1. What does the phrase, “ante partum, in partu, et post partum” mean?
  2. What are the two sources of Revelation which comes to us from God?
  3. What is the primary task of the Magisterium?
  4. The doctrine of Mary’s Perpetual Virginity brings to light two distinct errors that are rooted in misconceptions concerning the nature of divine Revelation. Name and briefly explain these two errors.
  5. What did Pope Leo XIII affirm about Scripture in the encyclical, Providentissimus Deus?
  6. Who should a Catholic first listen to when it comes to understanding the meaning of Scripture – a learned Theologian or a member of the Magisterium?
  7. In treating Mary’s virginity ante partum, in partu, and post partum, which source of Revelation do we refer to?
  8. How long has Christianity held the belief that Mary was a virgin when she conceived Jesus?
  9. When did the Church begin to use the phrase, “Ever Virgin” in referring to Mary?
  10. Modernist attitudes have given rise to a mistaken notion about the Virginity of Mary described in Scripture. What is the mistaken notion? Explain why.
  11. What does the Church actually mean when she says that Mary remained a virgin during the birth of Christ? (Two part answer!)
  12. The meaning in #11 points to the fact that Mary was a virgin physically and interiorly. What do YOU think it means to say Mary was a virgin “interiorly?”
  13. How was Jesus birth “different” than ours?
  14. Does that makes His nature different than ours? (#13)
  15. What does the word continentmean in referring to Mary’s virginity after the birth of Jesus?
  16. Is Mary’s post-partum virginity explicitly taught in Scripture?
  17. How is the Greek word adelphos used in Scripture?
  18. What are four reasons the Church gives for us not believing that Mary had other children than Jesus?
  19. What does Scripture really mean when it says that Joseph and Mary did not having relations “until she bore a son?”
  20. Why can we say that Mary and Joseph had a true marriage?
  21. Why is Mary’s virginity an important part of the “New Creation” according to Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)?
  22. After reading this article, what does Mary’s Perpetual Virginity teach YOU about the importance of virginity itself?