Workforce Solutions is an Equal Opportunity program/employer. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Individuals who are hearing impaired may call Relay Texas at
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Workforce Solutions Parent Handbook October 2016
Information on Financial Aid for Child Care...... 2
Authorized Child Care Providers...... 2
ChoosingChild Care -AFacilityChecklist ...... 4
Workforce Solutions Requirements for Financial Aid for Child Care...... 5
Fees(Parent’sShareof Cost)...... 6
Attendance Requirements...... 6
Parent’s Responsibility...... 8
WorkforceSolutions Responsibility...... 8
Appeals...... 8
PhoneNumbers and Resources...... 9
Workforce Solutions Career Offices...... 9
Important Times to Remember...... 9
Glossary...... 11
Workforce Solutions Parent Handbook October 2016 Page 1
Information on Financial Aid for Child Care
Findingtherightplaceandtheright peopletocare foryourchildwhileyouworkorgoto school isanimportantdecision. Whenitcomestofinding early education and childcare,there are anumberofoptionsfrom whichtochoose. Caremaybeprovidedby arelative, byindividualcaregiverswhoare registered with thestatelicensing agency, or bylicensed child care centers. The choiceisyours.
WorkforceSolutionsoffersanetworkofchildcarefacilitiesthroughoutthe13-county Gulf Coastserviceareawhicharealllicensedor registeredby theStateofTexas.TheGulfCoastarea includes:Austin, Brazoria, Chambers,Colorado, FortBend,Galveston,Harris,Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Walker, Waller, and Wharton.
WorkforceSolutionscustomersincludeparentswhoarecurrently working or enrolled in school or training.Workforce SolutionsdevelopedthisParent Handbooktoinformyouaboutour financialaid for childcare,toexplainyourrightsand responsibilities, and to helpyou obtain affordablequalitychild care.
Pleasereadthishandbookcarefully.Keepithandyasareferenceforquestionsyoumayhave later aboutyourchild care financialaid.
Workforce Solutionscanalsohelpyoufindajobor abetterjob,andcanprovidefinancialaid andscholarshipsforeducationandcareertraining toobtainthesejobs.Formoreinformationon whatjoboreducationalservicesareavailable,andifyouqualifyforfinancialaid,pleasecallus at1-888-469-5627(JOBS)ifyouhaveany questionsorvisitWorkforceSolutionswebsite
Authorized Child Care Providers
Workforce Solutionsgives parentsinformationto help themchoosethe type of providerthatwill meettheirneedsandtheneedsoftheirchildren. Parentshaveseveralalternatives when selecting a provider to care for their child, includingregulated and listed relative careoptions.
RegulatedProvidersarelicensedorregisteredwiththeTexasDepartmentofFamily and Protective Services(TDFPS). Licensedchildcare centers,licensedchildcarehomesand registeredchildcarehomesareauthorizedtooperateby theTDFPS. Theseoperationsmust comply withtheMinimumStandardsandrulesofTDFPSandaresubjecttomonitoringby the TDFPS. Someregulatedprovidershavealsorecognizedas havingachievedaTexasRising Star certification.
Licensed child care centers maycare forseven ormore children through 12years of age.
LicensedChildCareHomesoperateinthehomeofthecaregiver.Thecaregivermaycare forupto12childrendependingontheageofthechildren. Children’sagesmayvaryand rangefrom birth through12years old.
RegisteredChildCareHomes operateinthehomeofthecaregiver. Thecaregivermay care foruptosixchildrenundertheageof6andmaycare for uptosixadditionalchildren afterschool. Thetotalnumberofchildren,includingthecaregiver’sownchildren,maynot bemorethan 12 atanytime.
Texas Rising Star(TRS) CertificationProgram
ATexas Rising Starcertifiedproviderexceedsminimumstatelicensingstandardsandhassmallergroupsizes,more qualifiedstaff,andprogramcomponentsthataddresssoundpracticesfor the developmentofchildren.Parentsareencouragedtoinquire whether achosen providerisTexas Rising Starcertified.
RelativeProvidersareeligiblerelativesofthechild. Eligiblerelativesincludegrandparents, greatgrandparents,aunts,uncles, or siblingsof the childatleast18years of age. Eligible relatives cannot reside inthesamehousehold as the family receiving assistance from Workforce Solutions. ArelativeprovidermustbelistedwiththeTexasDepartmentofFamily and ProtectiveServices,and maintain the listingstatus.
