth problems and lobby on youth capacities;

·  to strengthen the capacities of YVG Kosovo;

·  to create a mutual understanding between WB and Youth actors etc.

The main projects which YVG Kosovo is planning to develop during the calendar year are:

1.  STANDARDS FOR KOSOVO – Youth initiatives and involvement


3.  Meeting on “YOUTH DEVELOPMENT”




1. STANDARDS FOR KOSOVO – Youth initiatives and involvement

WORKING GROUP: Vegim Kraja, Shqipe Mjekiqi, Zana Zhaveli, Vllaznim Bytyqi, Valbona Rexhepi, Albina Kershi, Fatos Maqedonci, Alord Kershi, Igor Kalamar, Valon Kashtanjeva.



The ‘Standards for Kosovo’, which have been put forward on December 10, 2003, serve as a materialization of ‘Standards before Status’ and are necessary for the democratization of the Kosovar institutions and its society in general. Since the majority of YVG Kosovo is between ages 18-25 we have considered necessary that it is important to be aware and have information on the most important process that we are passing. Therefore the group finds it very important to get a training on standards from the expert of Kosovo government, who is the person in charge of the office for standards implementation.


·  Inadequate information on how standards work and are implemented

·  Lack of access into the process of implementation

·  Lack of access in the development process in general

·  Lack of initiative for development and implementation process

·  Lack of concrete plan on how they can be involved

·  Believe they don’t have a role on the implementation

·  Poor relations with representatives


1.  Have experts on the field of standard implementation to give information to YVG Kosovo on the importance and basic steps of the standards.

2.  Use the knowledge of World Bank experts in researching, planning and getting more familiar with the standards.

3.  Prepare a report/final on the results achieved/not achived.


Week 1
22 Aprill / Week 2
29 April / Week 3
06 May
Day 1 / Lecture day / Final Report
Day 2 / Lecture day

WORK GROUP Shqipe Mjekiqi, Valon Kashtanjeva, Vegim Kraja

C0RDINATOR Valon Kashtanjeva


The reality shows that education system in Kosovo (including formal and non-formal education) is in bad state and the improvement process is slowly taking place. Knowing that key economic and development factors are varied from a strong education system and investing and improving in education system helps build human capital in developing countries, improves their productivity and ensures that people can participate more fully in society, considering the importance of education for Kosovo and its society, YVG Kosovo is strongly focused to make its influence in the improvement process, in a society where most of population is composed by young people a good education system would be an advantage in all ongoing processes and is essential to the creation of democracy.


·  Lack of information about the reforms in the education system

·  Lack of qualified personnel to implement reforms

·  Youth not involved in the improvements of the education system

·  Lack of research institutions in this area

·  Poor cooperation among government, university and students associations

·  Students not consulted about their opinion and needs

·  No opportunities are provided to students after they finish their studies

·  Lack of exchange programs

·  Practical side of the studies is left behind

·  No strategy against brain drain problem

·  Lack of cooperation identify and publicize the benefits of non-formal approaches

·  Poor partnerships between ministries of education, NGOs and other providers of non-formal education and training

·  Funding agencies not encouraged for investments in programs and projects for non-formal education.


1.  Meeting with NGO’s and governmental structures about their plans and projects for education reforms. Evaluating their plans and preparing a report about the present state for the purposes of World Bank and NGO’s that are involved in the education project.

2.  Meeting with the student representatives and shearing ides and plans about implementation of the reforms in the university and improvement of their conditions.

3.  Coordinate with World Bank projects in this area in order to get a closer idea on the reforms that are necessary to improve the education system.

4.  A research that would be done in the University of Prishtina about the implementation of the reforms.


Week 1
25. May / Week 2
30 May / Week 3
6-10.06 / Week 4
13-17.06 / Week 5
20-24.06 / Week6
Day 1 / Lecture
Day 2 / Lecture / Work with
Ministry of
Education, WB Expert
Day 3 / Do Research & in government and NGO-s / Campaign / Meeting / Training / Work with Ministry
Final Report


WORK GROUP Vegim Kraja, Shqipe Mjekiqi, Zana Zhaveli, Vllaznim Bytyqi, Valbona Rexhepi, Albina Kershi, Fatos Maqedonci, Alord Kershi, Igor Kalamar, Valon Kashtanjeva.

C0RDINATOR Vegim Kraja


Increase the investments for/from government and donors for young people in different fields. Convincing the competent officials in government and donors for significance of increasing founds and investments for young people in different fields like:

  1. Education (formal and non-formal education)
  2. Employment of young people
  3. Investments in campaigns which fighting sexual dieses(like Aids)
  4. Campaigns which involve young people participations in implementing democracy and standards in our country
  5. Anti-corruption programs
  6. Reconciliation between communities
  7. Arts and Sports activities


·  The biggest problems that the young population of Kosovo is facing today are: Employment, education, reconciliation, corruption etc.

·  These problems cause un-sustainability for all the inhabitants of Kosovo.

·  Lack of Kosovo Youth Strategy and lack of interest for a range of projects that would resolve some of the above mentioned problems.

·  Lack of close communication between the Government and youth organizations on huge projects that are implemented from the government;

·  Governmental Projects that would be youth focused and supported from the Donors.


·  Contact all youth organizations, Government, and donors

·  Prepare a research on the projects that are done from the government on youth

·  Prepare a research on the youth issues such as employment, education etc.

·  Determine the date and the place of meeting, possibly on 20 May (Youth day).

·  Ensuring the participation of WB people that are involved in Youth Voices (i.e. Gloria la Cava, Zllatko Nikolloski).

