LWDB Executive CommitteeMeeting Minutes
July 19, 2017
- Welcome and Introductions
Gabe Schlickau welcomed Board Members, asked for self-introductions and called the meeting to order.
- Changing of the Guard & Welcome New Board Members
Kathy Jewett’s two year term as Board Chair of the Local Workforce Investment Board (LWDB) ended on June 30, 2017. According to the terms of board member succession, Gabe Schlickau, who was the Vice Chair, is now the Chair of the LWDB with Jennifer Hughes appointed as Vice Chair. Nine new LWDB members were also introduced to the Committee. The LWDB thanks Kathy Jewett for her service as Chair and welcomes all new members.
Report was received and filed.
- Strategic Planning Process for 2018-2020 Release of Request For Proposal (RFP)
The Workforce Alliance (WA) has instituted the practice of creating two year strategic plans to direct the actions and guide the investment of resources by the WA and the LWDB. The current plan runs through 2017. As part of the strategic planning process, a consultant and facilitator is procured to help determine new strategic items. To assist in evaluating bids, it is suggested the Chair appoint a taskforce to review all proposals received. A recommended vendor will be provided to the Committee once the final ranking is completed. The WA intends on having all bids submitted by the end of August, and start strategic planning for the 2018-2020 years in September. Staff are currently creating a report for the Committee regarding the strategic items and their outcomes for the 2015-2017 years.
Mark Conway (Jewett) moved to authorize the President/CEO to release an RFP to engage a vendor to provide strategic planning facilitation services, and direct the Chair to appoint a task force to review bids. Motion Adopted.
- Policy Updates
As part of the implementation process of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), staff are updating policies relating to the LWDB to follow with the approved Bylaws. The Attendance, Nomination, and Succession policy has been revised to combine existing the existing appointment policy with the nomination and succession policy. Language and further definitions were also added to this policy. Staff also requested to remove the Process for Appointment to the Local Workforce Development Board policy as it has been combined with the previous policy.
Hughes (John Weber) moved to approve the policy changes as presented. Motion Adopted.
- Consent Agenda and Committee Reports
05.10.17 and 06.22.17 meeting minutes, budget update, and Workforce Center Operation reports were distributed to the Committee for review with no changes requested.
Hughes (Tony Naylor) moved to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Over the past months, WA staff have been completing multiple required activities in order to fully implement WIOA. One a few more activities must be addressed in order to complete the WIOA implementation process. One of these activities includes the certification of the Workforce Centers. A draft checklist was presented to the Committee that will be used during the certification process. The certification process of the Workforce Centers must be completed no later than September 30, 2017.
Naylor (Weber) moved to authorize Chair to appoint a One-Stop Certification taskforce to initiate the process to certify the Local Area IV Workforce Centers. Motion Adopted.
Additional Items
The Jobs Fore Youth Golf Tournament was held at Hidden Lakes Golf Course in June 2017. The WA was able to raise a sufficient amount from the tournament, and thanked all who attended, sponsored, and organized the tournament.
On July 26, 2017, the Workforce Centers will be hosting the State Workforce Board for their a strategy and training session.
Lee Parker, legal counsel to the Workforce Alliance since its inception and a nationally recognized expert in employment and training legislation and administrative law, has passed away. Much of the success of the Workforce Alliance can be directly attributed to Lee Parker, and he will be missed.
- Adjourn (12:30)
Present Committee Members
Gabe Schlickau, Chair
Jennifer Hughes
Mark Conway
Kathy Jewett, Immediate Past Chair
Tony Naylor
John Weber
New LWDB Members
Erica Ramos
Gay Kimble
Dave Alfaro
Keith Lawing
Katie Givens
Denise Houston
Chad Pettera
Rachel Campbell
George Marko
Wendy Inzunza
Marla Canfield, REAP
Tisha Cannizzo, Eckerd