Those present for workshop: Martin, Anderson, Myers and Kaufman. Paramore was absent.
Melissa Wilson, Administrative Assistant took the floor and explained the 4 choices that were made out of the 15 different plans that were offered by 4 agents. She had made several phone calls among all of the agents and asked several questions on each plan. She stated that the best plan that would save the Village approximately $20,000 a year would be to go with Aetna through Ohio Insurance Services. She had checked with the agent, Kelly McClain, and had asked the following questions:
- Is there a fee for joining the consortium? And if at anytime we decide to leave the consortium are there any penalties associated with pulling out. Kelly stated: No fee for joining and there is no penalty fee for leaving.
- Is there any commission or extra monthly fees that need to be added to the monthly premium that we were quoted? Kelly stated there are no hidden or extra fees that will be added to the rates we presented to council, but remember the rates we quoted were pre-screen rates that need to go through a final underwriting, and they would charge $3.50 per month per employee for the administration of the HRA.
- How many people are in the group that we were quoted for and what happens to our rate if a large number of people decide to not renew or pull out of the consortium. Kelly stated that they have experienced tremendous retention of the membership and do not anticipate that to change in the foreseeable future.
The rates were for 16 but he had sent the extra amounts for the 18 that could be insured.
Melissa stated that she was not sure of the Summa plan as they are just now branching out towards Medina, and she was afraid that some of our employees doctors may not be in that Summa Care.
Martin stated that he has had Aetna for years and have had no problems with them and you can go just about anywhere and get the medical attention you need.
Martin also stated that with Aetna you have a full internet access to your own account, to be able to see what bills have been paid, and what benefits you have received.
Anderson asked about what about and H.S.A. or and H.R.A..
Melissa stated that they are just different. With an H.S.A. you have to hit your deductible before the H.S.A. kicks in and the H. R. A. is there and you pay the co-pay then the H.R.A. kicks in.
Anderson felt that she would like us to go with the H.R.A.
Melissa stated that it is nice to see a savings several years in a row. We have bid our Health Insurance out now for several years, we have cut coverage’s and have raised the deductible and once again this year we have saved money. We have two employees that decided last year to opt out. They will get this one chance to opt back in when we start this policy, but if they don’t they will have to wait until the open enrollment comes around again next year.
Martin asked what the employees thought of the H.S.A. or H.R. A. Melissa stated she had not talked with the employees because she wasn’t sure of where council was going with the coverage’s, but she felt that most of them would like to stay with the HRA as it is now.
Melissa also stated she had talked with two of the local agents and asked them if they could qualify for this same plan, but after checking into it they both came back and stated no.
The workshop was then adjourned.
The Mayor called the meeting to order. He gave the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken with the following members present: Martin, Anderson, Cooke, Myers, and Kaufman. Paramore was absent.
Also present: Terry Wilson, Chief Marko, Ellen Simmons, Gary Hopkins, Chris Rowland and Kelly McClain.
The Mayor then asked for approval of the Agenda. Martin made a motion to amend the agenda to add Ordinance 11-57 authorizing the Administrator to enter into agreement for the Health Insurance. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
The Mayor then presented the minutes from the August 22, 2011 regular council meeting for approval. Myers made a motion to approve the minutes. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call: Kaufman – abstain; Myers – yes; Cooke –yes; Anderson – abstain; and Martin – yes.
The Minutes from the August 29, 2011 Health Insurance workshop were then presented for approval. Myers made a motion to approve these minutes. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call: Martin - yes; Anderson – abstain; Cooke – yes; Myers – yes; and Kaufman – abstain.
The Mayor the asked for a report from the Administrator. In John’s absence Melissa Wilson, Administrative Assistant gave the report.
She stated that progress on the ProspectStreetBridge has been made. They have done the soil drills, and they will be doing other pre construction work over the next two months. They have contacted the residents in the area to let them know what they will be doing over the next several months in getting prepared to replace this bridge. Melissa also informed council that we have talked with Ben Kenny of WSOS and have found out that we can use the Revolving Loan money to fund our $33,000 share of the Replacement of this bridge. This is good news, and Ben is starting on the paperwork to go forward with the use of this money.
Melissa also received a letter from ODOT that stated that we were not selected for the Street Scape project. So that will save us money in the future.
She reported that the contracts have been signed to begin work on paving the following streets. White Avenue, Prospect Street, North Maple, Grove Street, and East Street. These streets will be paved sometime after October 1st. The contract for repairing the roof on the fire station and the city garage have been signed and they will begin work on the city garage on Wednesday of this week.
Melissa asked about the report from Krock Esser concerning the HVAC system in the municipal building. Does council want to move forward with this? Myers stated that she would like to ask questions about this and would like to have Krock Esser attend the next council meeting. Melissa also reported that we had talked with Krock Esser today, and they are working on the specs for the HVAC system in the HilemanBuilding.
She also informed council that we have mailed out paperwork concerning the principal forgiveness grant through USDA for the sanitary sewer project, and we have asked Underground Utility Service Company to start with a water loss audit. They will be going around all of our water lines to see if there are any unknown leaks.
We will be reading water meters starting this week, and are kind of anxious as we have all of the rural meters changed over to the radio read meters and we are hoping this will save us time and be more accurate. We are anxious to see how this works.