·  Inviting regional members of Youth voices.

Groups that benefit from this meeting:

In long term, from this meeting benefit society in general, but in short terms gain age-groups from 16 to 25 years, this mean that more than 50% of society profit in short terms. Also from meeting profit all entities of Kosovo, either majority or minority communities without any exceptions.

Proposed Participants:

·  Minster of Culture, Sports, Youth and Non-Residential Issues (Mr.Astrit Haracia)

·  Head of youth department (Mr. Skender Boshtrakaj)

·  Experts(preferably: Gloria La Cava and Zllatko Nikolloski…..) from World Bank and Youth Voices from Kosovo

·  Youth NGO-s(Local and International NGO-s), how play dynamic role in “youth life”.(Except: youth groups how have direct or indirect political influence)

·  Youth Centers from every municipality(region) of Kosovo (Prishtina, Mitrovica, Prizren, Peja, Gjakova, Gjilan, Ferizaj)

·  Foreign donors (like: OSCE, KFOS, USAID, British Council, European Union, East-West Management and Foreign Diplomatic Liaisons Offices)


20 May


WORK GROUP Fatos Maqedonci, Valon Kashtanjeva


-  Having a view of the Youth NGO-s and their activities.

-  Willingness to cooperate, support them in Youth important activities.

-  Bring together the activities, ideas, needs, and their requirements into the webpage/Link through WB.

-  Giving them a chance for their presentation through the link of the WB.

-  Exchange the experiences, ideas and proposals

-  Bring Youth needs/propositions worldwide

-  Coordinate and bring together Youth NGO-s all around Kosovo to the unique Link


·  The lack of experience and non-practical involvement of the YVG to the Youth/Social needs.

·  Lack of coordination between YVG and youth NGO’s

·  Wide range of activities that are not presented in one place.


-  Visit successful or unsuccessful NGO-s.

-  Engage YVG volunteers on practical activities and cooperate with World Bank project: Improving performance and sustainability of youth centers

-  See/exchange the progress.

-  Analyze their progression or opposite. Trying to unify the main youth issues into one issue and present it.

-  Giving to the WB through their Link those analyses and youth requirements in more easy access.

-  If requested by Youths (NGO-s) giving them advises or solutions by WB experts if accepted by them.

-  Arrange online possible communication with all NGO Youth members through the Link

-  Cooperation with other NGO-s/Organizations/Interested Donors Worldwide

-  Observation of the Country situation or Youth Situation and being informed altogether on the same time through the Link.

------TIME TABLE ------

Contacts with WB IT+ responsible staff / February / 21,
Coordination/collection of files/answering / March / 7,8,9,10
Contacts with WB IT+ responsible staff / March / 11,
Rate /evaluation / changes / March / 15,
Implementation; IN/OUT contacts exploration… / March… / 19, 21, 22…


WORK GROUP Vllaznim Bytyqi, Shqipe Mjekiqi, Fatos Maqedonci,

COORDINATOR Vllaznim Bytyqi


In order to make a progress of the society in Kosovo through this transitional phase YVG must be engaged in gathering necessary data in every field of life, so YVG could be successful and show as real as possible the picture of the moment position of the society. The WB experts are successfully making projects which in one hand make easy to the governmental institution of Kosovo, which institutions are not that experienced on solving problems, and they can implement such projects. That’s why the YVG must be focused on gathering information for analyses and researches from all domains of life in Kosovo, stressing the issue of economy as priority, which enables people to have a better life, education, health and other fields. This part of the project will serve as a service for the other projects of YVG such as: Standards for Kosovo, Meeting on youth development, Net linking, Education and other projects that might come up.


·  Lack of professional NGO’s, dealing with analyses and researches

·  Pointing the main areas where the international subject could intervene

·  Finding out which are the priority fields for analyses/researches

·  Lack of formal data on youth issues and problems

·  Lack of courses and trainings for youth in conducting analyses


·  Have YVG analyze and research for youth incorporation in implementation of Kosovo Standards

·  Meet with Ministry of Education and the International consultant hired from World Bank in order to gather information on how is the education system going on in Kosovo.

·  Prepare and be as ready as possible with all information we need for the meeting on youth development

·  Serve the group with analyses and researches as needed


According to the needs of YVG and World Bank

6. COOPERATION WITH Governmental organizations and NGO’s

WORK GROUP Vllaznim Bytyqi, Valbona Rexhepi, Albina Kershi, Igor Kalamar

C0RDINATOR Vllaznim Bytyqi


Cooperation with GO’s and NGOs will advise government structures in the youth sector and promoting better cooperation between the various actors in this field. Make youth voices more present in the activities that are related with youth. Have youth Voices closer with problems that youth Ngo are facing and help them if possible.


·  Lack of coordination among the various actors in youth sector

·  Lack of qualified policy analysis in youth policy areas

·  Youth not involved in the consultation for National Program’s

·  Lack of cooperation among government, and non-government actors in implementing the strategic polices in youth sectors


·  Assisting in the preparations for the World Bank YOUTH OPEN HOUSE to be held in World Bank premises on March 21.

·  Promoting policies, guidelines and strategies are developed for the youth sector, as part of YVG Action Plan

·  YVG Action Plan to be transmitted to main stakeholders dealing with National Programs in the youth sector

·  Networking and the flow of information between state and non-governmental actors in the youth sector is promoted.

·  Targeted support is provided to promote cooperation between non-governmental youth work agencies and the international partners.

·  Youth-specific initiatives and campaigns to promote youth participation in social processes are developed with young people and promoted.