NDF Workshop Doc. 4

Working Group Case Studies Progress Report

Original Language: English

Updated: Jul 28th 2008

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International Expert Workshop on CITES Non-Detriment Findings

Working Group Case Studies Progress Report

July 28, 2008

1. TREES WORKING GROUP (timber and medicinal and aromatic plants)

Co-chairs: Rafael María Navarro Cerrillo and James Grogan

Case study 1: Brazilwood (Caesalpinia echinata) in Brazil

Author and Presenter*: Ximena Buitron*, UICN-South America.

Status: confirmed

Case study 2: African teak (Pericopsis elata) in Cameroon

Author and Presenter*: Jean Lagarde Betti*, Ministry of Forestry & Wildlife, Cameroon. CITES ITTO Regional Project Coordinator (Africa), Cameroon

Status: confirmed

Case study 3: Lignum vitae (Guaiacum sanctum) in Mexico

Authors and Presenter*: Leonel López* and Miguel Martínez Ramos, Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas, UNAM, Mexico

Status: confirmed

Case study 4: Big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in Peru

Authors and Presenter*: Marielos Peña Claros, Instituto Boliviano de Investigación Forestal, Bolivia; Ximena Buitron, UICN-South America; Rafael M. Navarro Cerrillo; Forestry Department, School of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Cordoba, Spain; James Grogan School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, USA. (* presenter to be determined)

Status: confirmed

Case study 5: Ramin (Gonystylus spp.) in Indonesia and Malaysia;

Authors and Presenter*: Lillian Swee Lian Chua, Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Malaysia; Thang Hooi Chiew, CITES-ITTO Regional Project Coordinator (Asia), Malaysia (* presenter to be determined)

Status: confirmed

Case study 6: Agarwood (Aquilaria spp.) in Malaysia and Indonesia

Authors and Presenter*: Lillian Swee Lian Chua*, Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Malaysia

Status: confirmed

Case study 7: African cherry (Prunus africana) in Equatorial Guinea and Spain

Authors and Presenter*: David L.N. Hafashimana, National Forestry Resources Research Institute Uganda, Uganda; Jean Lagarde Betti, Ministry of Forestry & Wildlife, Cameroon, CITES ITTO Regional Project Coordinator (Africa), Cameroon; Rafael M. Navarro Cerrillo, Forestry Department, School of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Cordoba, Spain. (* presenter to be determined)

Status: confirmed

Case study 8: Himalayan yew (Taxus spp.) in China.

Author and Presenter*: Kenneth Farr*, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service (CFS), Science and Programs Branch, Science – Policy Division, Canada.

Status: confirmed

Additional experts:

Tukirin Partomihardjo, Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia; Status: confirmed

Ivan Tomaselli, CITES-ITTO Regional Project Coordinator -South America; Status: not confirmed

Steven Johnson, ITTO; Status: confirmed

To be determined, FAO; Status: not confirmed

Total experts invited: 15 Total experts confirmed: 12

2. PERENNIALS WORKING GROUP (ornamental, medicinal and aromatic plants)

Co-chairs: Greg Leach and Adrianne Sinclair in coordination with Andrea White.

Case study 1: The International Standard for Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ISSC-MAP).

Author and Presenter*: Dr. Danna Leaman*, Medicinal Plants Specialist Group (MPSG), IUCN

Status: confirmed

Case study 2: Development of a Non-Detriment Finding process for Pelargonium sidoides in Lesotho.

Author and Presenter*: David Newton*, TRAFFIC Africa Region

Status: confirmed

Case study 3: The challenges of researching and making non-detriment findings for Himalayan Medicinal Plant Species.

Author and Presenter*: Helle O. Larsen*, Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Status: confirmed

Case Study 4: The Yin and Yang of Ginseng - Making a non-detriment finding for Panax quinquefolius: a case study with two perspectives.

Author and Presenter*: Andrea White*, Canada Office of the CITES Scientific Authorities; Pat Ford*, United States Office of the CITES Scientific Authorities

Status: confirmed

Case Study 5: Cibotium barometz in China

Author and Presenter*: Zhang Xianchun*, CITES Management Authority of China

Status: confirmed

Case Study 6: Tillandsia xerographica in Guatamela

Author and Presenter: Jorge Alberto Ruiz Ordoñez, Guatemalan CITES SA Office

Status: confirmed.