This Fall we no longer have the leaf pick up truck (VACUUM TRUCK) to suck up leaves. This truck was sold at the auction as it was no longer in running condition. We have decided that we will be picking up leaves if they are bagged and set to the curb. There will be a charge of .25 cents per bag for this pick up. Melissa also asked council to raise the cost of picking up tires as the companies that pick these up have raised their charge to us. The cost of picking up the tires now will be $5.00 per tire.
Melissa then asked council what their feelings were on the mowing specifications that Krock Esser handed out to them. Do you want us to go forward with this. It was decided to have Steve Bond rewrite the bid specs.
Melissa told council that John Chapin wanted to thank everyone of the volunteers that worked at labor day. Without these volunteers that couldn’t have pulled labor day off. He also wanted to give a big thank you to the New London Ruritan Club and also Gilbert Hardware for the refurbishing of the Depot. The Ruritan’s did the painting and Gilbert Hardware donated the supplies. Once Again thank you.
The Mayor then asked if Chief Marko had anything to report. He stated he didn’t have any thing to report, but concerning the Festival , from the Police Stand point it was very quite, and no police action as taken for anything criminal.
The Mayor asked why a recreational vehicle and two other vehicles were allowed to go down Main Street during the parade. They thought this street was closed off at the time of the parade. It was lucky that no one was hurt. The Chief stated that he was told that this intersection would be blocked off. They will keep a better eye on this in the future.
The Mayor then asked for a report from the Recreation Department. Gary stated he had nothing to present at this time.
The Mayor then asked for any public questions or statements. Ellen Simmons took the floor and asked about hiring a new administrator. The Mayor stated the one candidate that he had just recently spoke with was not interested because of the salary, and having to move. The Mayor stated that is all he has to report at this time.
Kelly McClain from Ohio Insurance Services then took the floor, and he stated that he had given a quote on the group health plan, and had thanked council for allowing them to do so. He asked if they had any questions regarding this plan. There were no questions.
The Mayor then presented Ordinance 11-44, an ordinance allowing the Clerk/Treasurer to advance money from the CSX fund into the Storm Sewer Fund. This ordinance was placed on a third and final reading. Myers made a motion to approve the third and final reading of this ordinance. Anderson seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Ordinance 11-45 an ordinance amending the employee handbook to allow for an employee leave donation program was placed on a second reading. Myers made a motion to approve the second reading of this ordinance. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Ordinance 11-50, an ordinance changing the zoning on the property located at 80 West Fir from Commercial to Industrial was placed on a first reading. Jonna explained that the Zoning and Planning Commission had held a public hearing and had voted to allow this change in zoning. She had placed this on a first reading as council will have to have a public hearing before the third and final reading. Anderson made a motion to approve the first reading of this ordinance. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Resolution 11-03, a resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Huron County Budget Commission was placed on an emergency measure. Myers made a motion to suspend the rules. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. Myers then made a motion to pass Resolution 11-03 on an emergency basis. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Resolution 11-04, a resolution requesting the US Congress to delay the United States Postal Service from moving it facility for processing mail from the MansfieldCenter to the ClevelandProcessingCenter. This resolution was placed on an emergency Martin made a motion to suspend the rules. Anderson seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. Martin made a motion to pass Resolution 11-04 on an emergency basis. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Ordinance 11-57, an ordinance authorizing an agreement with Ohio Insurance Service to provide health insurance through Aetna for the 2011-2012 year for the Village was placed on an emergency measure. Martin made a motion to suspend the rules to allow Ordinance 11-57 to be passed on an emergency basis. Anderson seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. Martin then made a motion to pass Ordinance 11-57 on an emergency basis. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
The Mayor then stated under old business so far looking for an administrator has not been successful.
The Mayor then asked for new business. Jonna then went over the schedule for council meetings with Council. These are the dates and times for the following meetings:
MONDAY, OCTOBER 10- Council will meet at 6:30 for the public hearing on the zoning for the property located at 80 West Fir Street.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 24- Council will meet at 6:00 pm for a workshop on the Recreation Budget.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14- Council will meet at 6:30 pm for a workshop on the Police Budget.
MONDAY- NOVEMBER 28 – Council will meet at 6:00 pm for a workshop on the water and sewer budgets.
MONDAY – DECEMBER 12 – Council will meet at 6:00 pm for a workshop on the remaining funds for the Village’s 2012 appropriations.
Martin then asked Gary dealing with the budgets when was Gary planning to retire? A date, did he have a date. Gary Hopkins stated he was planning on December 31, 2011. Jonna reminded Gary that we will have to figure in the extra retirement funds on his budget for 2012.
Melissa then stated that everyone should have a copy of a letter from Craig and Associates in their file. This is actually Verizon and they would like to install a Verizon cell tower in this area. Melissa asked council if we should pursue this and get more information or what did they want us to do. Council asked Melissa to move forward with this and get more information.
The Mayor then presented Schedule A of the bills to be paid for approval. Myers made a motion to approve Schedule A for payment. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
The Mayor then presented Schedule B of the bills to be paid. Kaufman made a motion to approve Schedule B for payment Martin seconded the motion. Roll call: Kaufman – yes; Myers – disqualify herself; Cooke – abstain; Anderson – yes; and Martin – yes.
Kaufman then made a motion to adjourn. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Jonna RowlandDarwin K. Anderson