Guide Working Session 1
Workshop Cholera UNICEF– OMS

Working Session 1Identify risk factors, their causes and their effects

Duration 2 h, 15 min


-  Identify risk factors associated to a cholera outbreak in an existing situation.

-  Establish the causal relationships leading to risky situations and determine a relative ranking.

-  Use the «problem tree» tool to show the different analysis and perspectives of stakeholders involved in the fight against cholera.

Problem tree

The analysis is presented in a diagram where, for a specific given problem, the effects are located above and the causes are located below. This diagramme is called a «problem tree» and it enables us to show problems in order to help establish their causal relationships.

Risk Factors to study

Ø  Lack of water of good quality

Ø  Lack of sanitation

Ø  Inadequate personal hygiene

Ø  Inadequate food safety

Ø  Inadequate health services

Ø  Health services not accessible

Ø  Inappropriate funeral practices


Ø  Situation 1: In a given country, cholera annually hits more and more vulnerable groups, each time sooner in the year and in an increasing number of districts.

Ø  Situation 2: in a given country, cholera is spreading although the measures of response have been set up by partners.


1.  Set up three groups A, B et C based on the sheets that have been given to you.

Ø  Group A: consider that cholera mainly occurs when there is mass gathering of populations and is spread from hot spots in both rural and urban areas;

Ø  Group B: a focus will be put on the difficulties to control cholera in urban areas ;

Ø  Group C: a focus will be put on the difficulties to control cholera in rural areas ;

2.  In each group, set up two sub-groups that will separately draw problem trees

Ø  To identify the causes that jeopardize the establishment of a good prevention strategy (situation 1) and if possible the effects of a deficient prevention strategy.

Ø  To identify the causes that jeopardize the establishment of a good preparedness and response strategy (situation 2) and if possible the effects of a deficient response to cholera outbreaks.

3.  Consolidate the problem trees and subsequent conclusions on the causes and effects for both situations 1 and 2.


Results of your working sessions will be used for future sessions. Please keep them !


1.  Explanation of working session – 10 min.

2.  Review of the documents – 15 min.

3.  Group work – 60 min.

4.  Consolidation of group work – 20 min.

5.  General discussion – 30 min.