Date: 25 February 2011Author: 1000 Lives Office1000 Lives PB 02:05
Workstream Objectives for the 1000 Lives Plus Programme
April 2011 – March 2012
Work Stream One: Ensure improvement is integral to clinical practice in Wales
- Provide teaching in quality improvement through multi-centred service programmes.
- 7 x new Mini-collaboratives, each with 3 learning events.
- 12 x ongoing Mini-collaboratives with one or more learning event still to take place.
- 2 x national learning sessions – quality measured through feedback surveys and a cost of approx £30 day delegate rate.
- Monthly progress reports from Programme Managers, including a summary of uptake and process data, and outcome data on a quarterly basis.
- 15 x end of Programme Area reports for all areas.
- 4 x meetings a year between a Director and the Key Contact and appropriate executives to discuss progress.
- Continue to develop How to Guides and Tools for Improvement Guides aligned with the new programme areas.
- Support locally designed and delivered road shows.
- Web-based learning tools and supporting programmes within Health Boards and Trusts.
- All How to Guides and Tools for Improvement Guides available on the 1000 Lives Plus website.
- All bi-lingual White Papers and 1000 Lives Plus reports available on the 1000 Lives Plus website.
- All requests / queries submitted to the website from Health Boards, Trusts and the public responded to.
- Video clips and stories available online.
- Develop and maintain subject specific ‘How to’ guides.
- 15 x How to Guides and 7 x Tools for Improvement Guides have been completed.
- 8 x Guides to be produced.
- All Guides will be revised after a three years of publication to ensure the most up-to-date evidence is included.
- Publish a generic ‘Pocket Guide for Improvement for Wales’.
- Actively support the national Faculty for Healthcare Improvement and the development of local faculties.
- Set the national Faculty the task of reviewing all maintenance areas as well as acting as Faculty for current mini-collaboratives.
- 2 national Faculty learning events a year.
- Quarterly WebEx between local faculty leads.
- Study tour of Jonkoping as part of Faculty development.
- Raise the profile and showcase the achievements of the national Faculty and local faculties at the 1000 Lives Plus Learning Events.
- Support Leadership for Change in Trusts, Health Boards and across
NHS Wales
- Design Improvement Skills modules for in service, pre and post registration management and leadership programmes aimed at NHS Wales staff
- Participate in and support the delivery of that training
- Ensure close links with the OD and Leadership Steering Group
- Advise on the design of policy and strategy initiatives to develop Leadership for Change in NHS Wales
Work Stream Two: Ensure care is based on best evidence
- Review the evidence base for quality improvement priority areas.
- Assess new guidelines, new technologies, audits and respected national reports.
- Develop and maintain knowledge of emerging improvement practice across the world.
[Details to be confirmed by workstream lead, Dr John Watkins, Honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Public Health Wales, and Director lead, Dr Alan Willson]
Work Stream Three: Ensure a focus on improved outcomes
- Map health outcomes and healthcare experience across Wales.
- Assess opportunities arising from the current level of, or variation in, practice.
- Ensuring appropriate use of mortality and harm measures across Wales.
- Design of outcome measures, ensuring appropriate use of mortality and harm measures across Wales, and liaise with WIGSB (Welsh Information Governance and Standards Board) in standardisation of relevant outcome measures.
- Support organisations in the use and interpretation of outcome measures on a local basis.
[Details to be confirmed by workstream lead, Prof Stephen Palmer, Cochrane Chair in Epidemiology and Public Health, Cardiff University, and Director lead, Dr Alan Willson]
Work Stream Four: Increase value: invest in improvement
- Map value against cost across Wales.
- Assess opportunities arising from that analysis.
- Identify best international practice for managing resources.
- Support organisations in shifting the use of resources as part of the improvement work.
- Redesign processes as a result of this work.
[Details to be confirmed by workstream leads, Prof Ceri Phillips, Professor of Health Economics and Deputy Head of School (Research), Swansea University, and Helen Simpson, Director of Finance, BCU Health Board, and Director lead, Dr Alan Willson]
Work Stream Five: Ensure the people of Wales are at the centre of all care delivered
- Ensure people are appropriately involved in their own care.
- Identify ways in which people are successfully being involved in their own care, to determine overarching themes and lessons that can be learnt.
- Assess each of the 1000 Lives Plus programme areas to identify the best ways to engage the patient, address issues related to dignity and ways to health literacy.
- Develop patient engagement driver diagrams for each of the programme areas.
- Champion methodologies which ensure people’s views and experiences are heard.
- Identify how patient stories are driving quality improvement and to what extent the practice is established in organisations.
- Increase the use of patient stories – ensuring they are heard at executive level, as well as the frontline.
- Increase the number of professions and teams that are using patient stories to drive local improvement.
- Increase the collection of patient stories across the disciplines.
- Pilot a web-based way of sharing stories between staff in NHS Wales for education and training.