Relative providers are not employees of Workforce Solutions but are independent vendors. Workforce Solutions will reimburse relative providersup to the maximum rate per day each day we have authorized care and the children receive care from the relative provider. Workforce Solutions will not reimburse relative providers for days the child is absent. Workforce Solutions will not withhold any taxes from the reimbursement child care providers receive. It is the provider’s responsibility to report earnings in their annual tax return; and if the provider is receiving government assistance such as TANF, Food Stamps, or SSI the provider must report the earnings from child care to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
Parentsrequestingrelativechildcaremustprovide the name and contact information of the relative to the Workforce SolutionsFinancial Aid Call Center who will check with the Workforce Solutions Financial Aid Payment Office to determine if the relative is an authorized relative care provider. If the relative is not an authorized relative care provider, the Workforce Solutions Financial Aid Payment Office will contact the relative to acquire the necessary documents so the relative can become an authorized relative care provider.
ChoosingaChild Care Facility- CheckList
Choosinga provider tocarefor their childisoneofthemostimportantdecisionsforaparent. Beforevisitingafacility, itishelpfultoidentify thebasicfamilyneedsthatyoulookforinachildcareprogram. These maybethe location oftheprogram, thehours ofoperation, transportation services,etc.
Afterselecting achildcareprogramthatmeetsthebasicneeds,parentsareurgedtovisittolearn first-handifitisrightforthechildandthefamily. There isnosubstitutefor a “walk-through” visit. Takethetimetotalktothecaregiverandaskquestionsaboutthechildren’sactivities. Whenchoosingachildcarearrangementandfor monitoringaproviderafterenrollment,parents maywant to usethis checklist:
_____Staff members arewarmand friendly
_____The children seem happyand relaxed
_____Mychild feltcomfortableduringthevisit
_____The child careprogram accepts mychild’sagegroup
_____Thehours of operationfit myschedule
_____Transportation is available
_____Nutritious meals and snacks areprovided
_____Activities areavailable for children of different agegroups
_____There are enough staffmembers to carefor the children
_____There are enough toys, books, paint, and games,and theyareingood condition
_____The classrooms arenicelyarranged to allow for active and quiet play
_____Thestaff is trained to care for children
_____Staff members arerespectful to children, coworkers, andparents
_____Feearrangements are clear and precise
_____Thefacilityis cleanandsafe
_____Theprogram’smission isappropriatelyfocusedonchildren
_____Parents arewelcomeandcan visit without notice
Workforce Solutions also provides a searchable database of child care providers online at Find a Child Care Provider.
Workforce SolutionsRequirements for Financial Aid for Child Care
- Youmustbeactivelyworking,inschool,ortrainingforaminimumof25hoursperweekfor a single parent household or 50 hours per week for a two-parent household. OnlyWorkforceSolutionscanauthorizeachildcarearrangement,includingchangesinchild careprovider.
- You must meet WorkforceSolutions income guidelines for the number of persons in your household.
- Inadvanceorwithin14calendardaysafterthechangeoccurs,youmustinformWorkforceSolutions about changesincluding:
- work (permanent interruption in employment)
- school, training, or education status (permanent withdrawal from education/training program)
- income, (increases that would raise the gross monthly family income above the allowable income level for the family size)
- family (changes to family composition that would raise the gross monthly family income above the allowable income level for the family size)
- You must inform Workforce Solutions and your child care providerwithin14days about changes in:
- residence
- telephonenumber, email address or other contact information
- emergencycontact information
- You must complywithrequirements from WorkforceSolutions and thechild careprovider.
- You must meet the enrollment requirements and allotherpolicies specified bythechild care facilityin whichyour child is enrolled.
- YouwillreporttotheTDFPSlicensingofficeanycomplaintsaboutapossibleviolationof licensingstandards, which affects the careofchildren in the facility.
Ifthe childcare facilityisprovidingtransportation foryour child:
- Staywithyour child ormakesuresomeone elsedoes untilthe bus arriveseach morning.
- Be at homeor makesuresomeoneelse is at home whenyourchildarrives homein the evening.
- Call the child care facilityanyday yourchild willbe absent. Call earlyto keep the bus from comingtoyour home to pick upyourchild.
Parent’s Share of Costs and Fees
- Ifapplicable,parentsmustpayashareofcostforalldaysthatchildrenarescheduledtoreceive child care financialaid.
