Working Group: popHealth Steering Work Group

Date: February 9, 2016 Time: 2:00 PM

WebEx Code:

Access code: 667 941 835


Present / Name / Present / Name
X / Jackie Mulhall – eHealthConnecticut / X / Linda Cramer – WY Medicaid
X / Peter Li - OSEHRA / X / Gary Parker – Alabama Medicaid
X / Jeremy Klein – eHealth Connecticut / Cat Lasome - OSEHRA
X / Hickmon Friday – TX Medicaid / Mathur Gandham – George Mason U.
Jim Griffith – HP/MAPIR Collaborative / Kevin Atkins – SD Healthpoint
Russell Reas – QCentrix / X / Jason Phipps – TX Medicaid
Mark Monstrastelli - ONC / George Lily – DSS
Andy Gregorowicz - MITRE / Sudheer Apanna – SD Healthpoint
Susan Jones – Key Medical Software / X / Janie Alanna Stryjewski – Key Medical Software – use popHealth
X / Rahul R


·  Dev workgroup report – Jeremy Klein

o  Merged pull request #32 so we can now edit practice details

o  Things that will be changing with release of Cyprus v3 are being addresses

o  Ability to do ecqm calculation by demographics

o  Could import multiple measure bundles

o  Northwestern team is doing a security assessment and we may need to incorporate some enhancements from that

o  Complexities from one of the Ruby gems from the Health Data Standards library. Might need to update it manually if they don’t put it in the Ruby Gems repository. Causing an error. Has to do with import and export of QRDAs and CCDAs. In order to apply fix we need to use the most current version of code from the Health Data Standards Repository.

o  OSEHRA Certification process – doing some peer review

o  Follow-up items from last meeting

§  Press release went out. Feel free to pass along to other people to generate interest in popHealth.

o  Next release should include what items?

o  Peter sent Jackie a .pdf file with the current survey questions. Jackie to review and send Peter feedback on what the questions should be. Jason will also review the questions and send feedback to Peter.

o  Texas has developed a list of items that are highly likely to be developed by them. Hopefully this year.

§  Gary Parker and AL Medicaid are looking at the list and identified some that they are also working on so he will coordinate with Texas.

o  Someone should be looking at the most recent release of Cyprus and what needs to be developed to support that. Northwestern will be involved in this and some of the AL Medicaid team.

o  Alabama install Docker shell update – Gary Parker

o  Met today with the Medicaid infrastructure team. They are held up with their move to Azure so they have separated this from that. Hoping to have it ready by end of this week. Should make popHealth much easier to install. They will share that with the Open Source community.

o  Suggestion - popHealth v4.2 August release date to coincide with the Cypress v3 release in July. The v4.2 will include:

§  2015 EH/EP measure updates

§  C4 CQM filter functionality - patient and provider filter

§  Automated system test based on Cypress tools

·  Need a volunteer to put together a list of who is working on what now – Jason will volunteer to pull together a list of who is currently doing what. Anyone who knows anything anyone is currently working on for popHealth.

·  OSEHRA Certification – Peter Li

o  OSEHRA Certification – Peter has been working on this

o  Not a production/performance test. Certification is around documentation, install procedures, etc.

o  Blog after completing OSEHRA certification

·  Data Extraction Group – Gary Parker

o  Gary is going to be very busy in March and April and may need support in running DAX workgroup and may not be able to attend this workgroup.

o  Could Mark M take this over while Gary is too busy? Gary will reach out to him.

o  Meet this Thursday. Will discuss the Texas list of enhancements and how it overlap with what other people are doing.

·  PCOR Project – Mark Monterastelli

·  popHealth User Group – Jackie Mulhall

o  Moved to third Weds. so not too many meetings in one week

·  Follow-up items from general discussion

o  Suggestions for speakers for future meetings? Might be good once in a while so we can get input from people on what they are looking for. Everyone should think about if there are speakers that would be of interest to the group.

o  From prior meeting - Jason from Texas - do we have a project tracking system? Stories – what do people want to see it do? Could use Jira for story boards. pivotaltracker.comis what Texas uses but you need to pay for it. There are also open source ones that are free. Not ready until we have a roadmap. Cat was going to do this but we never got it.

·  OSEHRA Funding Update – Peter

o  OSEHRA got their funding for the next year. They got one year with two one year options.

·  Open Forum

o  Engagement in this group – how do we improve it? Notifications for group meetings go only to the specific group the notice is sent to. You can add additional groups.

o  Jason is going to do some marketing on the Medicaid CoP calls to try to get more people engaged.

·  Next meeting in one month? Move to once a month meetings for now.