Work Skills Traineeship Job Application Form
This job application form MUST be completed when applying for Work Skills Traineeships with Gold Coast City Council.
Part A: Vacancy DetailsPosition Title:
Vacancy Ref. No.: / Closing Date:
Part B: Applicant Details
Title: / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Miss. / Dr. / Other:
First Name:
Suburb: / State: / Postcode:
Drivers Licence: / No / Yes No.
Construction Card: / No / Yes No.
Mobile Number: / Home Phone Number:
Work Number: / Email Address:
Date of Birth:
If you are not an Australian citizen, please provide the following information:
Type of Visa: / Expiry Date:
Visa Number: / Work Eligibility: / YES / NO
Part C: Additional Info
Are you currently employed by Gold Coast City Council? / YES (you are not eligible to apply) / NO
Have you received a severance payment due to redundancy from Council in the past 12 months? / YES (you are not eligible to apply) / NO
How did you become aware of this vacancy?
GCCC Intranet / GCCC Website / Employee Referral / GC Bulletin / Courier Mail / My / Agency
LGAQ website / AWA website / Career One / LG Jobs website
Other – please specify:
Part D: Compulsory Requirements / To be eligible for an employment project you MUST be UNEMPLOYED (not working) AND identify with one of the following groups.
Priority Population Group / Definition / Evidence
Long-term unemployed / People who have not been in employment for 12 months or longer. / Self-identification by the individual.
Youth / An individual who is between 17 to 24 years of age at time of commencement of the project subject to youth participation legislation. / Date of birth.
Mature age / 45 years and older. / Date of birth
Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or South Sea Islander Peoples / Must be identified as, and be accepted by the community in which you live as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. / It is important to remember that ONLY Aboriginal people can determine who is Aboriginal and who is not.
People from a Non English Speaking Background / People from culturally and linguistically diverse communities who have migrated to Australia including migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants. EXCLUDING people on temporary work visas or their spouses, partners or dependents. / Self-identification by the individual.
Recently retrenched worker / An individual who has recently been retrenched and out of work for three months or more. / Written notification from previous employer (i.e. separation certificate).
Parent and/or carer / Parents including sole parents, with at least one dependant child, who either have been continuously unemployed for 12 months or longer or are underemployed (working less than 25 hours per week) and are currently actively seeking work; or carers who have been continuously unemployed for 12 months or longer or are underemployed. / Self-identification by the individual.
Out of trade apprentice / An individual who has recently been released as an apprentice due to the current business climate. / Written notification from previous employer (i.e. separation certificate).
People with a disability / ‘Disability’, in relation to an individual, is a condition that:
a) Is attributable to medical, psychiatric, sensory, physical, cognitive and/or learning impairment; and
b) Can reasonably be expected to be present for the duration of the traineeship; and
c) Impacts on the person’s ability to undertake training and work in the chosen traineeship; and
d) Would result in the person requiring additional training and/or work-related support services and/or modifications. / An independent assessment and verification of the criteria a) to d) by a qualified third party such as:
- Doctor (GP)
- Occupational Therapist
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist; and/or
- Suitably qualified professional
Part E: Employment Details
Period unemployed: / less than 12 months / between 12-24 months / greater than 24 months / Employed
Employment Service receiving: / not receiving benefits or assistance / Job Services Australia member / job search support / intensive support / PSP – Personal Support Program
Parental or carer allowance / DES – disability management services / DES – Employment Support Program / vocational rehabilitation service / other (please specify)
Job Service Australia provider status: / stream level 1 (limited service) / stream level 1 – 3 services / stream level 4 services / N/A
Jobless household with children: / Yes / No / N/A
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Gold Coast City Council People and CultureWork Skills Job Application Form
Part F: Suitability Statement
Mandatory qualifications / requirements – outline the compulsory requirement that is relevant to your eligibility.
Outline your need to gain the additional skills the program offers and how your current skills, experience, abilities, knowledge and personal qualities are relevant to the key responsibilities of the role, taking into account personal attributes and technical capabilities, noted in the PD (no more than two pages)
(Address each dot point under the personal attribute and technical capabilities sections within the position description. i.e. why you want to work in this industry, how you keep fit, examples of similar work/previous use of plant and equipment.)
Part G: Referee Details
Contact details:
Relationship to you
(e.g. Supervisor, Manager)
Contact details:
Relationship to you
(e.g. Supervisor, Manager)
Part H: Applicant Declaration
I certify that the information I have provided is true and correct.
Important Information: Gold Coast City Council is collecting your personal information in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 in order to ensure that all recruitment processes are dealt with on the basis of merit. The information will only be used by authorised Council officers and occasionally Recruitment Agencies acting on behalf of Council for the purpose of assessing your skills and experience against position requirements and ensuring our records are accurate. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission or we are required by law.