- Develop patient stories for use as a media resource.
- Involve people appropriately in the design of service delivery.
- Develop a strategy to bring key stakeholders (users and professional groups etc) together to create structures which actively encourage the involvement of the public in the services that are provided.
- Ensure the establishment of new programme areas incorporates the widest involvement of relevant groups.
- Ensure respect, dignity and outcomes are foremost.
- Raise awareness of the issues regarding dignity in 1000 Lives Plus activity and communications (eg clean commodes, bair hugger gowns).
- Scope a PR raising exercise, fronted by frontline staff, working with the public to raise issues of dignity within healthcare.
Work Stream Six: Ensure sustained improvement through the future workforce
- Develop a communication hub and informal training for students.
- Double the current membership of 557 (as at 08/02/2011).
- Continue to update the Wales Student Chapter website with resources, news and events relating to quality improvement.
- 8 x Wales Student Chapter e-newsletter publications to share student change projects and experiences and developments within 1000 Lives Plus.
- 11 x informal sessions have been delivered or are planned for the first 9 months of the Chapter (September 2010 – March 2011).
- Deliver an additional 15 x informal improvement training sessions across all universities and disciplines in Wales.
- Explore and promote linkages with UK and international Chapters to share learning and opportunities.
- Deliver 4 x essay competitions to engage students in improvement projects and to share their experiences.
- Deliver a national student learning and development annual conference.
- Engage students in measuring health and healthcare experience.
- Launch a student led campaign measuring a small test of change to improve care in one clinical area related to 1000 Lives Plus.
- Launch the ‘1000 wishes’ survey to collate student aspirations for health and healthcare experience.
- Invite a small cohort of students to attend the 1000 Lives Plus national learning events to engage with the measurement for improvement approach.
- Work towards getting improvement onto educational curriculum.
- Pilot a one-day ‘Foundations of Improvement’ teaching session within universities for nursing and medical students as part of the wider OD framework for Wales.
- Develop and publicise a teaching guide for the ‘Foundations of Improvement’ as part of a three-tier framework for quality improvement in the curriculum.
- Partner with Swansea University to explore the inclusion of the 1000 Lives Plus change methodology in the new nursing curriculum for 2012.
4.Work with NHS organisations to build improvement into clinical placements
- Work with local faculties to pilot a student-led improvement initiative, in partnership with the organisation.
- Work to pilot quality improvement projects as part of clinical placements.
Work Stream Seven: Create a shared will for excellence
- Use knowledge, experience and information as a driver for improvement.
- Support the delivery of materials identified in Work Stream One:
- Editing, design and production of the programme’s Improvement Guides;
- Developing and building the content of the 1000 Lives Plus website, including specific programme areas, news items, features and video material;
- Editing, design and publication of key resources including White Papers, The Pocket Guide for Improvement and other related items.
- Support the delivery of the ‘Improving Healthcare’ seminar series as well as developing WebEx seminars.
- Capture examples of good practice and spread their use locally and nationally, and amongst improvement specialists.
- Engage local and national media to highlight the improvement work.
- Raise the profile of the 1000 Lives Plus work on the international stage by sharing learning and building networks.
- A greater focus on the person (“Give me the care I need”).
- Support the aims of Work Stream Five:
- Ensure that each programme area is actively engaging patients in their work, particularly using the patient stories work.
- Scope an initiative that engages the patient in the quality, safety and dignity agendas(possibly a patient safety awareness week, or an ongoing schedule which draws out a patient focus in the each of the programme areas).
- Work with relevant groups to scope ways in which patients can be ‘partners in their care’ to improve the safety and quality of their care.
- Design marketing and communications to shape and drive values, behaviour and culture.
- Provide ongoing management of the 1000 Lives Plus brand.
- 10 x 1000 Lives Plus e-Newsletters to promote and raise awareness of the programme.
- Develop and increase the circulation of the 1000 Lives Plus e-newsletter.
- Develop and implement a strategy to increase traffic to the 1000 Lives Plus websites (English and Welsh).
- Work with organisations on their internal communications to embed key messages related to quality and safety.
- Support health board and trust Communication Officersthrough 3 Study Days, regular face-to-face meetings and conference calls.
- Engage 1000 Lives Plus Programme Managers and train them on more effective use of the media.
- Support and encourage staff to drive improvement.
- Increase stakeholder engagement and build links with professional bodies related to all stakeholders, including National Specialist Advisory Groups.
- Champion the involvement of frontline staff in 1000 Lives Plus, through video interviews for national learning events and our online presence.
- Develop photo features on frontline staff in every health board and trust in Wales to illustrate the improvements being made.
- Ensure frontline staff are cited in all media releases and communications produced by the programme.
- Work with local organisations to celebrate the successes their staff and teams are delivering throughout the organisation.
1000 Lives Plus
14 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9LJ
(029) 2082 7648