Additional Experts

Uwe Schippman, Bundesamt fuer Naturschutz; Status: confirmed

Total experts invited: 10 Total experts confirmed: 10

3. SUCCULENTS AND CYCADS WORKING GROUP (medicinal and ornamental plants)

Co-hairs: John Donaldson and Patricia Dávila

Case Study 1: Hoodia gordonii in Southern Africa

Author and Presenter*: Elsabe Swart*, Northern Cape Nature Conservation

Status: confirmed

Case Study 2: Pachypodium spp. in Madagascar

Author and Presenter: unknown

Status: unknown

Case Study 3: Aloe spp. in East & Southern Africa

Author and Presenter*:. Emily Wabuyele*, National Museums of Kenya

Status: confirmed

Case study 4: Cycadales in Mexico and South Africa

Author and Presenter*: Andrew Vovides, Instituto de Ecologia, Xalapa, Mexico; John Donaldson SANBI, South Africa. (* presenter to be determined)

Status: confirmed.

Case study 5: Cycas spp. in India

Author and Presenter*: Anita Varghese*, Keystone Foundation.

Status: confirmed

Case Study 6: Aloe spp. Kenya

Author and Presenter*: Solomon Kyalo, Kenya Wildlife Service

Status: to be confirmed by co-chairs

Case Study 7: Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) in México

Author and Presenter*: Alberto Búrquez, Instituto de Ecología, UNAM

Status: not confirmed

Total experts invited: 8 Total experts confirmed: 6

4. GEOPHYTES AND EPIPHYTES WORKING GROUP (live, roots, dried plants and derivatives)

Co-chairs: Noel McGough and Beatrice Khayota

Case Study 1: The application of population modeling techniques to the development of non-detriment findings for Geophytes.

Author and Presenter*: Matthew Smith, Computational Ecology and Environmental Science Group, Microsoft Research Limited, Cambridge, UK.

Status: confirmed

Case Study 2: The development of non–detriment findings for Galanthus and Cyclamen in Turkey

Author and Presenter*: SırrıYüzbaşıoğlu*, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Status: confirmed

Case Study 3: Assessing harvest levels for Galanthus in Georgia and the challenge of producing a non-detriment finding

Author and Presenter*: David Kikodze*, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Status: confirmed

Case Study 4: A review of population modeling in Orchids and its application to making CITES non-detriment findings

Author and Presenter*: Mike Hutchings, University of Sussex

Status: confirmed

Case Study 5: Non-detriment finding for Vanda coerulea in Thailand

Author and Presenter*: Duangduen Sripotar*, Department of Agriculture, Bangkok, Thailand.

Status: confirmed

Case Study 6: Criterios para la definición de cupos de exportación de especies de Apéndice I y II de orquídeas Ecuatorianas.

Author and Presenter*: Mariana Mites Cadena*, Universidad Alfredo Pérez Guerrero, Gualaceo, Ecuador

Status: confirmed

Case Study 7: Non-detriment findings for the genus Ansellia in Kenya

Author and Presenter*: Beatrice Khayota*, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya.

Status: confirmed

Total experts invited: 8 Total experts confirmed: 8

5. MAMMALS WORKING GROUP (skins, trophies, live animals, medicinal)

Co-chairs: Rodrigo Medellín and Holly Dublin

Case Study 1: Leopard (Panthera pardus) in South Africa

Authors and Presenter*: Yolan Friedmann*, Endangered Wildlife Trust, South Africa; Sonja Meintjes, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Subdirectorate: Trade and Regulation – CITES Management Authority

Status: confirmed

Case Study 2: African Lion (Panthera leo) in Tanzania.

Author and Presenter*: Dennis Kyabwasi Ikanda*, Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (SA); Obed F. Mbangwa, Wildlife, Wildlife Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism – CITES Management Authority.

Status: confirmed

Case Study 3: Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) in Canada

Authors and Presenter*: David Fraser*, British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Carolina Caceres or Veronique Brondex, Canadian Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, CITES Scientific Authority.