- A parent agrees and understands that:
- The parent must paythe feein advance, before receiving the child care;
- Any subsidy a parent receives from another agency for child care must also be paid to the facility the parent is using with Workforce Solutions financial aid;
- The fee is based on a parent’s household income and the number of children for whom that parent is receiving Workforce Solutions financial aid;
- The parent must pay the fee even if his or her children are absent;
- Workforce Solutions financial aid does not include: overtime chargesincurredfor latepick up,charges relatedto paymentsmade bychecks with insufficientfundssupplyfees, fieldtrips, andlatepayment fees. Parents are responsible for these costs.
Attendance Requirements
- A parent must use Workforce Solutions’ Attendance Card to report her child’s attendance.
- A parent must notify the child care provider in advance for planned absences.
- A child’s attendance can be “reported” when a parent uses the attendance cardto indicate that the childwas present or absent. Parents using a home-based provider can “report” attendance by calling 1-866-960-6496.
Any attendance not reported by a parent swiping the attendance card or calling in the attendance within the required timeframe counts as an absence and counts against your child’s limit of 65days during the eligibility period.
- Achildmaybeabsentforcourt-orderedvisitswithanabsentparent. However,documentation ofthe court-orderand notification to WorkforceSolutions is required.
- Achildwithchronicillnessesmayexceedthemaximumabsences withapproval from Workforce SolutionsFinancialAidCall Center. Documentationfroma physicianmay be required.
- A suspension is a means of continuing your eligibility for financial aid for child care during temporary interruptions in care. A suspension does not require a provider to hold a place for a child unless the provider agrees to do so.
There are two reasons a parent may request a suspension. If a parent has a temporary interruption in work, education, or job training activities and is not working the minimum number of hours a week or attending school,child care may be suspended for up to 90 calendar days (12 weeks) from the documented effective date of the interruption of these activities.If a parent has a documented temporary medical incapacitation and is unable to meet work, education, or job training requirements child care may be suspended.
Please contact the Workforce Solutions Financial Aid call center at 713.334.5980 or 1.888.469.5627 if you have additional questions.
How to Report Attendance
- Parentsmust usethe attendance cardto report the child’sattendance.
- Ifachild attends alicensedfacilityprovider, the parent must use the Pointof Serviceterminalto report attendance.
- Theparent must makesurethat attendance for a childis approved for thedaybycheckingthe messageon the swipe machine or receiptfor approval.
- Ifthe machine responseis ‘Denied’, the parent must inform the child care provider.
- Ifthe responseis ‘Store and Forward’ (SAF), the parent must inform the child care provider and the parent must check at the nexttransaction to assure the previous swipe was successful.
- Ifa child attends ahome-based provider, the parent must call 1-866-960-6496 to report attendance.
- The parent must listen to the IVR message after each recorded attendance to confirm that the attendance (i.e., presence or absence) for that day is approved.
- If the IVR response is ‘Denied’, the parent must inform the child care provider.
- The parent must inform Workforce Solutions Financial Aid Call Center at1-888-600-5936 or 1-877-858-7644 when his/her attempt to record attendance is denied or rejected and cannot be corrected at the child care provider site.
Requirements for using attendance cards
- Parents cannotletanyotherindividual, child care provider or its owner, director, assistant director, or employeespossess,accept, or usetheircards,orthealternatecardholders’attendance cardsor PINs.
- Parents cannot let any other individual, child care provider or its owner, director, assistant director or employees perform theattendance/absencereportingfunctionforparents.
- Parentscannotdesignatethe child care provider staff, owner, director, or assistant director as alternate cardholders.
- Parents are responsible for informing alternate cardholders of these requirements. A parent is responsible if an alternate cardholder misuses the attendance card.
- Parents mustreport any misuse ofattendancecardsand/or PINstoWorkforceSolutions at 1-888-600-5936 or 1-877-858-7644.
- WorkforceSolutionswilltakeappropriateaction against anyonewhofails to abideby the aboveattendance card security requirements. We may stop financial aid for child care, movechildrento anothervendorselected by theparent, and may file criminal charges if the parent has intentionally defrauded Workforce Solutions.
Parents’ Responsibilities
Eachtime Workforce Solutions determines you eligible for child care financial aid, you must sign a new Parent Agreement showing that you understand and agree to comply with all requirements and responsibilities of receiving this financial assistance.
