Working towards a Regional Clinical Strategy

North of Scotland Planning Group Annual Event 2015

Kingsmills Hotel, Inverness

25th November 2015

10am - 4pm

NoSPG would like to invite you to join us at our 2015 Annual Event, which will be held on 25th November in Inverness. Videoconferencing facilities will be available to provide remote access for those unable to attend in person.

This year’s event will focus on developing a Regional Clinical Strategy, through a combination of plenary sessions and group workshops; a final programme will be shared with delegates nearer the day.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Travel and accommodation support - We have a limited budget to support some travel and accommodation for delegates with longer and proportionally more expensive journeys; this will primarily be prioritised for colleagues from Island Boards and more remote areas of mainland Boards, but anyone can ask to be considered.

For more information, please contact or 01382 835197


NoSPG Annual Event 2015

Full Name
Work base
Any Special Requirements
I will be attending in Person / by Videoconference (please delete as appropriate)
If attending by videoconference please provide VC details below:
VC number:
Contact telephone number (on the day):
Travel and accommodation support
As per the attached flyer we have a limited budget; however we will endeavour to support some travel and accommodation which will primarily be prioritised for delegates from Island Boards and more remote areas of mainland Boards, but anyone can ask to be considered. If you wish to be considered for support please indicate this on the Registration Form. We will make final decisions on available support based on available resources and demand by the end of September. Please indicate whether you wish to be considered for this support:
Travel support required?
Accommodation support required?
If yes, please provide details of travel/accommodation support required:

Please return completed booking form to

or North of Scotland Planning Group, Kings Cross, Clepington Road, Dundee, DD3 8EA

no later than Friday 25th September