Status: confirmed; Carolina Caceres, Canadian Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, CITES Scientific Authority has confirmed the elaboration of the case study and they are contacting experts.

Case Study 4: Bottle-Nose Dolphin (Tursiops spp.) in the Solomon Islands

Authors and Presenter*: Randall Reeves*, Cetacean Specialist Group SSC/IUCN; Joe Horokou, Environment and Conservation Division Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Meteorology (Solomon Islands CITES Authorities)

Status: confirmed.

Case Study 5: Vicugna (Vicugna vicugna) in Perú.

Authors and Presenter*: Domingo Hoces Roque*; Consultant in wild camelids Vicugna and Guanaco (GECS-IUCN); Pedro Vásquez, Universidad Nacional Agraria - La Molina (UNALM), Centro de Datos para la Conservación (CDC-UNALM), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Museo de Historia Natural; Blga. Marina Rosales Benites, Directora de Conservación de la Biodiversidad (CITES MA); Gabriela Lichtenstein, SSC Grupo Especialista en Camélidos Sudamericanos IUCN.

Status: Confirmed

Case Study 6: Macaca fascicularis in China

Authors and Presenter*: Zhigang Jiang*, Zhibin Meng, Dr. Yan Zen, Mr. Zhongze Wu and Mr. Feng Yin, The Chinese CITES Scientific Authority—Endangered Species Scientific Commission of PRC

Status: confirmed

Case Study 7: Monodon monoceros in Canada.

Authors and Presenter*: Cecilia Lougheed, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, CITES SA

Status: not confirmed

Additional experts:

Urs Max Breitenmoser, SSC/IUCN Cat Specialist Group; Status: not confirmed

Total experts invited: 9 Total experts confirmed: 8

6. BIRDS WORKING GROUP (live animals)

Co-chairs: Rod Hay and Philip Mcgowan.

Case study 1: African Grey Parrot Psittacus erithacus – Guinea, Guinea Bissau

Author and Presenter*: Philip McGowan, Conservation Director, World Pheasant Association; Janine Clemens, institution (*presenter to be determined)

Status: confirmed

Case study 2: Saker falcon Falco cherrug – United Arab Emirates

Author and Presenter*: Frederic Launay*, IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group, Chair; Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi.

Status: confirmed

Case study 3: Blue–fronted Amazon Amazona aestiva - Argentina

Author and Presenter: Gustavo Porini, Edgardo Daniel Ramadori (Argentinian Management Authority)

Status: not confirmed

Case study 4: Hornbills, Bucero spp. - Indonesia

Authors and Presenter:

Status: not confirmed

Case study 5: Cockatoos Cacatua spp. - exports from Indonesia

Authors and Presenter*: Stuart Marsden, Siti Prijono (The Indonesian Institutes of Sciences) (* presenter to be determined)

Status: confirmed

Case study 6: Cacatua sulphurea and Platycercus eximius - export of captive-bred and feral parrots from New Zealand

Authors and Presenter*: Rod Hay*, Scientific Authorities Committee; Department of Conservation, New Zeland.

Status: confirmed

Case study 7: Pitta spp. – Thailand

Author and Presenter

Status: not confirmed

Total experts invited: 8 Total experts confirmed: 6


Co-chairs: Peter Paul van Dijk and Charlie Manolis.

Case Study 1: Uromastyx lizards in Israel

Author and Presenter: Simon Nemtzov, Israel Nature and Parks Authority

Status: confirmed

Case Study 2: Cuora amboinensis in Indonesia/Malaysia

Author and Presenter: TRAFFIC South East Asia

Status: waiting for TRAFFIC to approve use of the case studies

Case Study 3: Ptyas mucosus in India

Author and Presenter: TRAFFIC South East Asia

Status: waiting for TRAFFIC to approve use of the case studies

Case Study 4: Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) in Kenya

Author and Presenter: Solomon Kyalo, Kenya Wildlife Service

Status: confirmed

Other possible case studies:

Crocodiles are being consulted with Grahame Webb (Chairman of CSG):

ü  C. porosus and C. novaeguineae in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia

ü  C. porosus in Australia

ü  C. acutus in Cuba (possible expert: Roberto Soberon)

ü  C. latirostris in Argentina (possible expert: Alejandra Larriera)

ü  C. niloticus in Zimbabwe

ü  Alligator mississippiensis in USA

ü  Melanosuchus niger in Brazil.