Workforce Solutions will not authorize your financial aid for child care if you have not returned a signed Parent Agreement each time by the deadline we specify.
Parentsandcaretakersshould beawarethata personmaybe prosecutedforobtaining or attempting to obtain, by fraudulent means, services to which sheisnot entitled.
Workforce Solutions Responsibility
WorkforceSolutions has a responsibilityto our customers.
You have the right to expect goodservicefromWorkforceSolutions
Wewillnotifyyouabout eligibilityfor financial aid as soon as possible,generally within 20 calendar days from the date we have receivedall requiredapplication documents.
You mayreceive child carefinancial aid regardless of race, sex, color, national origin, age, political beliefs, religion, or disability.
Funding for financial aid for child care is dependent on federal and state funds. If Workforce Solutions determines there are insufficient funds to continue your financial aid for child care, we may have to end our assistance. In the unlikely event this occurs, we will provide you 15-day notice.
Parentsareeligibletoappealterminationofchildcarefinancialaidiftherequestfortheappealis madewithin15daysofnotificationoftermination. Someparentsareeligibletocontinuereceiving childcareduringtheappealprocess. WorkforceSolutionswillmailalettertonotify parentsthatchild care financial aid is beingreduced or ended.
Torequestanappeal,aparentmustcompleteThe ChildCare FinancialAidAppealsformandreturnit toWorkforceSolutionsby mailorinpersonwithin15daysfromthedateshownonthelettersentby WorkforceSolutions.
Ifaparent loses the appeal and has chosen to continue child care financial aid duringtheappealprocess, then the parent is responsible forthe totalcost of the care(parentfeeplus WorkforceSolutions fee) provided duringtheappeal process.
Notificationandappealproceduresforfostercare families,CPSfamilies,and families requiredto cooperate with Workforce Solutionstoreceive TANF and/or SNAPassistancediffer fromthoseaboveandare guided bytheHealth andHuman Services Commission.
Phone Numbersand Resources
Financial Aid Call Center1-888-600-5936 or 1-877- 858-7644
Resources Available toParents
Collaborative ForChildren832-600-1234
(Forinformation on available child careand1-888-833-6805
choosingqualitychild care)
Child CareLicensing713-940-5200
(To locatealicensedchild careprovider, makeacomplaintor check licensingstatus of child care providers)
Workforce Solutions general information1-888-469-JOBS(5627)
Workforce Solutions Career Offices
WorkforceSolutions provides excellent resources to help Gulf Coastresidentsget a job, keepajob, or getabetter job. Each officeprovides information about open jobs, resources to help research careers and employers, andfreecomputer, faxand telephoneusageto customers.WorkforceSolutions is an equal opportunityemployerprogram.
To locate theofficenearestyou, call1-888-469-JOBS(5267), or visit thewebsite at
Important Timesto Remember
Please remember that, tocontinue receiving financial aid through WorkforceSolutions,you must meet certain deadlines. Belowaresomedates that, if forgotten,can causechild carefinancial aid to be denied, reduced, terminated ordelayed. To avoidsuchproblems, remember:
Your eligibilityre-determination or recertification date
Date paperworkand other documentation must bereturned to WorkforceSolutions
Changeof status must be reported to WorkforceSolutions within 14days of the change
Parent shareof cost mustbepaid in advanceto thechild careprovider.
Appeals must be requested within 15 days of denial, reduction, or termination of child care financial aid as indicated on Workforce Solutions Appeal Form.
WorkforceSolutions–ChildCareFinancialAidRecertificationTime to Update MyPaperwork
DateIwas told that
mypaperwork needs to beupdated / **Mydeadlineto
complete Recertification (Update) / Iwas told byPhone,
Letter, orIn-person,etc. / Iwas notifiedby
(name ofstaffperson)
All changes instatus must be reportedto WorkforceSolutionswithin14 days ofthe change.
Pleaseuse the RECERTIFICATION SCHEDULEaboveto keep upwith thedate(s)forre- assessingyour eligibilityto continue to receive financial aid.
**HELPFULHINT: Each timeyou speakwith aWorkforceSolutions representative, check to besureyou havewrittendown the correct recertificationdate.
Workforce Solutions Parent Handbook October 2016 Page 1
GLOSSARY(common terms used throughout thehandbook)
Caregiver - an individual who directlycares for children while theyareina child carefacility.
Caretaker-anadultwhoperformsallparentalfunctionsfor aminorincluding theprovisionof food,clothing,shelter,andsupervision. Inthishandbooktheword“parent”isusedtomean either aparent ora caretaker.
ChildCare -aserviceprovidedforchildrenduring partofa24-hourperiod,eitherinalicensed childcarecenter,aregulatedfamilydayhome,inthechild’sownhomeorinthehomeofa relativecaregiver. Servicesshouldincluderecreationaland developmentalactivities and snacks/meals as appropriate.
ChildCare Vendors or Providers- people oroperationsthatprovide childcare;canbe individuals caring for children in their own homes, in child care centers, orin groupdayhomes.
Children’s Protective Services (CPS) -adivisionoftheTexasDepartmentof Familyand ProtectiveServices(DFPS)thatprovidesservicestoprotectabused,neglected, orexploited children.
ChildrenWithDisabilities-childrenwithfunctionalneedsrequiringassistancetoperform tasks that arewithin the typical chronologicalrangeof development, includingbut notlimited to:
movement of large and smallmuscleslearning
Confidentiality -referstosafeguardinganymedical,counseling,educational,service,income and/orpersonalinformationaboutachildorfamily unlesstheparentgiveswrittenpermissionto releaseit.
Eligibility Determination- a processfordeciding which familiesareeligibletoreceive financialaid.
IncapacitatedParent-aparentwhocannotengageinwork,educationortraining activitiesand who cannot care forachild because of amedicallydetermined physical ormental impairment.
IncomeEligible-persons who are eligibleto receive financial aid based onfamilyincome.
Infant-a child agedfrom birth through 17 months.
Parent -thebiologicalmotherorfatherofachild;alsousedtoincludeadoptiveparents,legal guardians, andcaretakers.
ParentChoice-by federalmandate,parentalfreedomofchoiceofwheretoplacetheirchildren for child carefinancial aid.
ParentShareofCost-theamountthataparentorcaretakerpaysasashare ofthecostofchild care.Also referred to asco-pay.
Part-day Care- child carethat lasts less than six hours in a24-hourperiod.
Part-WeekCare- childcareforthreedays or less duringaweek.
Preschool-childrenage36 months throughtheageatwhicha child begins full daykindergarten or first grade.
ProtectiveChildCare-servicesprovided byDFPSto prevent or remedychild abuseor neglect, byensuring adequate care and supervision ofchildren.
RelativeCare -carethatisprovidedbyaneligiblefamilymember.Thefamilymembermust alsobelistedwiththeTexasDepartmentofFamilyandProtectiveServices.Eligiblerelatives includegrandparents,greatgrandparents,aunts,uncles,orasibling atleast18yearsof ageand not residingin thesamehousehold.
Residing With –a child is considered to be residing with the parent when the child is living with and physically present with the parent during the time period for which child care financial aid is requested or received.
School-age-theageatwhichachildbeginsfulldaykindergartenorfirstgradethroughage12, orolder fora child who has a mental orphysical disability.
School-AgeChildCare-childcareprovidedonly beforeandaftertheusualschoolday for childrenages5through12years,andforolderchildrenwhohavedisabilitiesthatnecessitate child care. Fulldaychild caremaybeprovided for thesamechildrenon school holidays, teacher work or conferencedays,and duringschool breaks, includingsummervacation.
TemporarilyIncapacitatedParent-aparentwithanincapacity thatoccursaftertheparentis receivingfinancialaidforchildcarefromWorkforceSolutions,andanincapacityexpectedto last no longer than 8 weeks, based on adoctor’sstatement.
TexasRisingStarCertificationProgram(TRS)--achildcareproviderwhovolunteersto meetasetofprogramstandardsthatexceedtheminimum standardssetby TexasDepartmentof Familyand Protective
ServicesChildCareLicensing. The standardsrequire smallergroup sizes,more qualifiedstaff, and programcomponents that address sound practices forthe developmentof children.
Toddler-a child aged from 18 through 35 months.
Waiting List-list of families waitingfor financial aid.
School Readiness Certification System - The school readiness certification system is administered by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) under the Kindergarten Readiness System (KRS). It certifies the effectiveness of prekindergarten and child care programs in preparing children for kindergarten.
Workforce Solutions Parent Handbook October 2016 Page 1