Hawksbill sea turtle based on the Cuban experience: Grahame Webb (Chairman of CSG)

Amphibians: 2 chairs of the Amphibian Specialist Group have been contacted but no reply.

Tortoise: Freshwater and tortoise specialist group also have not replied.

Total experts invited: 6 Total experts confirmed: 4

8. FISHES WORKING GROUP (food, ornamental and medicinal)

Co-chairs: Kevern Cochrane and Glenn Sant

Case study 1: How non-detriment findings could be applied to sharks and what lessons can be learnt from managing shark species for commercial use

Author and Presenter*: John Carlson from NOAA and Colin Simpfendorfer from the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences (to be determined).

Status: not confirmed

Case Study 2: Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) in Indonesia

Author and Presenter*: Yvonne Sadovy, IUCN and University of Hong Kongand Sasanti Suharti Indonesian Institute of Sciences (* presenter to be determined)

Status: confirmed

Case Study 3: Sturgeons (Acipenser spp., Huso spp.) NW Black Sea and lower Danube countries

Author and Presenter*: Radu Suciu*, Sturgeon Research Group, Romania

Status: confirmed

Case Study 4: European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in Italy/Spain/Germany.

Author and Presenter*: Hakan Wickstrom*, EIFAC-ICES Working Group on Eels

Status: confirmed

Case Study 5: Seahorses (Hippocampus spp).

Author and Presenter*: Amanda Vincent, Seahorse Project

Status: not confirmed

Case Study 6: Arapaima gigas in Brazil

Author and Presenter*: Leandro Castello

Status: confirmed

Case Study 7: School, tope or soupfin shark (Galeorhinus galeus)

Author and Presenter*: John Stevens and Matias Braccini

Status: not confirmed

Additional Experts

Marcelo Vasconcellos, FAO

Total experts invited: 11 Total experts confirmed: 6

9. AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES WORKING GROUP (food, ornamental and medicinal)

Co-chairs: Vincent Fleming and Andy Bruckner.

Case Study 1: Stony corals (Scleractinia) in Indonesia

Author and Presenter*: Suharsono*, Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi Lipi - with Andy Bruckner - NOAA

Status: confirmed (provisional)

Case Study 2: Stony corals (Scleractinia) in Fiji

Author and Presenter*: Aisake Batibasaga*, Fiji Fishery Dept. & CITES scientific council (suggest joint paper from scientific council presented by a nominated member)

Status: confirmed

Case Study 3: Stony corals (Scleractinia) in Australia

Author and Presenter*: Margie Atkinson*, Project Manager - Fisheries Issues group, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority; Brigid Kerrigan, Queensland State Fishery Dept.

Status: confirmed

Case Study 4: Queen conch (Strombus gigas) in Jamaica

Author and Presenter*: Andre Kong* (with collaborators in regional approach),Director of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture

Status: not confirmed


Case Study 4: Queen conch (Strombus gigas) in Honduras

Author and Presenter*: Nelson Ehrhart, University of Miami and/ or Italo Tugliani, Director General de Pesca y Agricultura

Status: not confirmed


Case Study 4: Queen conch (Strombus gigas) in Turks & Caicos Islands (UK)

Author and Presenter*: Wesley Clerveaux*, Director, Department of Environment & Coastal Resources

Status: not confirmed


Case Study 4: Queen conch (Strombus gigas) in Nicaragua

Author and Presenter*: Renaldy Barnuty Navarro, CIPA/ADPESCA

Status: not confirmed

Case Study 5: Black coral (Antipatharia) in Hawaii, USA

Author and Presenter*: John Field, Tony Montgomery (& Rick Grigg / Frank Parrish)

Status: confirmed

Case Study 6: Giant clams (Tridacnidae) in Palau

Author and Presenter*: Tarita Holmes

Status: confirmed

Total experts invited: 13 Total experts confirmed: 7